This wallpaper has been around for a while, and has seen multiple iterations of the same design depending on the color of the machine. This wallpaper is updated to reflect the new color of the new MacBook Air, so it matches. The wallpaper was first reported on and appeared on 9to5Mac, which can be navigated to here. As you can see on the thumbnail on the left (or if you stood further away from the screen), it says the word “air”.
See below: 720px wide wallpaper preview. Click here or below the image for full 6016 x 6016 image.
Or, you may download this image as a zip file (5.6 MB).
(Click for full resolution)
M4 MacBook Air Photo and Icon Gallery
This wallpaper will be added to and made available on the Photo and Icon gallery page for the M4 MacBook Air.