Until 2001, September 11 was just another day on the calendar. The unexpected terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center shocked us and had us glued to the news throughout the day. Except for the heroes and newscasters, almost all of us stopped what we were doing, watching in shock and horror and admiration as buildings were attacked – and America’s finest did all they could to save as many as possible.
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In the days the followed, we tried to put the events of 9-11 in perspective. We shared our thoughts here on Low End Mac, even though they really had nothing to do with Macs. This is our forum; this is our community.
Today we look back at those events as well as the changes that have taken place since then. It’s not the same world we woke up to on 9-11-2001.
- Dan Knight, publisher, Low End Mac
2001 Articles
- 9/11, Dan Knight’s Soapbox, 09.12. The terrorists have succeeded in their goal of sowing terror in America.
- Class act, Mac web, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 09.12. Kudos to the Mac-related websites that suspended Mac news to help us focus on Tuesday’s terrorist attack.
- Reflections, Matthew Urban, Matt’s Mac, 09.13. Reflections on the terrorist attack and the need to move forward.
- Why can’t we be friends?, Eric Schwarz, The Power of Mac, 09.13. A student’s response to Tuesday’s terrorist attacks.
- Tech Week in Review, Chris Lawson, Tech Reflections, 09.14. Rants about juvenile and self-serving responses to the terrorist attack.
- “It can’t happen here”, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 09.14. We know better now – it can happen here.
- How should the U.S. respond?, Michel Munger, My Turn, 09.14. The U.S. does not stand alone in the war against terrorism.
- The new ‘normal’, Dan Knight’s Soapbox, 09.17. It’s time to consider mandatory national service to build a stronger America.
- Visions of the Past: A historical perspective on peace and war, Michael Munger, My Turn, 09.19. “War and enemies are like the flu. We fight them and win, but they always come back….”
- Service and freedom, Dan Knight’s Soapbox, 09.20. A second look at mandatory national service to build a stronger America.
- The past is not an abstraction, Chris Lozaga, My Turn, 09.21. Lasting peace comes from strength, not just good intentions.
- Think different about justice, Victor Panlilio, My Turn, 09.26. Justice calls for the terrorists to be found and tried for crimes against humanity in the same way that the Nazis were tried at the end of World War II.
2002 Articles
- United We Stand, Dan Knight, 09.11. It’s not one world, but the events of 9-11 have strengthened our identity as Americans.
- Dueling Civilizations: Islam and the West, Charles W. Moore, 09.11. “A failure of Western reality perception is the notion that Islam can be reasoned with.”