The Quadra 605 (and its twins, the LC 475 and Performa 475/476) has 4 MB of RAM soldered to the motherboard and a single 72-pin SIMM socket for memory expansion. It supports up to 36 MB of system memory.
With the rear of the computer away from you, you will see a SIMM socket just behind the fan, running from the front of the computer to the rear. This can be filled with a 1 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB or 128 MB SIMM. The 72-pin SIMM must be 80ns or faster.
Apple has not certified the 605/475 with 64 MB or 128 MB SIMMs, since they were introduced after the computer. Field reports indicate that some 64 MB SIMMs do work with single-banked modules, but not double-banked ones. These models may also be compatible with 128 MB SIMMs, but that has not been verified.

Quadra 605 page from Apple Memory Guide.
To add memory, simply put the new SIMM in the RAM socket.
VRAM, Where More Memory Means Less Speed
The Quadra 605 ships with 512 KB VRAM, two 256 KB VRAM SIMMs. You can upgrade this to 1 MB by replacing the 256 KB VRAM SIMMs with 512 KB VRAM SIMMs.
Keywords: #quadra605 #maclc475 #performa475 #performa476
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