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News, Reviews, & Opinion
How Planned Obsolescence Came to the iPhone
Venture Beat's Steve Blank has posted a fascinating essay noting
that at the close of the 1920s, there were close to a 100 car
manufacturers, but a relentless drive for low cost production forced
most of them out of business as they lacked capital to scale, and the
long service life of Ford and GM cars at the time retarded sales of new
cars, with US car ownership having risen from nothing to 80% of
American families over a 20 year period. The market was approaching
saturation, meaning that henceforth cars would have to be sold almost
entirely to people who already owned a car. Analogies with the current
state of the personal computer industry are obvious.
The solution, at least from an auto industry perspective, was
devised by General Motors CEO Alfred P. Sloan, a game-changer and
innovator who ushered in a constellation of business model reforms that
would make GM the top automaker for 80 years, among them "planned
obsolescence" - or as Sloan preferred to call it, "dynamic
obsolescence" - in the form of the annual model change, borrowing from
the fashion sector where styles changed every year and applying it to
automobiles. General Motors began changing the external appearance of
its cars every year, with styling and design becoming a vital and
integral part of GMs strategy, and by the mid-1950s every other car
company was struggling to keep up.
Blank observes that over the past five years Apple has adopted the
GM playbook from the 1920s: Take a product that originally solved a
problem - cheap communication - and turn it into a need, thereby doing
to Nokia and RIM what General Motors did to Ford 80 years ago. He notes
that the iPhone transformed the cell phone from a device for cheap
communication into a touchstone about the user's image, and just as
cars did in the 20th century, the iPhone connects with its customers
emotionally and viscerally as it became a symbol of who they are.
Editor's note: For my recent essay on Apple's embrace of planned
obsolescence in its products, see Scoping the New Apple's Planned Obsolescence
Philosophy. cm
Publisher's note: I beg to differ with Blank. Smartphones are not
about the user's image; they are about expanding the capabilities of
mobile phones, just as adding a built-in camera, supporting texting,
and rudimentary Web access were before the smartphone came to
dominance. People tend to choose an iPhone because they want something
that just works, while the majority purchasing Android phones want
something that works like an iPhone (which completely redefined the
smartphone segment) but with a bigger screen, a smaller price, or an
"open" operating system.
As for planned obsolescence, that seems to be far more true of
recent Apple products than older ones, and more true of its consumer
lines than its pro hardware. A lot of our readers are using
several-year-old Intel Macs and six-plus-year-old PowerPC Macs (for
instance, a 2007 Mac mini, a
2002 MDD Power Mac, and a
2001 Digital Audio Power
Mac here at Low End Mac headquarters, and several of our writers
love their 2000 Pismo
PowerBooks), which speaks volumes about good design and quality
That said, techno-lust definitely applies to the new computer,
smartphone, and tablet markets. dk
Link: How the iPhone Got
Tail Fins: Lessons Apple Learned from GM
Poll Reveals What Consumers Hope to Receive for
PR: Consumers reveal their holiday gift wishes in a poll
conducted by, claimed to be the Web's largest
opinion-based social community, and cold hard cash reigns supreme.
From money and trips to gift cards, clothing,
jewelry, and electronics, consumers are hoping for a wide range of
gifts to be under the tree this year. According to the poll, 39% of
respondents are hoping for cash or a gift card, higher than all other
gift types including vacations (30%), electronics (21%) and
clothes/jewelry (10%).
"As consumers head to the malls and their favorite online shopping
destinations, the poll results from can give shoppers deep
insights into the top items their family, friends and coworkers hope to
receive this holiday season," says CEO Chris Dominguez.
"From details on the top tablets and kids' products, to revealing
consumer sentiments on whether apps are good gifts, SodaHead's users
have spoken and these poll results can serve as a valuable guideline
for holiday shoppers."
The Tablet Wars: Apple iPad 2 Most Sought After Gift
As the tablet wars heat up and consumers are presented with dozens
of iOS and Android-based options, the clear winner on consumer's
holiday wish lists is the Apple iPad 2, as 65% of those wanting a
tablet hope to receive the top-selling device on the market. The latest
entrants in the tablet market from Amazon and Barnes & Noble have
not yet made a significant impact, as only 24% of respondents are
hoping to receive a Kindle Fire and a small 11% desire the recently
announced Nook Tablet.
Top Gift for Kids: Videogames Take First Place
When it comes to gifts that most consumers think kids would like to
receive, videogames top the list with 51%, followed by computers (32%),
toys/games (10%) and movies/music (8%).
Top Choices in Technology: iPhone 4S Leading The Pack
Even though the iPad 2 is leading the tablet pack, Apple's tablet is
not the top overall tech choice for the holidays, as 39% of respondents
hope to receive an iPhone 4S, compared to 31% hoping for an iPad 2. The
Amazon Kindle Fire is the tech item of choice for 17% of respondents
and 13% are hoping that Santa brings Xbox Kinect down the chimney.
Apps as Gifts. It's Possible?
With millions of smartphones and tablets in the hands of consumers
across the country, many may think that an app might make for a good
(and easy) present. However, according to poll respondents 59% think
that apps do not make a good gift, while 41% feel that apps are a great
gift giving idea.
Are the Holidays Too Materialist: Without a Doubt
While consumers were responding to the SodaHead poll regarding what
gifts they would like to receive, they also revealed that they do, in
fact, think that the holidays have become "too materialistic." While
74% of respondents think the holiday has become more about gifts than
family and faith, an even larger 80% still admit that they love the
holiday season (as only 20% are saying "Bah Humbug!).
Publisher's note: If you're looking for an iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, or iPod shuffle, check out our
recently updated price trackers for the best deals.
All We Want for Christmas 2011
Running Slow After Installing iOS 5? How to Fix
OS X Daily says:
"If your iPad or iPhone is running slow after updating to iOS 5
you're not alone, for many the update has made their device feel
sluggish, with taps taking longer to register, stalls between swipes,
and just a general noticeable decrease in performance. This seems to
effect all iOS devices too, indicating its not necessarily a hardware
issue but a software one.
"There are two solutions that are both relatively simple, for best
results you need to do both:
- "Update to iOS 5.0.1 (see below) if you haven't
done so already, do it manually or through OTA [Over The Air].
- "Back up and restore the iPad or iPhone after updating to iOS
5.0.1- do this if you're already running 5.0.1 and it feels slow, this
works, we walk you through the process...."
Link: iPhone or iPad
Running Slow After Installing iOS 5? Here's How to Fix the
iPhone 4S 'a Big Update Wrapped in the Same Case as
Its Predecessor'
BGR's Zach Epstein notes that it's been a month since Apple released
the iPhone 4S, crushing sales records and giving consumers got their
first hands-on experience with Siri, the intelligent assistant that may
help change the way we interact with consumer electronics moving
forward. Epstein says that two main groups of consumers are targeted by
the iPhone 4S and will continue to be blown away by this device - the
millions of iPhone 3GS owners whose contracts expired recently, and
non-iPhone owners who, if they choose the iPhone 4S as their next
device, will find one of the best user experiences on the market
featuring simplicity, high-end performance, the largest catalog of
third-party applications on the market, and a gorgeous physical design
comprised of glass and metal.
Link: A Month with
the iPhone 4S
iTunes Match Legitimizes Music Piracy
Popular Mechanics' Mark Wilson notes that Apple's new iTunes Match
$25 annual fee subscription service will sync the music on your machine
with its song tracks in the Cloud no matter what legal or illegal means
you used to acquire the songs in the first place. So is the company
that made online music sales work and thwarted would-be pirates for so
long now saying piracy is irrelevant thanks to the new world of
streaming music?
Apple essentially will legitimize any pirated music up to 25,000
tracks, an,d in that sense, it's the MP3 equivalent of money
laundering, Wilson observes. "It's like Hertz saying you can hotwire
any car on the lot and they won't press charges, so long as you sign
that rental agreement."
Link: Apple's iTunes
Match Legitimizes Music Piracy - Because Piracy No Longer
1st Generation iPod nano Replacement Program
If you still have a first generation (1G) iPod nano, you may be
eligible for a free replacement.
A new Apple Knowledge Base article
says that Apple has determined that, in very rare cases, the battery in
the 1G iPod nano may overheat and pose a safety risk. Affected iPod
nanos were sold between September 2005 and December 2006.
Note: This battery issue is specific to the 1G iPod nano and does
not affect any other iPod.
This issue has been traced to a single battery supplier that
produced batteries with a manufacturing defect. While the possibility
of an incident is rare, the likelihood increases as the battery
Apple recommends that you stop using your 1G iPod nano and follow
the process noted below to order a replacement unit, free of
Replacement Process
You may order a replacement unit via the web from the site linked
Your iPod nano serial number will be checked to verify that it is
eligible for this program. You will receive a replacement unit
approximately 6 weeks after Apple receives your 1G iPod nano.
If you have a personalized iPod nano, you will receive a
non-personalized replacement. Make sure to use iTunes to back up any
data on your current iPod nano before sending it in for a replacement
Identifying an 1G iPod nano
It has a black or white plastic front and a silver metal back -
later iPod nano models have a metal front and back.
If you need assistance with placing an order, please visit an Apple
Retail Store or an Apple Authorized Service Provider (AASP) and bring
your iPod nano with you for serial number validation.
Your replacement iPod product is warranted to be free from defects
for 90 days from the date of service.
Link: iPod nano (1st
Generation) Replacement Program
iOS 5.0.1 News
Apple Releases iOS 5.0.1
Apple is now distributing iOS 5.0.1 via iTunes, addressing iPhone 4S
battery issues, security problems, and other bugs in the initial iOS
Improvements and other bug fixes include:
- Fixes bugs affecting battery life
- Adds Multitasking Gestures for original iPad
- Resolves bugs with Documents in the Cloud
- Improves voice recognition for Australian users using
Products compatible with this software update:
- iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad, iPod Touch (4G,
iOS 5.0.1 security patches address these issues:
- Visiting a maliciously crafted website may lead to the disclosure
of sensitive information
- Viewing a document containing a maliciously crafted font may lead
to arbitrary code execution
- An attacker with a privileged network position may intercept user
credentials or other sensitive information
- An application may execute unsigned code
- A person with physical access to a locked iPad 2 may be able to
access some of the user's data
Apple iOS can be downloaded from iTunes by connecting your iPhone
and clicking the Update button or as a Delta OTA update through your
iOS 5 device.
Apple Issues First 'Over the Air' iOS Update with
AppleInsider's Daniel Eran Dilger says:
"Just after releasing iOS 5.0.1 through iTunes, Apple has made the
update available to users via an over the air update, its first
'PC-free' update for iOS released to the general public."
Link: Apple Issues First
Public 'Over The Air' iOS Update with 5.0.1
iOS 5.0.1 iPhone Battery-Suckage Grief
The Register's Rik Myslewski says if you've experienced runaway
battery suckage on your brand-spanking-new iPhone 4S, you won't be
alone if you're still cursing your Apple handset after updating to
Apple's supposed battery-fixing iOS 5.0.1, and indeed your battery
issues may be substantially worse after upgrading
Link: iOS Upgrade Swells
iPhone Battery-Suckage Grief
Some iPhone Owners Report Worse Battery Life with
iOS 5.0.1
BGR's Zach Epstein reports that despite Apple's determination that
iOS 5.0.1 resolved issues related to battery life, however, not all
users are finding that to be the case.
Link: iPhone Owners
Report Even Worse Battery Life with iOS 5.0.1
Apps & Services
Browse Smarter with Dolphin Browser 2.0
PR: California based
Mobotap has announced an update of Dolphin Browser for iPhone, iPad,
and iPod touch devices running iOS 4.0 or later. Created to provide
users with the smartest, most personally adaptive mobile browsing
solution, Dolphin features everything from gesture controlled web
browsing to webzine access and more.

Dolphin Browser was developed as an enhanced alternative to Apple's
default iOS Safari browser. The alternative browser app features
everything from gesture-controlled web browsing to webzine access, and
more. Newly updated, version 1.1 of this app now features enhanced
interface options, a smoother overall browsing experience, and other
improvements as well. Dolphin Browser version 1.1 is currently
available for download on the Apple App Store for free in the
Productivity category.

This app represents the first ever iOS compatible mobile
browser enabled with Gesture browsing features, a Webzine portal, and
more. The newly updated app now includes a Featured Webzine section
that allows users to access the Dolphin browsing community's 16 most
popular Webzine sources and Web destinations. Another recent addition
introduced to the app is Dolphin Connect, a feature that connects the
browser to the cloud, giving users the power to sync Dolphin across all
of their devices and load their browsing preferences straight from the
cloud regardless of where they are or what device they happen to be
On the practical front, Dolphin Browser now includes a number of new
improvements such auto-hiding for the search bar when the user scrolls
up and down on pages, recalibrated left/right swipe sensitivity, and
improved overall system stability. Users are given the ability to adapt
Dolphin to their unique browsing habits and mannerisms, creating
webzine and website 'speed dials', or programming swipe-based artistic
Gesture commands.

Editor's note: I've been using the Dolphin Browser on my iPad for
several months and would rate it one of the best alternative iOS
browsers - if not the best. cm
Dolphin Browser
iPhone 4S Screen Repair Now Available from Jet
City Device Repair
Jet City Device Repair announces they are now fixing the cracked
screens on the iPhone 4S. This is a full service repair that takes
approximately 30 minutes in their Seattle or Chicago shops or is
completed within 24 hours if sent through the mail. The repair includes
parts, labor, and a 90 day warranty.
Jet City Device Repair is kicking off their iPhone 4S glass
replacement service with some aggressive pricing - just $129 plus sales
tax. As mentioned above, that includes everything - parts, labor, and a
90 day guarantee.
They try to make things as simple as possible for their customers.
People in the Seattle and Chicago areas can just walk into their
storefront locations and have their iPhone 4S glass replacement done in
about 30 minutes. Those living elsewhere can use their mail-in service
to get their iPhone fixed. Simply use their website to place an order,
mail them your phone, and they will have it fixed and mailed back to
you within 24 hours.
Jet City Devices is a reputable company that has been doing
cellphone repair for since 2007. In that time, they have fixed
thousands of broken phones. At this time they have 5 professional
repair technicians in their Seattle shop and 4 at their Chicago
Those interested in learning more about this repair can call them at
800-272-0897 or visit their website.
Link: Jet City
Device Repair