Awards, Kudos, and Significant Mention of Low End Mac

"If I had to choose only one place to visit for news, info, and insightful opinions, Low End Mac would be the place to go." MacBC, 6/20/2000.

My Mac Magazine, Site of the Month (4/99)

Low End Mac has been picked as one of My Mac Magazine's Sites of the Month for April 1999. Each month, My Mac Magazine picks 3 sites that we believe are the best on the web. This month, your site was one of them.

The Clearer Picture
Hardware Resource Site of the Year
Winner: Low End Mac, part of the MacTimes Network (1/3/99)

One of our favorite resources for hardware information has become Low End Mac (LEM). In no time at all, LEM can supply you with statistics, benchmarks, and technical information on every Mac model ever made. While some might argue that much of its information can be found at Apple's web site, for an unbiased opinion, go to Low End Mac. LEM even goes so far as to give "Road Apple" awards to Mac models that should be avoided at all costs. For anyone considering buying used Mac equipment, this is the place to go to find out about every Mac's quirks and shortcomings. Just a small amount of research here can save you big headaches later. Low End Mac's information, combined with links to other sites, creates the ultimate archive of technical information on Apple Computers. Congratulations to everyone at Low End Mac and the Mac Times Network. Keep up the good work!

The Classic Mac Resource Excellence Award (7/21/98)

Low End Mac has been awarded The Classic Mac Resource Excellence Award for being such a great resource for classic Mac users.

Classic Mac Excellence Award

MacCom Site of the MonthMacCom Online Site of the Month (4/17/98)

MacCom is an online community of dedicated Macintosh users wanting to get the most out of their Macintosh computers. Our publication includes contests, reviews, tips, articles, information, news, and much more! MacCom is currently sent via e-mail to over 5,000 dedicated Mac subscribers around the world!

We ran across Low End Mac, and love it very much! We are now presenting you with the MacCom Apple Site of the Month! Our prestigious award is not just given to any Macintosh web site but to one that excels in design, content, ease of-use, innovation, and that is completely devoted to benefiting the Macintosh community around the world. The winner of this monthly award is announced in that month's issue and on our web site page for Apple Site of the Month.

Make better use of your Macintosh computer by subscribing to MacCom! For your free subscription, send an e-mail to with "subscribe maccom_listserv" (without quotes) in the subject or check out MacCom Online at <>.

Mac OS Zone site of the week (3/8/98)

Mac Home Journal Top Honors Web Site (1/4/98)

Do you have an older Mac? Are you tired of reading coverage on nothing but the latest Mac offerings? Then check out Low End Mac. This superb site provides all manner of information and tips for older Macs. What's more, Low End Mac provides excellent coverage for older Mac clones. If you have an old, yet still very usable, Mac (and many of us do), make sure to visit Low End Mac on a regular basis.

Macs Only, Best New Mac Niche Web Site of 1997

This recognition category had the toughest decision because there were so many excellent new Mac sites established or ones that became prominent in 1997.

Honorable Mention #2 Low End Mac--Dan Knight's site, technically a channel of MacTimes and technically founded 12/29/96, is still worth recognition for 1997. It is devoted to providing information and support for legacy Macs, a huge community.

From This Old Mac by Miles Durrie

For more on older Macintoshes, visit the Low-End Mac web site -- the definitive source of information for older Macintosh computers.

MacOneMacOne Site of the Week, 11/11/97

The Low End Mac has a directory of older machines and plenty of links which would take tireless surfing to accumulate on your own. The site has started to take orphaned clones under its wing.Whether you're frugal or strapped for cash, a low end Mac may be the answer. The Low End Mac is an essential resource for those headed in that direction, or who have already arrived.

In commending Macs to his students, Kelton Rhoads writes (emphasis added):

Roughly ordered from least to most desireable, in my opinion. (You can find a second opinion at The New Low End Mac User at On second thought, you should consider TNLow End Mac a primary opinion and this page, a secondary one. TNLow End Mac is a great site, and way more comprehensive than this page.)

TechnoMac TechnoAward, 11/6/97

I have visited and reviewed your site and I am awarding you. TECHNOmac's TECHNOaward of TECHNOlogy! I like what you are giving back to the Macintosh community. Keep up the excellent work and also keep your Mac.


This Site Has Earned The TECHNOmac TECHNOaward of TECHNOlogy

A Top Ten Site on the Mac Web Network (as high as #1)

Mac Web Network Top Ten

Red Box, Blue Box, Yellow Box (about Rhapsody) listed as a Mac Hottest 5 site, 9/20/97

Mac Hottest 5

Site of the day at An Apple A Day. 8/29/97

An Apple A Day

  • Mac of the Day: Color Classic, introduced 1993.02.01. A cult classic, this was the compact Mac with color that everyone had been waiting for.
  • List of the Day: ModBook List covers the Axiotronic ModBook tablet Mac.
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