The Mac TV is pretty much a black LC 550 with a built-in TV tuner and a remote control for the TV portion of the computer. It has 4 MB soldered on the motherboard and comes from the factory with a 1 MB 72-pin SIMM in its only memory socket. Mac TV only had one upgrade option.
The motherboard slides out of the back of the computer. Looking at the motherboard with the edge connector to the rear, you will see one SIMM socket on the left side of the board. To upgrade from 5 MB to 8 MB, remove the 1 MB SIMM and replace it with a 4 MB SIMM (80ns or faster).
This is the only memory expansion option available to Mac TV owners.

Mac TV page from Apple Memory Guide.
Keywords: #mactv #macintoshtv
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searchword: mactvmemoryupgrade