Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jagular. Blah, blah, Tigger. Yap yap yap.
New features are nice, but what about those little annoyances that
just really get on our nerves? How about those, huh?
Here's a list. List articles are supposed to be evidence of lazy
writing, so I'm admitting that only 7 of these are ones that annoy me
every day - I made three up because I think lists should have 10 items.
Lists with 7 items is evidence of a lack of creativity to come up with
three more items, IMHO.
Favorite locations in the OS X Finder and Favorites in Classic need
to be synchronized. Of course, if they're different that's only
encouraging to go all OS X. Hey, wait, you already have OS X.
I keep having to maneuver to the same place manually when switching
from Classic to OS X and back again.
I want 'Virtual PC for OS 9" or the equivalent available to run in
OS X so I can switch back and forth without rebooting my computer.
Or, alternatively, I want Classic to have a more OS X Aqua feel to
it so the newbies won't be so confused when everything shifts around.
"When you see the little colorful Apple, the eject function is over
I want the Dock to go all the way around the frickin' screen. All at
the same time. I want to be able to lock an icon in the Dock so I can't
accidentally "poof" it.
I want OS X help to open in less than geological time.
I want major OS updates available with a discount for registered
I want to be able to use those cheap little webcams at CompUSA right
out of the box. Printers and scanners, too.
I want a column on the right hand edge of the desktop reserved for
hard drives, CD, and DVDs only. And I want to be able to turn that
feature off when I'm sick of it.
I want to be able to attach sounds to system events like we did back
when computers were fun. (P.S. Good money right here for a cell phone
or PDA that looks just like a TOS communicator. C'mon, people!)
I want every application to have a function in the About... box that
tells all the locations of all the little files that get scattered
around, Windows-fashion, upon installation.
I want "tab" in column view to mean "Go to the next column" and
Shift-tab to mean "Go to the previous column" so you don't have to use
a mouse to select files quickly in column view. Or hit those
ridiculously tiny arrow keys.
Okay, that's my list. What have I overlooked? Drop me a note.