Fanxiang 1 TB mSata SSD in a Hi-Res 15″ PowerBook G4: So far so good

It’s been nearly a year since the SK 128 GB mSata SSD was taken out in favor of a larger capacity, 1 TB Fanxiang SSD. Since the Hi-Res PowerBook G4 15″ 1.67 isn’t limited to a 128 GB storage drive capacity, it seemed a suitable candidate to take advantage of this upgrade. The largest drive […]

Bringing My Apple Lisa Back to Life

As you all may know, several weeks ago I found the Lisa Emulator (LisaEm) at After I downloaded it, I installed the ROMs and installed the Lisa Office System (LOS). After I played around with the emulator for a while, I wrote a review of LisaEm. The review contained several screen shots of LisaEm in […]