Sometimes it is the simplest things in the tech world, that make things easier. This time it is the Reader feature of iOS Safari.
I love reading articles on my iPhone, but its screen size doesn’t always make it the best for viewing. I don’t always have my MacBook to hand and don’t intend on purchasing an iPad just for a larger screen. I’ve been an iPhone owner for a couple of years, but I only stumbled across this feature in the past few months – and now I use it daily.
What Is It?
Loading up a web page on your iPhone and the text size and position can vary. While Apple revolutionised the mobile web world with the Safari browser – bringing a full web experience to a small screen, it does mean it can be hard to read without zooming in and out.
Once your page has fully loaded, you will see Reader in the address bar, a feature introduced in iOS 5.
Simply press it, and it strips out the formatting, the colours, and the frames and places all the text in readable format, with bigger text size. If it isn’t big enough for you, you can increase the text size.
If you don’t see it on a certain page, it means it won’t work with that page – generally on sites such as forums.

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