Macintosh IIci
1998.01.31, updated
We're sorry, but these are very old, very dated
articles. Best buys in used Macs is such a moving target that we simply
can't keep up to date and have given up even trying. Please read these
in their historical context, as some of these articles were written in
the early years of Low End Mac. Prices are approximate at the time
the article was first written.

Macintosh IIci
If you're looking for an excellent used Mac, the IIci offers decent performance and
exceptional expandability. A used IIci will typically have 8 MB
RAM, an 80 MB or larger hard drive, and a level 2 cache. All this with
internal video for a 640 x 480 display or a portrait monitor can be had
for about US$25-30. Some dealers have been blowing them out for the
cost of shipping.
Unlike earlier Macs, the IIci has 32-bit clean ROMs - you don't need
Mode32 to go past 8 MB. The processor direct slot makes it easy to add
a level 2 cache (about $10 used) or an efficient 68040-based
accelerator. By replacing the motherboard, you can even turn a IIci
into a Quadra 700.
Another way to boost performance is with an accelerated video card.
Using motherboard memory for video creates a fast video subsystem,
but it slows the rest of the system slightly.
The IIci runs System 7 very well.* I am especially pleased with the
features and performance of System 7.5.5. You really need 8 MB RAM; if
the IIci you buy has less, upgrade immediately. 1 MB SIMMs are
getting hard to find, since there's little profit in them (they may
sell for under US$2 each!). However, you may be able to find used (or
"pulled") 1 MB, 2 MB, or 4 MB on Craigslist. Ballpark
pricing is $5-10 for four 1 MB SIMMs, $20-30 for four 4 MB
Typical new memory prices at present are $2-5 for 1 MB SIMMs,
$8-12 for 2 MB SIMMs, $6.50-10 for 4 MB SIMMs, and $19-29 for
16 MB SIMMs. I don't recommend 8 MB SIMMs - they're more expensive than
16 MB ones! (From ramseeker, the guide to the
latest memory pricing.)
What do you do with the SIMMs you pull? I keep them in antistatic
bags or tubes, hoping someday someone will have use of them. Pulled
1 MB SIMMs can be used to upgrade a Mac Plus or SE with less than
4 MB, a Classic with 2 MB, or any number of other Macs. Pulled 256
KB SIMMs are close to worthless, but keep 4 or 8 around just in
Be sure to visit our memory upgrade
guide for possible configurations and installation instructions.
Since the IIci can work with 256 KB, 512 KB, 1 MB, 2 MB,
4 MB, and 16 MB SIMMs, you have a lot of options. The IIci can
handle up to 128 MB of RAM.
With three NuBus expansion slots and a processor direct slot, you
can add an accelerator, a video card, and an ethernet card and still
have a slot free for a second monitor, a Radius Rocket, or a second ethernet card
(for use as a gateway).
If the hard drive isn't big enough, you can replace the internal
drive with a half-height or third-height SCSI drive (most newer Macs
don't have room for half-height drives). Pulled or surplus half-height
drives are often available for a song.
What makes the IIci a best buy is that you can buy it and use it
immediately, but it also has great upgrade potential.