Macs* . Portables . Centris
& Quadra . Classified
*from Mac Plus to
68030-based desktops
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Here's the
Straight Scoop on 56k Modems
Some years ago there was an
ezine called Low End User. It merged with another 'zine a couple
years back. Having recently acquired a Mac II, LC, and LC II, I've
decided to resurrect the idea. But instead of a 'zine, The New Low
End Mac User is a web site. (This site and its name were inspired
by LEU. There is no other relationship between the two.)
The New Low End Mac User
is dedicated to users of pre-PowerPC Macs from the Mac Plus of 1986
(8MHz 68000, first Mac with 1MB RAM, first with SCSI interface) to the
vast assortment of Quadras, LCs, and PowerBooks.
Speed on the
FreeMac Classifieds
Buy and sell used "low end"
Macs and accessories. For details, click
rules! These are some great resources.
- MacKiDo Temple and computer
- MacInTouch, MacFixIt, and MacInsider will keep you up to
- Mac Tip of the Week by "The
Macintosh Guy of Portland."
- Low End User, archive of
the ezine.
- Apple Computer makes the worlds best
- Claris
- ClarisWorks, the world's best
integrated software program.
- Claris Emailer, a great
program to manage one or more e-mail accounts.
- Claris Home Page, the software
I used to design my entire web site.
- Iomega makes the Zip! and Jaz
- Connectix, makes RAM Doubler (which
triples RAM) and Speed Doubler.
- CE Software, makes the indispensable
QuicKeys, now optimized for Power Mac.
- Eudora, makes Eudora Light, a great
freeware e-mail reader.
- Address Book, a
great little program for storing addresses, printing envelopes,
- Make the world a slightly
better place by promoting the Macintosh. Join EvangeList, Guy Kawasaki's mailing list of good news
about Apple, Macintosh, and third-party Mac developers. To subscribe,
send an e-mail to: <listproc@solutions.apple.com>
and include in the body of the message the text:
Subscribe Macway
<Your Name>

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to this page since April 10, 1997.
This page and site
©1997 by Daniel Knight. Page updated June 18, 1997.
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