1999: Last year’s Bondi blue iMac inspired a host of consumer products in similar color schemes: dust busters, irons, pagers, and even a special version of GameBoy.
Was there any question that the “Life Savers” collection introduced in January would do the same?
Sunday’s Target flyer made it clear that translucent colors and consumer electronics are here to stay.
And not just any colors, but four of the iMac’s five fruity flavors: lime, blueberry, strawberry (which Target calls watermelon), and grape.
At prices of $9.99 to $39.99, these could be some of the least expensive color coordinated devices to keep near your iMac – a slim phone, a personal CD player, a caller ID box, a cordless phone, and a camera.
Not only have these colors caught on for consumer electronics, but blueberry and tangerine seem to be the hot fashion colors for tech vests this Fall.
The iMac and iBook are shaping trends outside the computer industry.
keywords: #hiphues