Low End Mac’s Site Structure

In nearly 21 years of existence, Low End Mac has been through a lot of changes. We originally had a very flat structure – files in the root level and one level down with folders for compact Macs, Mac II series, and LC series. And that structure kept getting broader and broader as we added […]

Writing Tech News for Low End Mac

We’re trying to do something different with tech news: no rumors, no reprinted press releases, no minor software update notices, and nothing based solely on a third-hand report. We take our tech news seriously.

Low End Mac’s Brand and Spelling Guide

A style guide is where you turn when you’re not sure how to spell, capitalize, or punctuate a word or name. This is presented as a public service to Mac webmasters, who should feel free to contribute additions and suggest changes.

Writing in WordPress

WordPress is a widely-used content management system (CMS) used by many blogs and websites, and it’s the CMS we’ve implemented at Low End Mac. After nearly 16 years of writing, editing, creating HTML pages, and uploading them from my Macs, everything is much more automated with WordPress.