Our Windows PC news links for the week of April 1, 2000.

Wintel News Today
Top Links, Week of April 1, 2000
- Opinion: The iPaq: What is Compaq thinking?, Paulo Rodrigues, iPaq Channel, 4/1. Ever the contrarian, Rodrigues finds some shortfalls in the iPaq’s design.
- Opinion: Some thoughts on going PC, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/1. “It is with mixed emotions that I join Low End Mac’s transition to Low End Win.”
- Advice: High-end build-to-order G4 vs. high-end build-to-order Dell Dimension, Charlie Ruggiero, 4/1. It’s much cheaper to run Windows apps on the Dell than on the Mac.
- Advice: ‘286 gaming prowess, Brian Rumsey, Low End PC Gaming, 4/1. Computer gaming now goes beyond the monitor!
- Web: Mac Junkie calls it quits, launches The Win Junkie in pursuit of the business audience.
- Web: MacBC throws in the towel, becomes WinBC, 4/1. “…we received an email and phone call from Apple Legal telling us to cease and desist.”
- Web: The PC Life replaces Apple’s Orchard, 4/1. Formerly a good source of interesting Mac links, Apple’s Orchard has joined the Wintel defection. Hooray!
- News: Apple Computer buys Microsoft!, Macs Only!, 4/1. Shoot, now they’ll get on everyone’s case about Window sites. Maybe we should just give up on computer sites….
- Web: About This Particular Rumor, ATPM, 4/1. A much-needed new Mac rumor site.
- Rumor: AOL to buy Apple, Mac Observer, 4/1. Apple buys Microsoft, Microsoft buys Apple, and now AOL is buying Apple? Very confusing!
- Rumor: Apple to be bought by Microsoft?, Windows Militia, 4/1. Just when it looked like Apple had completed a leveraged buyout of Microsoft, this rumor surfaces.
- Rumor: Apple announces Apple Palm, Palm takeover, Palm Lounge, 4/1. At least this one makes sense – thanks to a hostile takeover, Apple will be making a Palm OS machine.
- Web: PB Zone abandons PowerBook, goes Peanut Butter, 4/1. I guess they wanted to get away from all the computer industry lawyers.
- News: Jason O’Grady retires, PowerPage, 4/1. “‘I’m just so over this “Internet” thing,’ said Jason from his new, technology-free shack in the Poconos.”
- News: Apple icon garden landscaping defaced with Microsoft look and feel, Carson Baker, Holy Mac, 4/1. “Microsoft and the others involved . . . justified their actions on the foundation of their ‘Freedom to Innovate’ network.”
- Opinion: End of the Mac Web as We Know It, Anne Onymus, Rumor Mill, 3/31.
- Opinion: Going Wintel, Steve Wood, View Through the Window, 3/29. Once a year he gets to ditch his Macs and go Windows
- Opinion: Aqua-skeptics are luddites, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 3/29. “I have no interest in change for the sake of change, or in putting form before function, and I really have no time for change that makes things worse.”
- Opinion: Complete Mac nut goes Wintel, Fred Forney, My First Wintel, 3/29. “I played around with a Pentium III for a couple days, and I was hooked.”
- Opinion: SETI@home: Join a team, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 3/29.
- Web: Jag’s House launches DOS 6 email list
- Opinion: Why does my refrigerator need an ISP?, Daniel J. Lyons, MacBC, 3/28. “It would be silly to have Internet connections for every device in your house.”
- Opinion: Why rumor sites hurt you and Microsoft, Michel Munger, Mac Observer, 3/28. “A good dose of common sense.”
- News: Apple goes postal on Mac Cards, Macworld UK, 3/28. Part of the reason we’ve gone Wintel.
- Opnion: Isn’t it time Apple got some perspective?, MacUser UK, 3/28. More on the Mac Cards debacle.
- Opinion: Are any Mac sites safe?, Macinstein, 3/28. Better to switch than fight.
- Opinion: Apple: Big Brother 2000?, NoBeige.com, 3/28. “Apple is acting like the Big Brother that it mocked in 1984.”
- Opinion: Game sequels, Brian Rumsey, Low End Win Gaming, 3/27. New games are great, and earlier versions will often run well on less powerful PCs.
- Advice: Designing a computer room, part 3: The desk, Dan Knight, Wintel Musings, 3/27. “The key is designing the computer desk and office layout that meets your personal needs and fits the available space.”
- Advice: Replacement screen for a VAIO, Julie Fugett, Win Daniel, 3/27. Options for replacing a bad screen on the PowerBook 5300.
- News: Apple shuts down Mac Cards for trademark violation, MacNN, 3/27. In what is becoming increasingly common Apple practice, they sent in the lawyers before contacting the webmaster. Why ask for cooperation when you can coerce it?
- News: Jobs intervenes as Mac Cards gets pulled, MacUser UK, 3/27. “…the action was triggered when Jobs sent a card from the site to another senior Apple employee questioning its use of Apple branding materials and images.”
- Opinion: Does Darwin open the door to Intel?, Tony Smith, MacWeek, 3/27. But why run the new OS from such a heavy handed company on Intel hardware?
- Opinion: IE 5 brings good and bad to Mac users and web authors, W3Nation. Mac users will always be second-class citizens. They had to wait a whole extra year for IE 5 – and now IE 5.5 for Windows is on the way!
- Analysis: IE 5 changes how Mac users see the Web, MacWeek, 3/27. “…a default installation of IE 5 for the Mac will display Web pages pretty much the same way that Windows users see them.” Isn’t that the way God intended it?
- Opinion: The state of Mac gaming, Holy Mac, 3/27. C’mon, everyone knows PC owners get the best games first!
- Web: Why Windows Is So Great, a new Win-centric multilingual site.
- Advice: Dealing with dead pixels in TFT displays, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 3/23. Detecting and dealing with dead pixels on laptops.
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You can’t win on the low end in the PC world.
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