1999 – I just purchased a PowerBook Duo 270c from a friend of mine for $100. I am able to network it with my newer computer, but I would like to get this PowerBook online on its own. What kind of modem should I purchase? I also need an external floppy drive.
First of all, congratulations on getting such a good deal! The PowerBook Duo 270c usually goes on eBay for around $175. But on to your question.

PowerBook Duo in a DuoDock.
To do everything you want to accomplish, you’re going to need a DuoDock. You have two options: the DuoDock or the DuoDock II. Either one will come with the full complement of desktop ports (modem, printer, SCSI) and a 1.44 MB floppy disk drive.
The DuoDock II comes with some more features, including a 68882 math coprocessor, a Level 2 cache, an optional second hard drive, and NuBus slots. The Duo Dock II will also support your Duo 270c’s color screen. From what I see on eBay, you can get a decent DuoDock for about $30.
You will also need an external monitor, an external modem, a keyboard, and a mouse. The keyboard and mouse will not be a big expense, and if you keep your eye out for a good deal on the monitor, you could get into a workable one for $50 to $75. Modems will not be expensive – you can often pick up a 33.6 kbps modem on eBay for around $30.
Believe it or not, I’m not a paid endorser for eBay! :) There are other sites out there where old Mac parts can be found, as well as newsgroups.
Keywords: #powerbookduo #duodock
Short link: http://goo.gl/27wfT1