I am 22 years old. Back in high school - when I was 15 years old
- the first GUI system I used was Macintosh LC 520 or 550. I started to love Macintosh
computers; they are great and user-friendly. I really liked it
better than my old
Tandy 1000 HX (sort of an IBM PCjr clone) that had Personal
Deskmate 2 (a GUI system for Tandy computers).
I never heard or used Windows at that time. I wished I could buy
myself a Macintosh. I really enjoyed Mac computers for word
processing and "playing" games (educational games, really).
When when I moved to Colorado and went to a new school, I was
surprise that they had a Windows 3.1 PC. I thought all schools had
Macs, because every school I went before high school had Macs
instead of PCs.
I wondered why they had Windows 3.1.
Anyway, I used it but never liked Windows 3.1. I still wondered
why they had PCs instead of Macs.
When I graduated from high school, my grandfather gave me a
Windows 95 PC as a graduation gift School. I was
I didn't have the heart to hurt my grandfather's feelings, so I
accepted his gift. Forced to use Windows 95. (I thought I would be
free from the Windows world after I finished school. Well not
So I thought, "Why not use Windows 95 so I can use the Internet
to look for Macs." So I looked for one for almost two years. Then I
decided that I should go to the Mac store.
There I saw the beautiful colorful iMacs starting at $999.99.
The blueberry iMac looked so
much more beautiful than the others, so I checked to see what kind
of computer this was - a 350 MHz iMac with 64 RAM and a 6 GB hard
So I bought a Blueberry iMac 350. I really was happy that I got
my own first iMac.
Lessons Learned
I've learned from a mistake I made: I stupidly sold my favorite
I wasn't proud of what I had done. Getting rid of my Mac?
Then I bought a brand new Windows 98 PC. I wasn't happy with
what kind of computer I had gotten and what I had done, so I
decided that I would look for an old Mac. (No choice - I am not
rich anymore. Forced to buy old computer.) I looked for one and
found a Power Macintosh 8100/80
I love Macs more than Windows computers, so I shall never go
back to Windows ever again. (Unless Apple goes out of business or
stops making Macs - I hope that won't ever happen!)
Lesson learned: Never ever sell your favorite computer.