Jonathan Ploudre first started using Macs in 1991 with a Mac IIsi. He’s a technophile who especially enjoys making things usable. He’s a Family Doctor in Mount Vernon, WA, where he lives with his wife and three girls. He wrote for Low End Mac from May 2000 through Sept. 2002.
- Serving on Mac OS X, 2002.09.17. The benefits of serving Web pages on OS X and first steps in setting up your Mac.
- The Value of Voodoo Video, 2001.12.04. Why an inexpensive Voodoo3 video card can be a real boon for low-end PCI Power Macs and clones.
- The Digital Lifestyle: Pictures, 2001.11.28. The advantages and disadvantages of dealing with digital cameras and digital pictures.
- The Digital Lifestyle: Text, 2001.11.20. The advantages and disadvantages of dealing with digital text.
- Abandoning the Low End, 2001.11.13. Thoughts on retiring a faithful Quadra and going 100% Power Mac.
- Linux: The Tragic flaw?, 2001.09.11. Why open source can be both a blessing and a curse.
- Low End Linux?, 2001.09.04. Why Mac OS X isn’t a low-end solution, but Linux can be.
- The Paperless Office, 2001.08.22. Part of the reason the paperless office failed – and why it might succeed today.
- Point One Shootout, 2001.08.14. With OS X 10.1 due in September, a look back at Apple’s other ‘point one’ releases.
- Palm Power, 2001.08.07. The power of the Palm as a pervasive database that fits in your pocket.
- A Revolutionary Database, 2001.07.31. How Quicken can help you make better financial decisions.
- Revolutions and Participation, 2001.07.24. The only real revolutions are ones we participate in.
- The Fastest Mac, 2001.07.17. Computers may achieve 100 GHz in coming years, but we’ve had some very fast Macs along the way, too.
- Silent Computing, 2001.07.10. Not just quiet computing – how to achieve silent computing.
- Celebrating 80 MB Hard Drives, 2001.05.28. “How much space is 80 MB? Well, the answer depends on your perspective.”
- Click Different with FinderPop for the Classic Mac OS, 2001.05.22. FinderPop provides powerful control over contextual menus.
- Software Subscriptions and Value, 2001.05.21. A look at Microsoft, software licensing, Macs, and value.
- The Under-rated Power Mac 5400, 2001.05.14. “Probably the biggest attraction of a 5400/120 is the price. They regularly go for under $100 on eBay.”
- NeXT: Apple’s Right Choice, 2001.05.07. Why Choosing NeXT Instead of Be was the Right Move for Apple.
- Using BeOS on a Power Mac, 2001.04.30. BeOS is inexpensive and easy to install. Why you might want to try it.
- User Interface: Mac vs. BeOS, 2001.04.23. Be had the opportunity to make a better interface than Apple.
- BeOS and BFS, 2001.04.20. “BeOS does things a bit differently than the Mac OS or some other OSes.”
- BeOS or NeXT: Did Apple Make the Wrong Choice?, 2001.04.16. Did Be really have the better operating system for the PowerPC?
- Home Network Throughput, 2001.04.09. Yes, a Quadra really can make an excellent server on your home network. Here’s how.
- PowerBook Value, 2001.04.02. A PowerBook may be perfect for you, or there may be better values.
- What’s Right with PowerBooks, 2001.03.26. PowerBooks pioneered and perfected sleep, SCSI/FireWire disk mode, and AirPort.
- What’s Wrong with PowerBooks, 2001.03.19. PowerBooks overpromise on portability and real world desktop replacement.
- Comparing High-end PowerBooks, 2001.03.12. The best used value is often the high-end model, not the less costly one.
- Zero Click Web Surfing, 2001.03.05. How many clicks or keystrokes did it take you to get to this page?
- Mac Network Appliance: Sound and Pictures, 2001.02.26. How to set up an older Mac to serve photos over your home network.
- Mac Network Appliance: Make Your Own MP3 Server, 2001.02.19. How to set up an older Mac to serve MP3 files over your computer network.
- Optimizing Mac Software, 2000.07.20. Setting the right preferences can make your software work more efficiently.
- Picking Fast Software, 2000.07.13. All software is not created equal: some programs let you work more efficiently.
- 3 User Accelerators, 2000.07.06. Three tips to improve the Macintosh experience.
- Web Browsing with Espy, 2000.06.29. How to use Apple’s Espy font as your default typeface.
- Bottlenecks: What is Your Mac’s Slowest Component?, 2000.06.22. The slowest part of your computer system could be – you.
- Speed Reconsidered, 2000.06.15. Perceived speed is what counts. Sometimes an old Mac can be faster than a new one.
- Using the Espy Font, 2000.06.09. “Choosing a favorite font is sort of like choosing a favorite flavor of ice cream….”
- Macintosh System Fonts, 2000.06.01. A look at the fonts Apple has included with the OS over the years.
- A History of Font Technologies, 2000.05.25. All about bit-mapped, Postscript, TrueType fonts, and anti-aliasing.
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