March 22 in Low End Mac History
Mar. 21 - Mar. 23
- Macs and digital video,
Charlie Ruggiero, Mac Daniel. Starts out looking at video editing
on Macs, then examines various video formats. A good read if you're
at all interested in video editing or buying a camcorder.
- My Performa, take 2, Matthew
Urban, Matt's Mac. The value equation: upgrading is a whole lot
cheaper than buying an iMac.
- Having fun at CompUSA, Joseph
Rosensteel, My Turn. The trials of Mac users trying to get help at
- 75 Mac Advantages, part 3, Jeff
Adkins, Mac Lab Report. QuickTime, 3D graphics, virtual reality,
desktop video, color matching, and speed capabilities.
- Don't try this at home,
Beverly Woods, Acoustic Mac. Third party software, partitioning an
iMac's hard drive, and recovering from the ensuing disaster.
- A brief history of portable
computing, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive. A brief history of
portable computing, from the Osborne 1 to the iceBook and
- WildEeps TiBook Screen Cushions,
466 MHz G3 Upgrade for PB 1400, MacVCD X 4.0, and More,
Charles Moore. WildEepz, G3/466 upgrade for 1400, cases, Amazon
deals, ThinkFree Office, bargain 'Books (including some Canadian
deals), and more
- Symantec's self-serving ravings
spread fear, uncertainty, doubt about OS X security, Dan
Knight, Mac Musings. "Are the folks at Symantec performing a public
service or merely spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt?"
- Just because Apple doesn't list it
doesn't mean your cell phone won't iSync, Jeff Adkins, Mac Lab
Report. The new cell phone wasn't listed on Apple's website, but
connect the cable, fire up iSync, and voilĂ !
- This time around,
Apple upgrades are evolutionary, not revolutionary, Alan Zisman,
Zis Mac. New MacBook Pro models and the iPad 2 offer more than before,
but not enough to replace last year's versions.
- Safari 4.1.3 for
Tiger revisited and redeemed, Charles W Moore, Charles Moore's
Mailbag. The drive noise issue noted last week eventually went away,
and Moore is now working with Safari as the default browser on his
Pismo PowerBooks.
- Using your iPad
as a writing tool, John Hatchett, Recycled Computing. The onscreen
keyboard is adequate for short notes, but a real keyboard is better.
Notes is an okay word processor, but there are better options.
Mar. 21 - Mar. 23
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