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News & Opinion
Tech Trends
Products & Services
News & Opinion
Spending Slowdown May Slow Mac Sales
Research's Paul Carton says:
"Apple suddenly finds itself in a vulnerable position, just as the
latest ChangeWave consumer survey shows another big leg downward for
the beleaguered US consumer.
"ChangeWave's September 16-26 survey of 4,262 consumers focused on
PC spending - and it shows Apple's real problem isn't Mac sales for the
previous 90 days (sales are looking good), it's their outlook for Macs
going forward.
"Past 90 Days - A Good Quarter for Mac Sales
"Among respondents who bought a computer over the past 90 days, 23%
say they bought an Apple laptop and 17% a desktop - down 1-pt and 2-pts
respectively from the August ChangeWave survey.
"But while the latest Mac results are down slightly, they're still
quite close to the highs reached in both our July and August surveys -
when the Mac halo effect caused by the release of the 3G iPhone was
still in effect.

"When you look at the July, August and September surveys in
combination, the results say that Apple should meet its Mac sales
numbers for the July 1 - September 30th quarter.
"However, the outlook for the next 90 days shows a much, much
tougher environment going forward.
"Next 90 Days - It's All About Visibility
"Why the concern about Apple's outlook? Among respondents who plan
to buy a PC over the next 90 days, just 29% say they'll purchase an
Apple laptop - down a full 5-pts since August. Another 26% say they
plan to buy a desktop, a 4-pt decline.
"These are the weakest looking numbers we've seen all year for Apple
in terms of future buying - and the biggest drop in visibility in 2
1Ú2 years.

"Compounding the matter, overall Consumer Electronics spending for
the next 90 days is registering yet another big slowdown - just as the
crucial holiday season gets underway.

"Only 14% say they'll spend more on consumer electronics over the
next 90 days compared to 40% who say less - a net 7-pt decline just
since August, and the weakest 90-day outlook for electronics spending
we've recorded in a ChangeWave survey.
"Most importantly, overall planned PC buying among consumers remains
quite weak. Just 8% of respondents say they'll buy laptops in the next
90 days and 6% desktops - significantly below our findings from a year
"Bittersweet Findings
"Despite an already severe 15 month contraction, our latest survey
shows US consumer spending has suddenly taken a big turn for the worse.
Better than half of US respondents (52%) now say they'll spend less
money over the next 90 days. And spending on consumer electronics looks
set to take the biggest hit.
"Within this environment, our July, August and September survey
results measuring the past 90 days show that Apple should meet its Mac
sales numbers for the quarter.
"But our September survey results for the next 90 days show Apple
has a considerable visibility problem - which represents the real
Achilles heel for Apple.
"Bottom line, while Apple's guidance is normally conservative, we
expect it to be much more so on October 21st when it provides its Mac
sales projections for the holiday season.
"Long term, the company still has a tremendous outlook. One example,
our latest consumer cell phone survey shows the smart phone market
thriving, and among respondents planning to buy a new smart phone in
the next 90 days, more than a third (34%) say they'll get an Apple
iPhone - the highest level of smart phone demand in the industry.
"Based on our data, we fully expect Apple's iPhone numbers will beat
consensus estimates on October 21st. However, Mac sales projections
going forward are the number one issue for the company, and that's
where our survey results show Apple is vulnerable - caught in the
fierce headwinds of the accelerating economic downturn."
Editor's note: This was published before Apple announced it's
October 14 notebook event. This will be the first update to Apple's
MacBook line since February and should unleash a wave of new sales. I
know of several Mac fans who have been waiting for new 'Books since
July and August. With a big presence in the notebook market, Apple
should fare well in the holiday quarter. dk
Link: Spending
Slowdown Catches Apple Mac Sales
How a Mac mini Can Beat a Quad-core Vista
ZDnet's Adrian
Kingsley-Hughes says:
"Here's a tale of how a humble Mac mini system outperformed my
cutting-edge quad-core system. It's also a story of how Apple can't
write good software for the Windows platform."
"So what's the deal? 1080p H.264 QuickTime movies play fine on the
Mac mini through QuickTime, and they play fine on Windows when using
third party media players. So the issue is here isn't which OS is best,
or which platform is best, it's all down to Apple's QuickTime player
for Windows not being up to the job."
Link: How a Mac
mini Can Beat a Quad-core Vista Behemoth (or How Apple Can't Write Good
Software for Windows)
Macintosh Tools Up with Plenty of Apps
John O'Brien says:
"'Lack of software' is one of those Mac myths that just refuses to
die. There have always been thousands of programs for the Mac and today
there are more than ever. You'll have to look online for most of
"Below is our pick of the top Mac apps that aren't available for
- Adium
- Aperture
- Bento
- ComicBookLover
- Delicious Library
- iLife
- iWork
- Pixelmator
- Transmission
- Twitterific"
Macintosh Tools Up with Plenty of Apps
Why You Shouldn't Buy RAM from Apple
Ramseeker.com blog says:
"This is why ramseeker
exists. Because I'm too cheap to pay for 'Apple' Memory. And you should
be too.
"Here's the pricing for iMac Memory as listed at the Apple
- Apple Store. 1gb - $100.
- Apple Store. 2gb - $200
- Apple Store. 4gb - $400.
"Now, let's compare the same memory from our vendors we list on
- Cheapest 1gb memory upgrade for iMac - 15.49
- Most Expensive 1gb memory upgrade for iMac - 39.00
- Cheapest 2gb memory upgrade for iMac- $30.99
- Most Expensive 2gb memory upgrade for iMac - $75.00
- Cheapest 4gb Memory Upgrade for iMac KITS - $62.99
- Most Expensive 4gb Memory Upgrade for iMac KITS - $115.99."
Watch Your Wallet Buying Memory from the Apple Store
How to Recycle a Cube
Lionel says:
"Apple is regularly updating the list of unsupported hardware,
indicating that such computer can not be service anymore, and one will
not find spare parts. As illustrated by this Power Mac G4 Cube, not being to
replace dead pieces does not necessarily mean it can not be useful
Link: How to
Recycle a Cube
5 Easy Ways to Customize the Look of Your New
My First Mac's
Chris Kerins says:
"One of my top reasons for buying Apple products is that every
aspect of their products is designed to perfection. The design
direction coming out of Apple HQ is strong and clear. But what do you
do if you don't like what they deliver? In most cases, not much. If you
don't like Steve's vision, tough luck.
"Fortunately, Apple has loosened its grip (somewhat) when it comes
to OS X. Certainly not to the extent that many critics would like, but
you can customize what your Mac looks like on screen. Let's take a look
at some easy ways to customize the way your new Mac looks."
5 Easy Ways to Customize the Look of Your New Mac
Advice for SheepShaver, OS 9 on Intel Macs
"Michael Goodine of Emaculation.com is hosting new builds of
the free open-source PowerPC emulator, SheepShaver, which can run Mac
OS 9 on Intel Macs. Goodine responded to our reader reports of
instability, and suggests trying the newer builds:
"It's very neat to see a 'special report' about SheepShaver on your
site! I've noticed that the reactions are mixed regarding SheepShaver
on the Intel Macs...."
Editor's note: Also see SheepShaver Brings
Classic Mac OS to Intel Macs and Leopard here on Low End Mac.
Link: Advice for
SheepShaver, OS 9 on Intel Macs
Stinky Mac Pro: 'Definitely Not Benzene'
Eric reports:
"Following our previous news, we have received several reports
originating from different places all over the world from Mac Pro
owners having contacted Apple Care as they wanted to get additional
information about the weird smelling produced by their computer.
According to those reports and our sources, it seems that Apple has
internally communicated about this issue, clearly stating that it does
NOT involve benzene. Hereafter is an example of such report,
originating from Bill, a Hardmac reader:
"'I just called AppleCare about it....
"When I asked about the benzene issue, the manager
said that the advice coming down from Apple's engineers was to tell
customers that it's 'definitely not benzene', and not to worry about
it. I asked the rep to email this info to me, but understandably (I
guess) he wasn't prepared to do so - in fact, he joked that he'd
probably already said too much....'"
Link: About
Mac Pro and Stinky Chemical Compounds: Towards the End of the
Tech Trends
Fujitsu Spinning Out of Hard Drive Business?
Channel Register's Chris Mellor reports:
"Fujitsu is thought to be planning to scale down its storage
business after reports that it may sell its hard disk drive business to
Western Digital for ¥70bn to ¥100bn ($662-945.5m).
"Fujitsu issued a statement today, saying: 'There was an article in
the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper today regarding Fujitsu's hard disk
drive business. This article is not based on information released by
Fujitsu. At the current time, there is no factual basis for this media
"WD is the world's number two HDD manufacturer, with a 22 per cent
market share, behind Seagate with 34 per cent. Fujitsu, ranked sixth,
has 6.6 per cent....
"It is moving to focus more on 2.5in mobile drives where Seagate and
WD are competing strongly, both having released 500 GB products
recently. Fujitsu started shipping its SATA 500 GB 2.5in, 4200 rpm
product in May....
"There is a medium-to-long term threat to the 2.5in hard drive
business from faster flash solid state drives, and HDDs need to
energetically grow their capacity so as to retain their substantial
cost/GB advantage over flash...."
Is Fujitsu Spinning Out of the Hard Drive Business?
Products & Services
MacTribe Expands Reach with Print Edition
PR: MacTribe, the first Mac magazine and website to combine
the traditional format of reviews, news, and usage tips with culture,
art, profiles, and interviews, will launch its new print edition at
newsstands this month. MacTribe is the ultimate product and lifestyle
magazine for Mac enthusiasts and will now be widely distributed by
Source Interlink Companies, one of the largest magazine distributors
and publishers in the US. This will result in a wider-reach to the Mac
has grown steadily as a website for three years. In addition to the
usual Mac magazine fare such as product reviews and news from
Cupertino, MacTribe Magazine now offers in-depth interviews with
creative professionals, expanded coverage about design and photography,
features on tech culture, and more.
Daniel Robillard, founder and publisher, commented, "Mac users exist
as a type of subculture with similar tastes, interests, and ideas.
MacTribe has created a unique approach to serving them the content they
crave in a stylish 21st century format. The end result is a virtual and
print world where our tribe can come together as a community."
With the continued growth of Apple and the culture surrounding the
company, it is evident that the time has come for a new media channel
to provide more to the Apple community. The new print edition of
MacTribe will reflect the sophisticated aesthetic valued by Mac users,
while taking Mac coverage to a new level. The coverage is not only
about computers, it is about Mac culture and user community.
Look for the latest print edition at newsstands in the middle of
The print and web version feature excellent writing, knowledgeable
insight and education with sections such as: Techie Trendy, Interviews,
Apple Product Guide, Stock Photography, Multimedia, Digital Design, and
All Things Apple.
MacTribe launched in 2005 as an alternative to traditional coverage
of the Mac market. MacTribe's mission is to provide in-depth coverage
not only of the developments at Apple but also of the Mac user's world
and community, from consumers to creative professionals. Now
distributed by widely respected Source Interlink Companies, MacTribe
Magazine will reach a greater audience than ever before, further
establishing itself as "A New Mac Magazine for a New Apple Era."
MacTribe Magazine is published 8 times a year and the subscription cost
is $29.95.
To learn more about joining the MacTribe explore www.mactribe.com, MacTriber Weekly
newsletter, and MacTribe Magazine
Sonnet Aria Extreme Draft 802.11n Wireless PCI
PR: Sonnet Technologies announces the immediate availability
of the Aria Extreme N PCI 802.11n wireless PCI card. This easy to
install adapter delivers draft 802.11n wireless network connectivity to
Power Mac G5, Power Mac G4, and Windows desktop computers with an
available PCI or PCI-X slot. Configuration is completed in a few simple
steps, and for maximum compatibility and convenience, Aria Extreme N
PCI is backward compatible with 802.11b and 802.11g routers and other
Draft 802.11n networking offers significantly enhanced
performance compared to 802.11g, the previous wireless network
standard. When used in 802.11n networks, Aria Extreme N PCI can achieve
up to two-and-a-half times the speed and twice the range than when used
in an 802.11g network. Sonnet's Aria Extreme N PCI features three
antennas (2TX/3RX) to maximize its performance with 802.11n routers
that also feature multiple radios and antennas. 802.11n devices utilize
MIMO (multiple input, multiple output) technology that enables multiple
concurrent data stream transmission, and provides enough bandwidth to
allow simultaneous high-speed Internet access, HD video streaming,
large file transferring, VoIP telephony, and more. Aria Extreme N PCI
supports WEP, WPA and WPA2 security protocols along with AES and TKIP
encryption for secure network configuration, so users can work
wirelessly with confidence.
Aria Extreme N PCI Key Benefits
- Simple way to add 802.11n wireless networking capability to any
compatible computer
- Delivers up to 2.5x the speed and 2x the range of an 802.11g
network adapter
- Works with all AirPort Extreme and AirPort Express base stations
and equivalent wireless hubs
- Backward compatible with 802.11b and 802.11g devices
- Mac Compatibility
- Power Mac G5 with PCI or PCI-X slots
- Power Mac G4 (except Cube)
- Mac OS 10.4 and later
- PC Compatibility
- Desktop computer with PCI or PCI-X slots
- Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
Pricing and Availability: Aria Extreme N PCI (part number
N80211-PCI) is available now for the suggested retail price of
Link: Sonnet Aria
Extreme N PCI
TransIntl SATA II Pro Drive
PR: Pro Drive, a dual drive RAID enclosure,accommodates
up to two 2.5" SATA hard drives. Pro Drive can be used as redundant
drive to protect against drive failure(RAID 1) or Striped to become one
high performance drive(RAID 0). RAID 0 and RAID 1 configurations are
controlled by a simple dip switch easily accessible on the back of the
Pro Drive enclosures are designed for Mac Pro to enhance the
performance of Mac Pro internal drives. Pro Drives offers phenomenal
performance when Four Pro Drives(RAID 0) are Striped together to
blazing over 400 MB/sec of data transfer. Or they can be used as
individual drives with RAID 1 for worry free, automatic, instant data
- Drives: 2 x 9.5mm 2.5" SATA II
- Max Capacity: 1 TB (2 x 500 GB)
- RAID Mode 0 & 1
- Compatibility: Mac OS 10.5
- Dimensions: 104 mm (W) x 31 mm (H) x 156 mm (D)
- Warranty: 1 Year
Prices start at $333 for a 240 GB unit and go up to $537 for a 1 TB
Link: TransIntl
SATA II Pro Drive
My Apple Space Social Networking Website
PR: Denmark-based Apple enthusiast Brian Floe introduces My
Apple Space, a social networking website for Apple enthusiasts. My
Apple Space is aimed at providing Apple users around the globe a place
to connect, cultivate relationships, build a strong sense of community
and designed to be the ultimate switcher machine on the internet.
Membership to My Apple Space is free.
My Apple Space is a great resource for finding out about the latest
Mac Hardware, news, latest software updates or just meeting new
friends. For members, it offers a lively Forum, Music, Photo and Movie
uploads, Live Chat, Groups, as well as a excellent Blogging platform.
Any blog that is written by a member is collected into one mutual blog
that is featured on the My Apple Space home page.
"The Apple buying experience is an event unto itself", states Floe.
"We want to further that experience by offering the ultimate Apple user
network, geared towards helping out and making friends in the wonderful
world that is Apple."
My Apple Space is designed by Apple users for Apple users. iPhotos,
iMovies, GarageBand, and Blogging are all available including one click
integration with today's popular social networks like Facebook, My
Space and 15 other social networks. Share photos like on alternative
networks, but with the security of Facebook for private photos, as well
as sharing Apple related photos that go into a collective photo album
for all to enjoy.
And likewise with iMovies. Upload movies and choose them to be
"private" so only your friends can view them. It's a great way for
members to show off their homespun movies with other Mac enthusiasts.
Members meet at My Apple Space for live chat at 9 p.m. according to
their own time zone around the globe, every night, 7 days a week.
My Apple Space also endears to help switchers get to know their Macs
by answering common questions and solving problems. As new software
releases become available, My Apple Space provides press releases to
their members as well. My Apple Space groups have a unique opportunity
to embed within their own groups from other social networks. This
feature is available for the average Apple user to the software vendor,
game developers, and more.
Link: My Apple Space
Accordance Bible Software Releases Piper Sermons
and Grudem Theology
PR: OakTree Software, Inc. announces the release of The John
Piper Manuscript Library (Mac) CD-ROM and Systematic Theology by Wayne
The ministry of John Piper and Desiring God has a wide and growing
influence through sermons, books, radio, and other media. Piper Sermons
presents 1,150 John Piper Sermon manuscripts preached over more than 28
years, from 1980 to 2008. Free updates of future John Piper sermon
manuscripts will be available from time to time. The sermons are
arranged chronologically with an accessible topical and series index,
and they are easily searchable for the message text or any other
Wayne Grudem is research professor of Bible and theology at Phoenix
Seminary in Phoenix, Arizona. His award-winning Systematic
Theology combines his wealth of learning and love for theology with
thirty years of teaching, preaching, and speaking nationally and
abroad. Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem is now available for
Accordance is the leading Bible study program for Macintosh
computers, offering features for everything from high-end academic
analysis to personal Bible study.
Link: Accordance Bible
ToCA Race Driver 3 for Mac Coming October
PR: Feral Interactive has announced Friday, October 24th as
the worldwide release date for the Mac version of ToCA Race Driver 3,
the exciting wheel-to-wheel, single-player and multiplayer racing game
developed by Codemasters.
With 70
licensed cars and 80 licensed tracks, ToCA Race Driver 3 is the racing
game for the Mac and offers the greatest range of motorsports of any
game; GT, Off Road, Touring Cars, Classics, Open Wheel, Rally, and Oval
are just a few of the more than 35 types of racing featured. And the
quality is just as impressive as the quantity with real-world physics
giving players an authentic handling experience for each individual
With its online, multiplayer capability, ToCA Race Driver 3 for Mac
delivers an added dimension of live competition with other drivers
across the globe.
"The ToCA Race Driver series has an outstanding reputation and we
are thrilled to be bringing it to the Mac for the first time," said
Feral Interactive's David Stephen.
"Codemasters understands and appreciates that the Mac user demands
their gaming experience to be as clean and visually stunning as all of
their day to day Apple applications. As such, we are happy to partner
with to Feral Interactive knowing the quality that they deliver to,"
said Peter Chan Director, Business Development, Codemasters.
The game will retail in North America for $49.95, £4.99 (incl.
VAT) in the UK and €9.95 (incl. VAT) throughout Europe. It is
currently available to pre-order from Feral's online store.
Minimum system requirements call for a 1.8 GHz Intel Mac only, 512
MB RAM, 128 MB graphics card, DVD drive and Mac OS X v10.4.8 or later.
The game does not support Intel GMA processors.
Link: ToCA Race
Driver 3
Desktop Mac
Low End Mac updates the following price trackers monthly:
For deals on current and discontinued 'Books, see our 13" MacBook and MacBook Pro,
MacBook Air, 13" MacBook Pro, 15" MacBook Pro, 17" MacBook Pro, 12" PowerBook G4, 15" PowerBook G4, 17" PowerBook G4, titanium PowerBook G4,
iBook G4, PowerBook G3, and iBook G3 deals.
We also track iPad,
iPhone, iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod shuffle deals.