Mac OS in a Nutshell

I recommend Rita Lewis’s Mac OS in a Nutshell – with mild reservations. The book is a concise (360 pages), inexpensive ($24.95) guide to Mac OS 8.x, with a primary emphasis on OS 8.5.

266 MHz iMac (Rev. C)

Steve Jobs announced this faster, more feature laden iMac at Macworld Expo 1999 in San Francisco. In addition to a 14% faster CPU and 50% larger hard drive, the 266 MHz iMac shipped in five different colors: tangerine, grape, lime, blueberry, and strawberry. There are rumors that some Bondi blue ones were built in January […]

Mac OS 8.5 Issues on Umax SuperMacs

There are plenty of sites offering installation and troubleshooting advice for Mac OS 8.5 – at least for the Power Mac user. Since neither Apple Computer nor Umax Corporation provides any support for Mac OS 8.5 on SuperMacs, this page exists to cover problems specifically noted by users of the Umax SuperMac series of Macintosh […]

How OS 8.5 Saved My Macintosh

When I bought a used Power Mac 6100 to replace our aging Performa 600, I thought I was moving into Mac Heaven. The feeling of swapping out a restricted 030 for a PowerPC chip, albeit a slower one, was a major thrill. What’s more, it had a DOS card installed, meaning that I could easily […]