Five years ago, I was living with my small daughter in the shell of
a solar house that I was building myself. I had a modest array of used
solar panels and a small wind generator hooked up to a bank of
batteries, and a noisy little gasoline-powered generator for
Needless to say, I had no extraneous electrical appliances. A few
compact fluorescent lights and a little music were all the system could
manage in the depths of the New England winter. You want toast? Use the
wood stove. Water? There's the's a bucket.
Enter my partner, Seth, optimistically moving up from the South,
Mac Plus in hand.
Yikes! A computer! What do you need that for?
Well, email is useful.
Email? What's that?
So, you want to run this thing here? I suppose...hmm... Power
consumption may be 60W, not too bad... Hear that fan? Listen, only when
the sun's been out, OK?
The batteries are kind of low... What are you writing there? A song?
A new promo blurb? Why can't you just use the typewriter?
This phase didn't last too long. Seth and I are both working
musicians, a profession which requires periodic recording, which requires the periodic investment of
largish sums of money either in someone else's recording studio to buy
time or in your own studio to buy equipment. We had both been going the
build-your-own-studio route for a while.
I needed to make a new CD. The recording process would be greatly
assisted by the ability to do digital editing. After considerable
research, Seth bought a used Quadra
650/24/230 with an external 1 GB hard drive (wow) and video
monitor (huge) to do the editing on. In 1997, this was an older model
and seemed reasonably priced at only $1,500 or so. Seth was also
working on a film score and had a contract for some music books which
had to be done in Finale.
This new computer assisted in all this reasonably well. It also ate
lots more kilowatts. I could see the gauge on the batteries going down
when the Quadra was on. "Don't check your email now, or it will be only
kerosene lights tonight!" I'd say. Or, "Do you really want to
listen to the generator all afternoon? We're going to need it if you
use the computer today."
An added twist was that the laser printer required enough power at
startup so that you couldn't have the Quadra, the monitor, and the
printer on simultaneously, running from the inverter and the battery
bank. Any printing required the generator to be on. I was the one who
had the better luck starting the generator.
My wish to be a supportive partner was in conflict with my role as
Manager Of The Electrical System. Any wish I had to familiarize myself
with the computer was superseded by my position as Guardian Of The
The computer (and the rest of the studio) needed more electricity.
The family also needed more room. We bought an old grange hall and
moved the studio into it. In an arrangement to which I was by then
unaccustomed, electricity came from a wire on a pole, through a meter,
and into the building. Now any project could be done at any time,
regardless of what the weather had been the previous week. I said a
fond farewell to my days of troubleshooting generators outdoors in
sub-zero weather.
Seth patiently taught me how to use the Quadra for writing and
email. I began to use the computer more. I began to like the computer.
No more piles of discarded paper when revising a draft. Easy, low-cost
messaging system. Graphic design capabilities far beyond my analog
resources. This was an invention even a Luddite could love.
My daughter is homeschooled and wanted in on the action, too, of
course. Soon there was a line to use the Quadra. Last February I bought
my own first computer, a refurbed iMac 350. Now I'm the one
trying to help others - my daughter, my friends - learn to use their
Macs. I, who once could not imagine why anyone would want a computer,
now wouldn't want to be without a Mac.
I'm still committed to appropriate technology and keeping cost and
power proportional to the job to be done. So here I am at Low End Mac. I look forward to sharing my further
adventures with LEM readers.