"The application <fill in the blank> has unexpectedly quit due
to a type 3 error."
Ever wonder exactly what causes a type 3 error?
Now you can find out, thanks to the Lite Side's
Guide to Classic Mac Error Numbers
Note: Items listed in [brackets] are meaningless result code
DS Error Table
1 deBasError. Computer was used to do work your boss should have
done him/herself error
2 dsAddressErr. Return to the wrong house while drunk error
3 dsIllInstErr. Moving violation: cannot turn left on red error
4 dsZeroDivErr. Never been in a sleazy bar before error
5 dsChkErr. The presence of checks doesn't mean there is money in
the account error
6 dsOvflowErr. Celery in the garbage disposal error
7 dsPrivYrr. Toilet seat left up error
8 dsTraceErr. Not coloring between the lines error
9 dsLineAErr. Wedding ring caught in sink trap error
10 dsLineFErr. Wedding ring not caught in sink trap error
11 dsMiscErr. Miscellaneous hardware exception error
12 dsCoreErr. Unscheduled regeneration initiation error. Resistance
is futile
13 dsIrqErr. Leftover Windows error
14 dsIOCoreErr. Discarded apple core has turned brown and begun to
stink error
15 dsLoadErr. Bullet caliber doesn't fit in this weapon error
16 dsFPErr. Unecessary extra significant figures error
17 dsNoPackErr. Storeroom worker not present error [Restaurant
18 dsNoPk1. Other storeroom worker not present error [Reserved by
19 dsNoPk2. I never get what I want for Christmas error [Gift
20 dsNoPk3. My check is in the mail error [Standard Excuse]
21 dsNoPk4. Why does the guy down the street have so many cars error
[Floating-Point Arithmetic]
22 dsNoPk5. What has my wife purchased from ebay this time error
[Transcendental Functions]
23 dsNoPk6. Why is there a phone charge to Liberia? error
[International Utilities]
24 dsNoPk7. dsNoPk7 is here, but not really error [Binary/Decimal
25 dsBellyFullErr. Out of room, but give me more turkey anyway
26 dsBadLaunch. Can't launch Ariane 5
27 dsFSErr. Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody
really care? error
28 dsStknHeap. You don't want to know error
30 dsReinsert. You know, but you don't talk about it in polite
company error
31 dsNotThe1. Not the CD I wanted (out of stock) error
33 negZcbFreeErr. ZcbFree has gone negative. I repeat, Zcb has gone
negative error
40 dsGreeting. Welcome to Macintosh welcoming message to welcome
users to the Macintosh error
41 dsFinderErr. Can't Find the Finder error
42 shutDownAlert. Like an error, only it's an alert, error
43 dsSystemFileKeyFobErr. Can't find System file to open (obsolete).
Customers waiting outside error
51 dsBadSlutInt. You spoke about that cousin no one talks about
81 dsBadSANEopcode. Medical term for "give a lobotomy right now"
84 menuPrgErr. Happens when a menu is purged. Cleanup on aisle 7
85 dsMBarNFind. Occurs when the cow comes home error
86 dsHMenuFindErr. Waitress cannot find list of food for you to buy
87 dsWDEFnFnd. Could not load WDEF; wrong camera type error
88 dsCDEFnFnd. Could not load CDEF; wrong film type error
89 dsMDEFnFnd. Could not load MDEF; no batteries in camera error
98 dsNoPatch. Explains why you are irritable today error
99 dsBadPatch. Elves are dancing in my purse error
101 dsParityErr. my husband does the same work as I do but is paid
more error
102 dsOldSystem. Congratulations to OS 9 for joining our club
103 ds32BitMode. Booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys with an 8-bit bus
and a 2-bit mouse with one finger error
20000 dsShutDownOrRestart. User picked ShutDown but meant Restart
20001 dsSwitchOffOrRestart. User picked switching off but meant
Restart error
103-19999 dsForcedQuit. Fired employee was the only one who had
these codes error
32767 dsSysErr. General system error (catch-all used in cased we
don't have any freaking idea what happened)
64298301asdlfij aspohbg4chfcioWACV0CKDFX,MVU,8U dsLightningErr.
Lightning has struck your computer error