Apple reinvented Apple TV in Late 2015, no longer hiding the fact that it has an operating system. The 4G Apple TV has a 64-bit A8 CPU and a full-fledge operating system, known as tvOS. It’s also designed to run games and includes Siri.

4G Apple TV supports many channels of content.
The new Apple TV ships with either 32 GB or 64 GB of storage with a retail price of $149 and $199 respectively. For the price conscious who don’t need all the new features, the old Apple TV remains available for a very affordable $69.
The last time Apple reinvented Apple TV was in 2010, eliminating the built-in hard drive and turning it into a small black box for streaming video. (The original 2007 Apple TV can stream as well as store video.)
The 2010 model (2nd generation) is less than 4″ square, 1″ tall, and uses the same Apple A4 processor found in the original iPad, iPhone 4, and iPod touch. It supports AirPlay and resolutions to 720p. In 2012, Apple moved Apple TV to a single-core Apple A5 CPU and added 1080p support, giving us the 3rd generation version.
You can use Apple TV to watch videos rented from the iTunes Store, as well as for streaming Netflix – it’s a lot less expensive than a Wii, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3. As with the previous Apple TV, you can also stream photos, music, and videos from your Mac.
Best New Apple TV Prices
- 3G, $90 shipped,
Unless otherwise noted, there is no surcharge for credit card purchases, and shipping is usually (but not always) included. Vendors are listed in alphabetical order.
Prices may be limited to quantity on hand. Not responsible for typos. Please email any corrections or additional sources with competitive prices to .
Buying through some of these links benefits Low End Mac. Buying at these prices benefits you.
New, Open Box, and Demo
Free Priority Mail shipping. MacMall collects sales tax on orders shipped to CA, IL, MN, TN, and WI.
- 3G, $64.99 shipped
- 4G, 32 GB, $144.99 shipped
- 4G, 64 GB, $199 shipped
Free ground shipping.
- 3G, $69.95 shipped
- 4G, 32 GB, $148.95 shipped
- 4G, 64 GB, $198.95 shipped
Small Dog Electronics
Flat rate $4.99 ground shipping.
- 3G, $69.99
- 4G, 32 GB, $149.99
- 4G, 64 GB, $199.99
Used and Store Refurbished
- 1G, 40 GB, from $90
- 1G, 160 GB, from $99
Unless you’re wed to a hard-drive based Apple TV, there’s no value in picking up a 1G Apple TV.
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