It’s been nearly a year since the SK 128 GB mSata SSD was taken out in favor of a larger capacity, 1 TB Fanxiang SSD. Since the Hi-Res PowerBook G4 15″ 1.67 isn’t limited to a 128 GB storage drive capacity, it seemed a suitable candidate to take advantage of this upgrade. The largest drive […]
Category Archives: Vintage Mac Living
Ever since I can remember, I have loved computers. For the last ten years I’ve loved the Mac OS, but now I seem to have found something better – the Lisa Office System (LOS).
As you all may know, several weeks ago I found the Lisa Emulator (LisaEm) at After I downloaded it, I installed the ROMs and installed the Lisa Office System (LOS). After I played around with the emulator for a while, I wrote a review of LisaEm. The review contained several screen shots of LisaEm in […]
I had the great honor of interviewing an important person the other day. His name is Ray Arachelian, and he’s the creator of the Apple Lisa Emulator. Without him, there may have never been a way for anyone without a Lisa to see the LOS in action.
Eight years ago, when I was 11, I came across the Lisa Emulator Project. I had heard about Apple’s Lisa, but I had never had a chance to use the Lisa Office System (LOS). The reason was that the emulator project didn’t have a working Lisa emulator, and neither did anyone else – until now.
Today I was looking at my Lisa 2 (see First Impressions of a Newly Acquired Apple Lisa). It has been sitting on my dresser unused for quite some time because of a vertical hold problem.
2006 – Here I am, writing another article about PowerPC processors vs. Intel processors (my previous one was PowerPC vs. Intel: Has Apple Been Lying to Us?) – but this article touches on another subject, one that really impacts our elementary schools.
2006 – Was it all a lie? The Mac Pro is the newest, coolest, fastest, and best Mac ever – or so Apple says. Apparently, it’s up to twice as fast as it’s immediate predecessor, the Power Mac G5 Quad.
I received a Lisa in the mail on my birthday, Saturday, February 4th. That was perfect timing. I brought it in the house and opened the package.