The Meaning of XP

Twenty-one ways to interpret XP.

  1. Windows eXPerience: Windows will take you for a ride
  2. Windows Xperimental Pocket-sucker
  3. Windows eXPert needed here
  4. Windows eXPensive
  5. Windows will Xamine your Personal data
  6. Windows will then Xamine your Purse
  7. Windows is Xcellent at Propagating itself
  8. Windows: the eXtraneous Program
  9. Windows eXPectorate
  10. Windows eXPatriate
  11. Windows: the Gates taX imPerium
  12. Windows taXes my Patience
  13. Win Does aX for Payment
  14. Windows: the X is the sPot where you put the money
  15. Windows has Xtra Perniciousness
  16. Windows Xtra Pressure
  17. Windows: Xtremely Pugnacious
  18. Windows: Xtremely Pervasive
  19. Windows: Xtremely Perverse
  20. Windows: Xtremely Persnickity
  21. Windows: Xtremely Paranoid

I’m sure after reading this, some red-faced genius will be inspired to substitute the Mac OS for Windows in the list above, gleefully pointing out there’s an X in our favorite operating system’s name. Then they’ll copy the list and do the substitution for us and post it on Slashdot or someplace.

But then again, copying is what Windows is all about, isn’t it?

Keywords: #windowsxp

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