SuperTech Spectrum/24 PDQ+
The SuperTech Spectrum/24 PDQ+ card is a 12" NuBus card compatible with 680x0- and PowerPC-based Macs running up to Mac OS 8.1. It may be compatible with higher versions of the Mac OS, but no information for Mac OS 8.5-8.6 is available at this time, and it's doubtful that the card is compatible with Mac OS 9.
Acceleration/Resolution/Colour Support
The card provides standard QuickDraw acceleration and supports the following resolution/color combinations:
- 512 x 384 up to 24-bit
- 640 x 480 up to 24-bit
- 640 x 870 up to 24-bit
- 832 x 624 up to 24-bit
- 1024 x 768 (at 60 or 75 Hz) up to 24-bit
- 1152 x 870 up to 24-bit
- 1152 x 882 up to 24-bit
- 1152 x 910 up to 24-bit
It also supports SuperMac fixed-frequency 19", 20", and 21" monitors.
Links to Radius and SuperMac software on Gamba's site.