SETI@home Weekly UpdateJune 26, 2000 Updates from SETI@home have been few and far between. As of Friday, the most recent update was from Tuesday - not worth comparing with the previous week's stats. The same goes for Saturday. However, the did update the club team stats on Sunday; those are the figures used here. This week one team joined the Top 25, one moved down a step, and Team Quebec dropped off the list to #26. Changes are color coded: red text for hot teams that have climbed in the standings, blue for those that have cooled and dropped in the standings. Team 6100, the slowest part of Team Mac Observer (it's only for unaccelerated Power Mac 6100s) has seven members. We've now completed over 65 units and are averaging 12 units per week. Key tools in this anaysis are the SETI@home team statistics page, the SETI Checker program (which visually graphs recent weeks for team performance), and Dave's Stats, which cover the whole SETI@home project, as well as the team he's part of, The Knights Who Say Ni! This week, daily averages are taken from his "All Teams" page, since it was updated on Sunday, while his club teams page has not been updated since last Tuesday. In the following analysis, data in the second column comes from the SETI statistics page. Information in the third column comes from my analysis and Dave's Stats, which is my source for the average recent work units per day (because the stats have not been updated since Wednesday, we're using Wednesday's averages). Note that this is a volatile figure which can change a fair bit from day to day, especially as members join or leave a team and bring their work units with them. This week's stats are archived. You can also view weekly reports from April 14, April 21, April 28, May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26, June 2, June 10, and June 16. |
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1. Team Art Bell. The undisputed leader among club teams, Lamb Chop should overtake them this summer. |
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2. Team Ars Technica Lamb Chop continued gaining on Team Art Bell and could overtake them in mid-August. |
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3. Team MacAddict is the top Mac team. |
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4. The Knights Who Say Ni! are a long ways behind Team MacAddict and slowly closing the gap. |
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5. The Planetary Society remains in 5th place. |
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6. Team Slashdot is still in 6th place. |
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7. SETI.Germany has a pretty firm hold on 7th place for now. They should pass Team Slashdot late this summer. |
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8. O'Grady's Team is the second highest Mac team and not expected to rise in the standings. |
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9. Canada remains at 9. Dave's stats project them passing O'Grady's team around Labour Day. |
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10. Rounding out the Top 10 is Linux, had one day where they lost over 1,000 work units. |
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11. SETI@Netherlands, continues plugging away. Dave's stats indicate they could pass the Linux team toward the end of July. |
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12. OS/2 Warp is holding steady. |
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13. SETI Switzerland continues solid work, but isn't gaining. |
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14. Team NIPPON is expected to drop to #15 sometime next week when Team Mac Observer passes them. |
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15. Team Mac Observer passed Team User Friendly on June 20 and should pass Team NIPPON around July 10. |
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16. Team User Friendly was passed by Team Mac Observer on June 20. |
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17. Team Lockergnome remains in 17th place. |
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18. FreeBSD is losing ground to the Poles. |
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19. SETI@Home Poland continues gaining on FreeBSD and should pass them mid-July. |
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20. Team BeOS rounds out the Top 20, trailing SETI@Home Poland by over 6,000 units. |
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Just below the Top 20 we have: | |||
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22. Forum Hardware.FR Team moves from 28 to enter the Top 25. Expect them to move into the Top 20 very soon and keep climbing. |
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25. Yahoo SETI Club Team remains at #25 but may soon fall off the Top 25 list. |
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Remember all this is based on a fairly simple mathematical model that is thrown off by significant defections or additions to a team's stats. Dave and I have been corresponding to develop a model that will create more reliable predictions. That's how the top team standings look this week on the
SETI@home club team page. Come back next Friday for another
update. (And if you'd like to join a team, I'd like to see
you join Team
Mac Observer.) Recent articles about SETI@home
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