Picture this: You're sitting at your Mac, be it a desktop or
laptop, with soda in hand. You're called away for something of
greater importance (in comparison to the work you're slaving over
on your Mac). You come back an hour later to find your once-cold
soda is now warm.
Imagine the sheer horror of it all!
Your next thought, aside from a few choice expletives,
immediately becomes, "How can I keep this from happening

Enter - the
USB Beverage Chiller from Cool-It Systems.
Yes, friends, your suffering days have reached their end when it
comes to warm soda. No longer will you encounter those moments when
duty calls and you can't put your soda back in the fridge.
Just what the heck is this marvel? As the name implies, its sole
purpose in life is one of great importance - to keep your soda or
drink of choice chilled at a comfortable temperature of 45°
Ideal for the size of a 12 oz. can of soda, the USB Beverage
Chiller has a metal plate you put your drink on. The rest of the
casing is white plastic with a mini fan that revs up to the max
when chilling at the max. The fan isn't loud at all. Another plus
is the front ventilation. It's very adequate and does its job.
How does it work?
Simple: It plugs into a available USB port. That's it!
Now for the fun part, testing whether it actually works. I'm
proud to say it does! It works well.
To put it to the test, I grabbed a cold drink out of the fridge
and set it on the chiller. After I plugged it in to one of my Mac
mini's USB ports, I left the room for an hour or more. When I
returned, the drink was in fact still chillin' like a villain.
The USB Beverage Chiller plays with Mac and PCs alike.
How much we talking here? $24.99. Not a bad price at all
considering it saves you from the dreaded warm throat.
To learn more about this little wonder, motor on over to Cool-It
I give it 4 Macs. A great gadget, Cool-It Systems! Now we Mac
users can be cool in more ways than one.
USB Beverage Chiller
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