Welcome to Low End PC
We believe in the long term value of older PCs. You should be able to use your equipment as long as it helps you remain productive and doesn't get in the way of your daily needs, upgrading it as necessary or eventually looking for a replacement. Our goal is to help you maximize the life of your PC gear.
- Windows 7 vs. Ubuntu 12.04 on a 2005 ThinkPad, 2012.07.09. Windows eats up more memory and has more consistent frame rates, while free Ubuntu is less memory hungry and easy to use.
- My Experiences with the Lenovo ThinkPad X120e, 2012.06.22. When his 13" MacBook Pro died, Alex Barnes replaced it with a $400 ThinkPad, which he says is no slouch.
- Keep Your PC Cool by Replacing Its Thermal Compound, 2012.06.15. Over time, thermal paste dries out and becomes less effective. Replacing it keeps you computer cool, thus increasing its life.
- Swapless: Disabling Virtual Memory in Ubuntu, 2012.05.14. A slow hard drive slows virtual memory, and virtual memory can reduce the life of flash memory, so you may want to turn it off.
- ThinkPad X41 Revived, 2012.05.09. The ThinkPad X41 converts from a laptop to a tablet. More memory and Compact Flash gave this one a new lease on life.
- Pixels and Points, Screens and Paper, 2003.02.26. What you see on the screen corresponds to what you get on the printed page. A brief history of points, pixels, and the changing face of computer displays.
- Value and Cost: With a PC, You Get What You Pay For, 2003.02.26. With the right choices, your PC can be easy to upgrade and avoid becoming a doorstop.
- Networking 101, 2003.02.10. Networking is something everyone with two or more computers should know about.
- Deliver Us From Evil: Thoughts on Computer Self Defense, 2003.01.16. Should you have the right to take active steps to stop a computerized attack on your computer system?
- Why We Need Anti-Spam Legislation, 2003.01.02. Unlike rain, sending spam is a human behavior which can and should be covered by law.
- More links in our editorial archive.
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