This article was published on The Painful Truth website, “a collection of Facts, Opinions and Comments from survivors of Armstrongism and The Worldwide Church of God.” This was written after Rodney moved from Georgia to Minnesota.
Author Archives: Rodney Lain
So, You Think You’re a Writer, Eh?
The question of color takes up much space in these pages, but the question of color, especially in this country, operates to hide the graver questions of self. – 1961, James Baldwin, expatriated Black-American writer and gay activist Blood, darky, Tar Baby, Kaffir, shine, moor, blackamoor, Jim Crow, spook, quadroon, meriney, red bone, high yellow, […]
THIS is for all the times you followed me round in stores…. And THIS is for the times you treated me like a nigger…. And THIS is for G. P. – General Principle….. – Nate McCall, Makes Me Wanna Holler It makes me wanna holler And throw up both my hands…. – “Inner City Blues,” […]
A man is flying a small airplane and is lost in the clouds. He descends until he spots an office building and yells to a man in an open window, “Where am I?” The man replies, “You are in an airplane about 100 feet above the ground.” The pilot immediately turns to the proper course, […]
Red Skull: “I’m God” Captain America: “Then I’m Nietzsche.” From Earth X graphic novel (issues 1-12), Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, and John Paul Leon
Things Windows was our parody of Rodnay O. Lain’s Things Macintosh column.
“It takes a deaf man to hear.” – Thomas Edison
The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with a dead woman . . . or a live boy. – Edwin Edwards, former governor of Louisiana And, he did win that election, BTW.
Certainly Bill Gates doesn’t like to be characterized as a megalomaniac, and Steve Jobs doesn’t like to be described as a sociopath, but that’s what they are. Trust me. – Robert X. Cringely, Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their Millions, Battle Foreign Competition, and Still Can’t Get a Date I am young […]
Oh, the Mac over there? Macs are only good for graphics. – an Intel rep, overheard at CompUSA The Mac is a toy. They’re only good for games. – the average PC user, overheard at CompUSA
You are not in the world all alone. Your friends are here, too. – Albert Schweitzer, upon winning the Nobel Prize
Michael Faraday, a pioneer in the field of electricity, was demonstrating the tremendous potential of his new invention, the dynamo, to the British Royal Scientific Society. A young politician in the audience, William Gladstone, grew bored, finally saying, “I’m sure this is all very interesting, Mr. Faraday, but what in God’s earth good is it?” […]
Rodney O. Lain Thanks, many thanks…. – Shakespeare You are not in the world all alone. Your friends are here, too. – Albert Schweitzer, upon winning the Nobel Prize
This was probably Rodney O Lain’s best know column and certainly his most controversial. It got him booted from one of the many websites he wrote for.
Quality is job one. – Ford Auto Company’s motto Innovation comes from people who take joy in their work. – W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)
In this business you either sink or swim or you don’t. – David Smith The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. – Ambrose Bierce When Apple introduced the Power Mac G4 (technically, it was when Apple introduced the G4 commercials) you could almost see final nails being […]
“No, I still don’t like Apple products very much. But increasingly, I hate Windows even more. Its constant crashes. Its inconsistent interfaces. Its lack of new, innovative software. Meanwhile, Apple is on a roll….” – Jesse Berst, Editorial Director of ZDNet AnchorDesk, Think Different? Why Jesse Wants an iMac, 1999.10.07. Surreal. Yeah, that’s the word […]
The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H. L. Mencken, writer, iconoclast, Different Thinker Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. – Henry A. Kissinger He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire. – Lao-tzu
“The book is here to stay. What we’re doing is symbolic of the peaceful coexistence of the book and the computer.” Vartan Gregorian, on computerization of the New York Public Library card catalog
“Don’t lie to me, Gustav! You’re a stinkin’ Mac user!” – Ratbert, from a Dilbert comic strip, in which he proposes a “Holy War” in order to “standardize on one computer” by having the company “identify and eliminate the deviant users of Macintosh, Unix and – God help us – OS/2 Warp” “What if half the […]
What if half the things ever said turned out to be a lie… How will U know the truth? If U were given all the answers and U stopped to wonder why… How will U know the truth? “The Truth,” O{+>
Why can’t we learn about God for ourselves, without some preacher trying to tell us what to believe?
Sad to report that Rodney Lain finally committed suicide on 6/14/02. He had gone off his anti-depressants.
This article was written by Michael Brandenburg after Rodney was disfellowshipped by the Macon, GA, Worldwide Church of God (WCG) congregation. It was originally published on the MarkTab Ministries website, which no longer exists.
This article was written when Rodney was disfellowshipped by the Macon, GA, Worldwide Church of God (WCG) congregation. It was originally published on the MarkTab Ministries website, which no longer exists. It is copyright by Rodney O. Lain. Links have been retained when possible, but many go to the Internet Wayback Machine.
Signifyin(g) as a Rhetorical Device in Selected Writings of the Harlem Renaissance
The Thirteens (Black)*
The Signifying Monkey*
Simply Written – Signifyin(g) in the Writings of Langston Hughes