2002 – Here are four free (not shareware) programs you might find handy when teaching math, physical science, astronomy, or biology. Everything works under Mac OS X either natively or in Classic Mode except as noted. Enjoy!
Monthly Archives: February 2002
2002: As mentioned in my previous article, Apple has been attracting the attention of the mainstream press with its latest iMac. The gushing is much deserved, and hopefully, more people will see Apple in a different light.
If Mac users made bumper stickers, continued.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” – Lord Acton
2002 – Having had some time to reflect on my experience with the flat-panel iMac G4 at Macworld Expo, I have come up with five ways to improve the product which range from the impractical to the irresistible.
2002 – I’ve spend a few more days working in and out of Mac OS X 10.1 Puma. I sometimes ask myself why I’m doing this. It is just to be on the cutting edge, just so I can be familiar with OS X, just to attract readers (you seem to love articles about OS X), or for […]
2002 – One of the things that limits the ability of semiconductor manufacturers to make large chips is the nature of optics.
2002: Is it just me, or is Apple making waves with its latest round of products? It seems every time I turn to Wired there’s an Apple story somewhere on the main page.
2002 – Let me be right up front and state that it’s going to be a while before I stop booting into Mac OS 9.x to get my work done. I’ve developed habits that depend on classic Mac features like a series of popup windows at the bottom of my screen and being able to […]
I’ve been using ramBunctious for years and have mentioned it several times in my writing, but I never got around to writing a review until now. Why now? Because as I migrate to Mac OS X, I have to leave ramBunctious behind. I will miss it – a lot.
2002: As noted elsewhere today, I’ve been using ramBunctious, a classic Mac OS RAM Disk program, for years. Although it works in Classic Mode under Mac OS X, the RAM disks it creates are inaccessible to OS X, so I’ve retired a real workhorse program.