Mac notebook and other portable computing is covered
in The 'Book Review, and general Mac
news is in Mac News Review.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
Apps & Services
iPod and iPhone Deals
These price trackers are updated regularly.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
iPhone 3GS Tops Consumer Reports Smartphone
Reports says:
"The iPhone 3GS tops our new smart-phone Ratings (available to
subscribers), with strong performance in everything but voice quality,
an area in which few phones score well. It's not a runaway winner,
though. A number of other phones ranked close to the iPhone, including
the Palm Pre, which turned in a fine performance, as we expected from
our head-to-head review of these two highly publicized rivals."
iPhone 3GS Tops New Smart Phone Ratings, Edging Out Palm Pre
Smartphone Deathmatch: iPhone vs. Pre
The Register's
Rik Myslewski reports:
"Two top-of-the-line smartphones were released in June: the Palm Pre
and the iPhone 3GS. If you're eyeing them, you'll have to choose one or
the other - no one in their right mind owns more than one smartphone.
So which one is worthy of your pocket or purse?
"To answer this question - and since it can be easily argued that
I'm not in my right mind - I got one of each. For the past couple of
weeks, I've been bouncing between them, hammering on their hardware,
slapping about their apps, and generally using them as their designers
intended: as phone-call handlers, email senders, message messagers,
webpage viewers, pocket-sized entertainment centers, and the like.
"And now I'm ready to tell you which one you should buy."
Link: iPhone
v Pre - The Celebrity Smartphone Deathmatch
HackBook Useless Now Thanks to iPhone 3GS
Wired's Brian X. Chen
"After a mere nine months, I'm dumping my Hackintosh netbook
. . . by far the shortest relationship I've ever had with any
of my gadgets . . . Oddly enough, the puny, low-powered
computer didn't fit into my lifestyle. And my recent purchase of an
iPhone 3GS made the netbook completely lose relevance.
"Allow me to explain...."
Link: So Long,
HackBook: You're Useless Now Thanks to iPhone 3GS
iPhone 3GS Users Report Slow/Inconsistent WiFi
TUAW's David Winograd reports:
"A number of iPhone 3GS owners have reported slow and inconsistent
data speeds, along with widely varying amounts of signal strength, when
using Wi-Fi."
iPhone 3GS Users Report Slow or Inconsistent Wi-Fi Connections
Powerful Flaw with the iPhone 3GS's Battery
The China Post
"The new, high-octane iPhone 3GS is loaded with features that could
light up your life - but its battery isn't one of them.
"Buyers are finding that the phone, introduced two weeks ago, has
trouble making it through a work day without a rest stop at the
electrical outlet. It's proving to be something of an Achilles' heel on
Apple Inc.'s flagship device, more than 1 million of which were sold in
the first weekend."
Editor's note: One option is a third-party external battery, such as
the $45 QuickerTek one covered below, which triples
battery life. dk
A Powerful Flaw with the Latest iPhone 3GS's Battery - Report
How to Replace a Cracked iPhone 3G Screen
Tidbits' Jeff
Carlson says:
"Since having a child last year, my wife and I often find ourselves
confirming that gravity does, in fact, continue to function well. Our
toddler trips, sits down abruptly, and drops things from all heights as
one would expect from someone still figuring out how her body is
"You can see where this is going.
"One day recently, my daughter reached for something shiny and
swiped the corner of my wife's iPhone 3G, spinning it off the table and
onto one of its corners against the floor."
Link: How
to Replace a Cracked iPhone 3G Screen
Apple Stores Can Replace iPhone Displays While You
Apple Blog's Chris Ryan reports that with an increasing number of
iPhones in need of repair, the good news for consumers is, the majority
of those repairs can now be done by your local Genius Bar.
Apple Stores Can Now Replace iPhone Displays While You Wait
Phone 3GS Stop-Motion Take Apart Video
PR: All shiny things must be taken apart. TechRestore has
posted a stop-motion disassembly video of the new iPhone 3GS. The video
shows all internal parts of the iPhone as well as a complete take apart
and reassembly by a TechRestore gaming Technician.
Almost a million people have viewed TechRestore's videos that
show various consumer electronic devices, MacBooks, iPhones, and iPods
being taken apart and worked on by a TechRestore Technician. The videos
are enjoyed and used by viewers all over the world that want to learn
more about their gadgets. The iPhone 3GS video joins our video library
that includes stop-motion take apart of the ModBook, Nintendo DSI,
Kindle 1 & 2, MacBook Air, Apple TV, PSP, and more. All the videos
can be found at TechRestore's YouTube
channel. In addition, all videos are available for download from
the TechRestore Download center. We hope you enjoy the video as much as
we enjoyed making it.
TechRestore performs repairs and upgrades on MacBook, MacBook Pro,
PowerBook, and iBook computers. In addition, our consumer electronics
division performs overnight repair on iPhone, iPod Classic, iPod touch,
iPod Video, iPod Nano, Sony PSP, and other gaming systems. Our network
of over 2000 local pickup locations offers convenient pick up of your
product in your neighborhood. TechRestore is certified by and follows
the strict guidelines of the Bureau of Electronics Repair and all
TechRestore technicians are highly trained and many carry advanced
electronics degrees.
Created out of a passion for the products we sell and service,
TechRestore brings together an unmatched repair and product expertise
team to provide repairs, upgrades & recoveries for mobile devices
such as Mac & PC laptops, iPods, iPhones, and PSP's. With more than
20-years of experience providing award winning solutions for our
customers, we've still kept our sense of wonder about how fortunate we
are to work with these fantastic products and people each day.
TechRestore customers can rest assured that while their products may
fail them, TechRestore never will.
Link: TechRestore
Newest Macworld iPhone and iPod touch Superguide
Covers 3.0 Software and iPhone 3GS
Macworld has announced the release of "Macworld's iPhone and iPod touch
Superguide, Third Edition," the latest addition to its popular
Superguide series. This book is one of the very first iPhone guides to
be completely updated for the iPhone 3.0 software update and the iPhone
3GS that were released last month.
In this 172-page book, Macworld
editors offer the latest advice and top tips for mastering the first
generation iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the iPod touch. Macworld
released the latest version of the iPhone Superguide just four months
ago. But after the release of the new 3.0 software update, and the
iPhone 3GS, Macworld's editors went right back to work and updated the
book cover to cover.
"In the Apple world, a constant pace of innovation means that if you
snooze, you lose," said Jason Snell, VP/Editorial Director of Macworld.
"That's why we buckled down and updated this book in record time."
"Macworld's iPhone and iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition" covers
everything an iPhone or iPod touch owner needs to know, including:
- How to quickly master the new iPhone 3GS and the 3.0 software
- Ways to save time with new, classic, and hidden shortcuts
- The best methods for syncing data and media - including all types
of video files
- Solving common iPhone and iPod touch hiccups with easy-to-follow
troubleshooting advice
- Recommendations for the coolest accessories and third-party apps to
protect and enhance the iPhone or iPod touch
"Macworld's iPhone and iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition" is an
indispensable resource for both Mac and PC users. It's available in two
formats: as a downloadable PDF for immediate access for $12.95 or on CD
for easy offline storage for $12.95 (includes shipping and handling).
All versions are available now. To see the Table of Contents and to get
a taste of what the book has to offer, go to
(High-resolution cover image available upon request.)
"Macworld's iPhone and iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition" is the
16th release in the Superguide series. Other Superguides currently
available for sale include:
Link: Macworld's iPhone and iPod
touch Superguide, Third Edition
University of Florida's PharmD Program to Require
iPod touch
Katie Marsal reports:
"The University of Florida is the second school in as many months to
announce that students enrolling in one of its curriculums this fall
will be required to own either an iPhone or iPod touch, highlighting an
increasing role for Apple's multi-touch devices in higher
"'All entering PharmD students must have a iPod touch (or iPhone)
and a computer meeting minimum UF and College of Pharmacy (COP)
requirements,' the university said on its College of Pharmacy
For the full report visit here:
University of Florida's PharmD Program to Require iPod touch
Keeping iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS within Acceptable
Operating Temperatures
A new Apple Knowledge Base
article explains about the operating temperatures and temperature
management of iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, noting you should operate
iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS in a place where the temperature is between
0º and 35º C (32º to 95º F). Low- or
high-temperature conditions might temporarily shorten battery life or
cause the device to temporarily stop working properly.
Store iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS in a
place where the temperature is between -20º and 45º C
(-4º to 113º F). Don't leave the device in your car, because
temperatures in parked cars can exceed this range.
If the interior temperature of the device exceeds normal operating
temperatures, you may experience the following as it attempts to
regulate its temperature:
- The device stops charging
- Display dims
- Weak cellular signal
- Temperature warning screen appears with the message "iPhone needs
to cool down before you can use it"
This message appears when the operating temperature has become too
hot. This is a safety mechanism that protects the components of your
device. If this message appears, you should turn the device off, move
it to a cooler environment, and allow it to cool before resuming
Note: When this message appears, the device may still be able to
make emergency calls.
Some conditions and activities that may activate the Temperature
warning message:
- Leaving the device in a car on a hot day.
- Leaving it in direct sunlight for extended amounts of time.
- Using certain applications in hot conditions or direct sunlight for
long periods of time, such as GPS tracking in a car on a sunny day or
listening to music while in direct sunlight.
Link: Keeping iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS
within Acceptable Operating Temperatures
iPhone 3GS Oleophobic Screen Coating Causing
Problems for Some's
Matthew Humphries reports:
"The iPhone 3GS introduces a number of new features one of which is
an oleophobic coating on the touchscreen. Such a membrane repels
liquids such as the oil on your fingertips therefore allowing the 3GS
screen to remain smudge free. But it seems adding such a coating is not
without its problems."
iPhone 3GS Oleophobic Screen Coating Causing Problems for Some
Apps & Services
Speed Trap App Goes Free with Launch of Location
Based Ad Engine
PR: Njection LLC, the maker of Njection Mobile (NMobile),
their worldwide speed trap notification system for iPhone 3G, is
releasing version 1.1.3 for free before the 4th of July weekend. In
addition, Njection is releasing a Ad Placement engine that uses GPS to
display discounts and coupons from local "Brick and Mortar" stores.
This will allow them to compete for business with a lower entry cost
than traditional advertising means.
specifically to take advantage of the 3G's unique abilities and
interface users can be alerted to coupons and discounts in their
vicinity. This will give the option to consumers to rate and choose
between buying online or from a local "Brick and Mortar" store that may
have a lower price. The benefit is having something that they wanted to
have in hand within minutes rather than days.
Store are now able to create a coupon and upload the locations of
their stores. Bar codes can be used to scan their iPhone coupons to
take advantage of offers from companies. Stores that would like to sign
up and participate can do so for free. Signing up will allow companies
to upload store locations and have them geocoded for use with Njection
Mobile. Companies and business with coupon offering can be attached to
any participating store and store locations for a fee. The Njection
Mobile iPhone update that will include the ad engine will be available
July 20th, 2009.
Coupons added to Njection Mobile's Ad Engine have two hard
- The store most have a "Brick and Mortar" location for geocoding and
so that users can get what that want immediately.
- There must be a discount included in the offering. This will make
it more enticing for users to take advantage of the stores offering and
drive customers to the store.
Designed specifically to take advantage of the 3G's unique abilities
and interface, NMobile was built from the ground up for drivers so they
can be notified to the location of speed traps, red light cameras, and
speed detection devices. With the addition of the ad engine, Njection
Mobile will build itself as a one stop app for saving money in more
ways than one.
Link: iPhone
Speed Trap (available through the
iPhone App Store)
New Battery Triples Battery Life of
PR: QuickerTek has announced the Apple Juicz
External iPhone/iPod Battery that works for the first, second
generation iPhones and 3G iPhones, iPod, and iTouch. Users get up to
three times the battery life.
Rick Estes, QuickerTek, Inc. said, "This new battery extends the
mobile experience of Apple portables from the G3 iPhone to the iPod.
Our users asked us to extend the battery line from laptops to the "i"
products and we have. Our testers loved the 30 extra hours of music, 6
hours of video and 3 extra hours of talk time on the iPhone," Estes
Free yourself from the limited battery life that cuts short your
mobile life. Get more performance, more fun and more Apple goodness
that makes life fun and practical.
The Apple Juicz external iPhone battery simply attaches to the
iPhone/iPod device. To recharge the battery simply use the USB charging
cable that comes with iPhone/iPod device taking 3 hours to charge. The
External Battery features a high capacity 2200 mAh Polymerized
Lithium-ion battery, LED status indicator and is compatible with all
iPod models with a 30 pin connector, iPhone and iTouch.
The new Apple Juicz external iPhone/iPod battery is available from
QuickerTek and resellers. Extra accessories are available Dock
Extender-so that you can use the earphone jack and external battery.
QuickerTek backs the Apple Juicz external iPhone/iPod battery with a
one-year warranty on parts and labor. Additional product information is
found at QuickerTek online.
Link: Apple Juicz
External iPhone/iPod Battery
Zgrip iPhone Pro Video Handgrip
Zacuto has the first serious solution for shooting video with the
iPhone 3Gs. It's all about the stability and our solution adds just
that. There is far too much side to side movement when shooting with an
iPhone 3Gs even when trying to hold it with two hands very steady.
Zgrip iPhone PRO is a completely adjustable, quick releasable
handgrip system for shooting professional stable video using the iPhone
3Gs. The iPhone 3Gs snaps into the iPhone cradle, the cradle snaps into
the Zacuto Zgrip and you are ready to shoot. The handgrip fully
articulates, and all of the red levers allow you to adjust every angle
to get those interesting creative smooth shots.
There are also a couple of great accessories to help you shoot
better sound, lighting & for getting up real high above people
standing right by you and crowds. Add a 10" rod below in order to
extend the iPhone over crowds. In order to mount a light or sound
recorder, pick up the Zacuto Zicromount. We also have a tripod mount
for your iPhone 3Gs so you can quickly go from your Zgrip iPhone to
tripod in seconds, if desired. Please see the detailed pictures for
pictures of the tripod mount. The tripod mount can be added below for
$5). The iPhone tripod mount includes a Zud and a 2" female rod.
All Zacuto products are designed and made in the USA and have a
lifetime warranty.
- iPhone Cradle
- Zgrip handle with 2" F/F rod
- Z-mount II
- Modified Zud 1/4 20"
The consumer version is coming soon and will be substantially less
expensive but will lose a lot of the adjustability to get to that lower
price point. Keep an eye out for Zgrip Iphone Consumer.
Price: $295
Link: Zgrip iPhone
K-box Gel Speaker Makes Whatever Surface It's
Sitting on a Soundboard
PR: Introducing the K-box Gel Speaker, available only from
Plug it into your laptop, phone, mp3 or portable gaming device and
experience it turn surfaces into sound.
patented 'gel-audio' technology when placed upon any solid flat
surface, a wall, table or even windows, the K-box turns the surface
into sound with powerful bass response (40-20KHz).
- High Quality Audio
- Full Bass response 40Hz-20KHz
- Compact and Portable (115x55x20mm)
- Up to 20 hours battery life (recharge via USB)
Price £39.99 + £5.00 P&P (ships worldwide)
Link: K-box Gel
Safeguard Your iPhone 3G & 3GS with
PR: With increased memory, video recording capabilities,
voice control, a compass and other clever features, it's no surprise
that the new Apple iPhone 3GS has sold over one million units. So don't
leave your new device vulnerable; safeguard your investment with
OtterBox Defender and Impact Series cases, compatible with both iPhone
3G and 3GS models.
Want a case that offers 99 percent coverage to keep your iPhone
3G/3GS looking new? The rugged dust, drop, dirt and scratchproof
Defender Series offers interaction with volume control, camera,
touch-screen, silent switch and phone functions.* Protection consists
of three layers:
- Layer 1: safeguards screen from scratches, dust and dirt
- Layer 2: polycarbonate shell fortifies device against drops or
- Layer 3: robust silicone skin absorbs shock and keeps dust and dirt
out of all ports and plugs

Looking for simple, everyday protection? Rely on the silicone Impact
Series with inner coring that dissipates impact away from your iPhone
to protect from bump and shock.
An included, self-adhering screen cover adds additional protection
from scratches. Case offers complete interaction with device functions
so even on-the-go your iPhone is protected and handy.

Customize your case with colors; the OtterBox Defender Series comes
in black, yellow/black, white or pink and the Impact Series is
available in black or white. OtterBox provides an ideal iPhone 3G/3GS
solution for extreme lifestyles or everyday casual users.
Founded in 1996, OtterBox is highly respected in the design and
production of rugged and semi-rugged cases to safeguard technology and
other valuables.
Built upon fundamentals of hard work, creativity and perseverance,
OtterBox is the innovator of premier protective solutions for leading
global handheld manufacturers, wireless carriers and distributors.
For more information, visit or call 888-695-8820.
We've got technology covered.
Link: OtterBox
Anti-slip Silicone Skin Case for 3G iPod
PR: Give your 3G iPod touch the best protection against
scratches and stains. Made from high quality silicone material that is
lightweight yet durable, this customized case allows you to get a
strong grip on your iPod to lessen the chances of dropping
- Brand new silicone skin for New iPod touch 3G
- Anti-slip design for more safe to carry.
- Red iPod touch Skin is compatible with iPod touch 3rd Gen. 8GB
& 16GB
- iPod touch 3G Case is made of soft and durable silicone
- iPod touch 3GSilicone Skin provide a comfortable grip.
- Protect your iPod touch generation against any scratch, bump, and
- Allow easy access to all buttons without removing your iPod from
the case.
- Has a hole for a camera on the back.
- Light weight, easy to attach and remove.
- Weight: 22.5g
Price - $1.69
Shipping Fee: $5.49 first item, $2.39 any additional item
Anti-slip Silicone Skin Case for 3G iPod touch
Uniea Reintroduces Cases for iPhone 3Gs with New
Look and Features
Universal Electronic Accessories ("Uniea"), a designer and manufacturer
of innovative electronic accessories, is set to unveil updates of four
classic Uniea cases that will work with the newly-released iPhone 3Gs
from Apple. The collection of cases includes the U-Suit Premium,
U-Skin, U-Motion, and the U-Suit Folio Premium, all popular Uniea cases
offered for previous generations of the iPhone that will now join
Uniea's new U-Glance iPhone hard case. A classic hip-case with
leather-clip on the back will also be available as an alternative
The U-Suit Folio
Premium will offer improved features, allowing easy-access to the
headset plug-in and the volume-control, while still ensuring total
protection in style. As always, the U-Suit Premium and U-Suit Folio
Premium both feature soft, lavish leather construction that is classic
and elegant to the touch and works well for the casual and business
user alike. The U-Suit Premium comes in three leather options, the
signature leather model, a Napa leather model, and an Intrecciato
leather model, all in black.
Additionally, the other two
cases in the new iPhone 3Gs series, the U-Skin and the U-Motion, will
still retain their unique and time-tested features, with the U-Skin
still offering a unique embossed texture in its rubberized exterior,
but now with three more added color options in metallic red, blue, and
green. The U-Motion will retain its soft neoprene construction and
sporty armband as well, making it perfect for exercising, bicycling, or
doing anything else on the go.
Finally, Uniea has just added one final model to the new line of
iPhone 3Gs cases, a unique leather hip case. Designed for those looking
for a roomy case that attaches to their belt and provides quick access
to their iPhone, this case promises to be a popular accessory for the
iPhone, given its unmistakable fashion appeal and functionality.
Uniea sees the release of the iPhone 3Gs as a key opportunity to
reintroduce their most popular iPhone accessories to a larger audience,
and plans on bolstering new interest in the U-Suit Premium, U-Skin,
U-Motion, and U-Suit Folio Premium. While the cases will not be
available until a further official announcement from Uniea, they will
eventually be available for purchase both at the online store as well
as through the various vendors and resellers of Uniea products
Link: Uniea
Flower Pattern Scarlet Plastic Back Case Cover for
iPhone 3G
PR: Designed with beautiful
flower pattern engraved the case, this iPhone 3G plastic back cover
molds perfectly to the the back of your iPhone and it highlights its
beauty while providing full access to all controls.
The iPhone 3G Back Case protects the back of your phone from
scratch, bump, fingerprints and other daily damage.
Anti-slip surface, quite comfortable to grip
The Flower Pattern iPhone 3G Case features the scarlet appearance
and with beautiful flower pattern engraved the case.
The iPhone 3G Back Cover is dust resistant and and it keeps dust
from absorbing on the case for much static charge.
Made of durable hard plastic material
The iPhone 3G Plastic Back Case is washable and quite easy to
This is a non-OEM generic product.
Compatible with: Apple iPhone 3G.
Flower Pattern Scarlet Plastic Back Case Cover for iPhone 3G
Carabiner Zipper Design Bag Case Pouch for iPhone
and iPod touch
PR: Provide full protection for your device with this stylish
pouch. The sturdy carabiner attached at the top of the pouch clips
easily to your belt loop or purse strap. The large Velcro flap closure
ensures your phone will stay safe.
- Carabiner Zipper Design Pinkish Bag Case Pouch for iPhone iPod
- Pinkish Bag for iPhone made of fabric with flowers pattern, two
layer design, not only for iPhone, but also for earphones
- Velcro closure of external cover, Provide full protection for your
- A zipper design, for install small articles
- Fabric cloth material made
- iPod touch Pouch with a back carabiner, convenient to carry and
comes with a black string
- Bag w. Carabiner is ideal for travel and shopping use
- Suitable for most mobile phones
- Size: 12.5 x 8.2 x 1.7cm
- Color: pinkish
- Weight: 34g
Price - $4.69
Shipping Fee: $5.49 first item, $2.39 any additional item
Carabiner Zipper Design Bag Case Pouch for iPhone and iPod
Bold Hard Case for the iPhone 3Gs Set to Join the
Uniea Lineup
PR: Universal Electronic Accessories ("Uniea") has also
announced the unveiling of a brand-new hard case to protect and hold
the new iPhone that debuted on June 19th. Uniea's new U-Glance promises
to deliver an innovative list of new features to complement the buzz
surrounding the iPhone 3Gs, both in styling and function. The release
of the case will follow soon after the new iPhone.
in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, and Transparent,
the U-Glance's construction features a unique combination of TPU and PC
plastic components, such as the back plate, which is constructed of PC,
but is lined with TPU in order to protect the edges of the case. The
use of these two materials makes the U-Glance remarkably lightweight
while remaining highly protective from scratches, drops, and dirt. The
profile of the case is designed to add a minimal amount of weight and
dimension to the iPhone, preserving the look and feel of the device
itself. Adding to this is the U-Glance's unique open front feature,
which allows the user to have unfettered access to the touch panel of
the phone while fully protecting the sides and back of the device and
providing quick access to ports and switches. A unique rubberized
button cover that allows for easy use also protects all switches and
Uniea believes that the U-Glance is poised to become a premiere
accessory choice for the new generation of iPhones. Both its
lightweight yet protective construction and its unmistakable design and
style features reflect the unique and one-of-a-kind features of the new
While the U-Glance will not be available until a further official
announcement from Uniea, the case will eventually be available for
purchase both at the online store as well as through the various
vendors and resellers of Uniea products worldwide.
Link: Uniea