Apple introduced the first iBook, its consumer notebook, in July 1999. It was the first laptop ready to accept a WiFi module. The iBook name lived on until the Intel-based MacBook consumer notebooks replaced them in 2006.
Clamshell iBooks |
iBook G3 |
iBook G4 |
iBook Links
- Guide to iBooks
- Hack: Overclocking the iBook (2001), Tycho, Accelerate Your Mac, 08.21. Warranty-voiding mod boost performance 40% by hitting 600-650 MHz on 100 MHz bus.
- SCSI and FireWire Disk Modes, Paulo Rodrigues, Tangerine Fusion, 2000.11.29. How to use SCSI Disk Mode and FireWire Target Disk Mode for ultrafast file transfers.
- Kensington Driver Disables iBook Trackpad (no longer online), Apple TIL #31268, 2000.11.02.
- Benchmarks: 466 MHz FireWire iBook vs. 400 MHz Pismo PowerBook, Bare Feats, 10/23. Real world tests with iMovie, Cinema 4D, and Bryce.
- There is an incompatibility between the Kensington Startup ADB extension (part of Kensington MouseWorks) and the Trackpad control with Mac OS 9.0.4. The trackpad will respond during boot, but not after the extension loads. The solution is to disable the extension. This may apply to other versions of Mac OS 9 on ‘Books with USB ports.
- Hands on the FireWire iBook, Dan Knight, The ‘Book Page, 10/9. My wife needed to replace her dead PowerBook. I wanted to benchmark the PowerPC 750CX.
- The Truth About the New G3, Dan Knight, Online Tech Journal, 10/9. “I have to admit to feeling a bit cheated after running MacBench 5 on my wife’s new indigo iBook.”
- iBook: Japanese Site Shows PPC 750CX at Heart of New iBook,
something we noted the day Apple announced the next generation iBook.
- New iBooks a Better Value?, Dan Knight, The ‘Book Page, 9/14. The new iBooks are better than the old ones, but how do they stack up for value?
- New iBook vs. PowerBook: The Real Deal, Ben Apple, Mac Junkie, 9/14. “What we have here is a genuine knockout, and iBook is the champ.”
- PowerPC 750Cx, the heart of the new iBooks
- Recovering a Stolen PowerBook, The ‘Book Page. One user’s experience.
- Got an iBook or want to know more? Join the iBook Talk List.
- RAM Charger from Jump Development ($40) lets you get the most out of your RAM. By launching applications using the minimum amount of memory they need, RAM Charger lets you run more programs. It also works well with RAM Doubler. You can even download a demo.