The big unknown for the iPhone 5, which went on sale last Friday, is
the A6 processor. We know that Apple didn't just modify an
off-the-shelf design, but Apple has been pretty quiet about specific
details, keeping the focus on what the iPhone 5 does, not the silicon
that powers it. We have a whole section dedicated to the A6 this week
and will continue to track discoveries and developments about this
important processor.
Mac notebook and other portable computing is covered in The 'Book Review, and general Mac news is in
Mac News Review. Older Macs are
covered in Vintage Mac News. All
prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
Purchases made through links to and
Apple's iTunes/iBook/App/Mac App Store support Low End Mac.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
Tech: Apple's A6 CPU
The Competition
Apps & Services
Presentation & Protection
iPod Deals
These price trackers are updated every month.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
iPhone 5 Tops Benchmark Chart for Smartphones &
The Register's Tony Smith reports that Apple's iPhone 5 is one of
the fastest ARM devices out there, beating even the Asus-made Google
Nexus 7, at least if benchmark data posted online are to be
Smith notes that an entry in the Geekbench database shows the new
handset clocking a score of 1601, with the readout indicating a
dual-core ARMv7 CPU running at 1 GHz and equipped with 1 GB
of memory. That compares to the Nexus 7's score of 1591 and the Asus
Transformer Prime TF201's 1497, so the iPhone 5 result, if
genuine, shows the handset beating tablets. So does Samsung's Galaxy S
III, but its score of 1560 running Android 4.0 is still behind that of
the purported iPhone 5 result.
Link: iPhone 5 Tops
Benchmark Chart
iPhone 5 Selling Fast While 'Smarter' Phones
The Telegraph's Mic Wright says when consumer technology was the
province of hard-core geeks, lists of specifications meant a great
deal. It was a badge of honor to have more RAM, a better graphics card,
and a faster processor, because, for many, it was the individual
numbers that mattered more than the sum of the parts.
Some gadget buyers still have that mindset, but they don't drive
huge sales numbers.
Wright observes that while many in the tech press were declaring the
iPhone 5 "boring", Apple's new handset was ordered more than two
million times in the first 24 hours of availability - twice the rate of
its predecessor, the iPhone 4S, in its first 24 hours. While the geek
constituency relishes digging deep into many layers of settings and
features, mainstream consumers simply don't and just want devices to be
easy and enjoyable to use. Where Samsung, Motorola, and the rest
present lists of specs and features, Apple aims to demonstrate how its
devices will fit into customers lives.
Link: Why Apple's
'Boring' iPhone 5 Is Selling Fast While Smarter Phones Aren't
J.D. Power: Apple Ranks Highest in Owner
Satisfaction Among Tablet Manufacturers
PR: Tablets are transforming the way content is consumed and
challenging the usage patterns for personal computers, according to the
J.D. Power and Associates 2012 US Tablet Satisfaction Study released
The inaugural Tablet Satisfaction Study finds that tablet owners
spend 7.5 hours per week browsing the Internet, watching videos,
listening to music, and reading books on their device, compared with
spending 9.6 hours per week on a personal computer for the same
activities. Overall satisfaction is 857 (on a 1,000-point scale) among
owners who view three or more hours of video per week on their tablet,
which is 45 points higher than among those who do not. In addition,
those who spend three or more hours viewing video content are more
likely to purchase another tablet from their current manufacturer in
the future than are those who do not watch as much video content (90%
vs. 81%, respectively).
"As tablet computing, multimedia, display, and application offerings
continue to evolve, their impact on usage patterns will continue to
grow," says Dr. Uma S. Jha, senior director of mobile devices at J.D.
Power and Associates. "Tablets are a force in the marketplace that
offer a great alternative to laptops and netbooks."
The study measures tablet owner satisfaction among those who have
owned their tablet for less than two years. Satisfaction is measured
across five key factors. In order of importance, they are: performance
(26%), ease of operation (22%), styling and design (19%), features
(17%), and price (16%).
Apple ranks highest, achieving a score of 848, and performs well in
four factors: performance; ease of operation; styling and design; and
features. Amazon (841) closely follows Apple in the rankings and
performs particularly well in the price factor.

The study also finds the following key tablet usage patterns and
purchase trends:
- Tablet owners who also have a smartphone spend 40% more time
browsing the Internet on their tablet than on their smartphone.
Similarly, they spend 56% more time using gaming apps on their tablet
than on their smartphone.
- One-fourth (25%) of owners indicate they use their tablet for
business purposes.
- More than one-third (37%) of tablet owners say they are likely to
buy a new tablet within the next 12 months.
- Among tablet owners who are highly satisfied (those rating their
device 10 on a 10-point scale), 90% say they are likely to purchase
additional consumer electronic devices from the same manufacturer.
- Three-fourths (75%) of tablet owners indicate they were the sole
decision-maker in purchasing their device.
- More than one-half (61%) of owners share their device with at least
one other person.
The 2012 US Tablet Satisfaction Study is based on experiences
reported by 1,985 tablet owners. The study was fielded in July
For more information on customer satisfaction with wireless service,
wireless retail sales, cell phone handsets, customer care, prepaid
wireless service and business wireless service, visit
2012 US Tablet Satisfaction Study
Phone 5 Demand Expected to Surpass Supply in
DigiTimes Research's Luke Lin and Jason Yang report that while
Apple's strategy of only launching one new smartphone model per year
allows the company to focus more on the smartphone's overall design and
manufacturing details compared to other players, a lack of choices over
model selection and specifications, along with a long time gap between
the launch of each generation product are relatively limiting factors
when it comes to the iPhone's penetration into the market.
An example is the iPhone 5's use of in-cell touchscreen panels, and
Lin and Yang note that while improving yield rates for the panels
should allow iPhone 5 shipments in the fourth quarter to reach
30-35 million units, the volume will still be unable to satisfy demand,
with total iPhone (all models) shipments in the fourth quarter expected
to reach more than 40 million units. The reporters observe that only
Japan-based Japan Display and Korea-based LG Display have a production
yield close to 80% for in-cell touchscreen panels, and Sharp, which has
a yield rate at 30-40%, is only expected to to have a chance to become
a major panel supplier to Apple after the panel maker improves the
yield rate in the fourth quarter.
Link: Phone 5 Demand
Expected to Surpass Supply in 4Q12 (subscription required)
Lightning Adapters Will Be a Jackpot for Apple
Hardmac's Lionel notes that in order to connect the iPhone 5 (and
the new iPods equipped with the same new Lightning connector) Apple
also unveiled four new Lightning products.
A simple USB Lightning cable costs $19, and the adapters are even
more expensive. The simple short adapter will cost $29, and it will be
an extra $10 for 20 cm (8") of cable at $39. The fourth item, a
micro-USB port, is not available everywhere and is specific to the
European Union, as all phones sold in that market by law are required
allow charging through micro-USB. However, the law allows manufacturers
to use an adapter for that and doesn't require them to include it for
free, so users will have to spend another $19 or equivalent for that
little adapter.
Link: Lightning
Adapters: Jackpot for Apple
Lightning Connector, the Bad News of the Day?
The French-language Website Casualtek notes that Apple's new iPhone
5 and iPod (and soon iPad) connector called Lightning mocks the need
for consumers to change accessories previously acquired to accommodate
the new connector format.
And even if you cough up the 29 euros for an optional adapter, you
may still be unable to connect your new Apple device to your existing
peripherals. As the US Apple Store notes: "This adapter lets you
connect devices with a Lightning connector to many of your 30-pin
accessories. Video and iPod Out not supported."
Casualtek observes that the previous 30-pin dock connector's video
output and audio output are clearly not reproduced by this adapter, so
you're out of luck in that context, which could be fatal to many
accessories, though labeled "Made for iPhone" and "Made for iPod" and
using the analog audio output dock connector.
They also cite a Cnet report that some cars compatible with the
iPod/iPhone original 30-pin connector could be orphaned, including Kia,
Hyundai, and BMW, which need an analog audio signal.
Link: Connecteur
Lightning, la Mauvaise Nouvelle du Jour ? (French-to-English
translation by Google Translate)
iFixit: Apple EarPods Teardown
iFixit's Miroslav Djuric and team have snuck a peek inside Apple's
new EarPods, noting:
On the outside they certainly look futuristic, but what lurks
inside? We knew of only one way to find out.
We didn't assign a repairability score for the EarPods.
Unfortunately, products like these earbuds are still of the throw-away
kind. Repair is infeasible because sourcing parts is next to
impossible, and it would be a tough sell to convince someone to take
apart their EarPods - they're glued together, and will never be the
same once taken apart.
With such a
tight fit between the two halves of the EarPods, simply pulling them
apart wasn't an option. Enter the X-Acto blade. We don't normally cut
open earbuds, but when we do, we prefer X-Acto #11 blades.
- Like most speakers, the EarPod speakers consist of a
diaphragm/cone, a voice coil, a permanent magnet, and a cabinet. The
voice coil is supported by a composite diaphragm made of a paper cone
and a polymer surround. This is the first iteration of Apple headphones
to use paper cones rather than all plastic.
- Apple had durability in mind with the new EarPods. The new remote
design includes larger cable wrapping on both ends to reduce strain on
the wires.
To make the
new EarPods more resistant to water and sweat damage, Apple's designers
removed the external microphone grate.
- The microphone in the EarPods' remote bears the markings 2F17 045;
we also uncovered another IC with the markings TI25ASGVI, which
Chipworks believes to be an ADC, or a device used for volume-control
- While all these components look large when shot in our pictures,
but they're quite small in real life. This is how the remote's circuit
board looks like when compared to a US dime:
Miroslav Djuric
Chief Information Architect, iFixit

Comparison of previous iPhone earbuds, 1G iPod earbuds, and
Photos courtesy iFixit.
Link: Apple EarPods
Parents and Children Prefer Print Books to
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center's Sarah Vaala and Lori Takeuchi report that
to follow up on insights revealed the Center's Print vs. E-books
QuickStudy, they conducted a second QuickStudy QuickReport: Parent
Co-Reading Survey to survey parents about reading books with their
2-to-6-year-old children in which they assessed family ownership of
devices on which ebooks can be read and included a set of questions
about reading ebooks with children since market research indicates
these are emerging trends.
Vaala and Takeuchi note that because the Apple iPad has demonstrated
a quick rise to dominance in the tablet marketplace, the report delves
into iPad owners' practices and perceptions surrounding the use of
ebooks in their kids' literacy development. The researchers found
noteworthy patterns of perceptions and use of ebooks among the families
in this sample who own iPads that they say warrant broader
conversations and pose important questions for researchers and designer
One finding of the research was that both kids and parents tend to
still prefer ink-on-paper books to the onscreen kind:
"A majority of
the iPad owners who read ebooks with their kids say they still prefer
reading print books with them (see Figure 6). In fact, 89.9% of these
parents report that they read mostly print books and some ebooks with
their children, compared to 7.5% who say they read print books and
ebooks equally with their children, and 2.7% who read mostly or
exclusively ebooks. While many parents who do not co-read ebooks worry
that their children would want to use their iPad all the time, the
majority of parents who do read ebooks with their children believe
their children actually prefer reading print books together."
Link: QuickReport:
Parent Co-Reading Survey
Tech: Apple's New A6 CPU
iPhone 5's A6: Not A15 or A9, but a Custom Apple
AnandTech's Anand Lal Shimpi notes that when Apple announced that
the iPhone 5 is powered by Apple's new A6 SoC, they typically didn't
announce clock speeds, CPU microarchitecture, memory bandwidth, or GPU
Shimpi notes that prior to the surprise announcement of the A6,
AnandTech had speculated that the iPhone 5's SoC would simply be a
higher clocked version of the 32nm A5r2 used in the most recent iPad
2,4 models, with major architecture shifts reserved for their debut on
the iPad, and that after the A6 revelation he had provisionally
concluded Apple's A6 SoC likely featured two ARM Cortex A15 cores. It
turns out he was wrong, but pleasantly surprised to learn that the A6
is the first Apple SoC to use the company's own ARMv7-based processor
design whose CPU core(s) aren't based on a "vanilla" A9 or A15 design
from ARM IP, but instead Apple's own creation.
The bad news, he says, is that he has no details on the design of
Apple's custom core and no indication how many cores there are. He's
provisionally assuming two but notes that Apple was careful not to
report core count; more details will emerge when a he gets his hands on
an iPhone 5.
In the meantime, Lal Shimpi observes that this is a huge deal for
Apple, putting the company in another league when it comes to vertical
integration, and now we will get to see just how good Apple's CPU team
really is.
Link: The
iPhone 5's A6 SoC: Not A15 or A9, a Custom Apple Core Instead
Analysts: A6 Chip Is Dual-core Cortex-A15 from UK
Macworld UK's Karen Haslam reports that according to analysts at
Nomura Equity Research, the A6 processor features a dual-core
Cortex-A15 licensed from Cambridge, UK-based ARM Holdings, and like
previous A-series processors, it is manufactured for Apple by Samsung
using its 32nm manufacturing process.
The report notes that the Cortex-A15 offers a 2 GHz clock frequency
that is claimed to double the performance of the previous 1.5 GHz
dual-core Cortex-A9 based Exynos.
If that really is the provenance of the somewhat mysterious A6,
Apple would be one of the first companies to use the Cortex-A15-based
processor, according to the report.
Link: A6 Chip in
iPhone 5 is Dual-Core Cortex-A15 from UK Company
Analyst: AppleDesigned Its Own A6 CPU
PR: Linley Group analyst Linley Gwennap says in a newsletter
that while Apple hasn't disclosed what CPU it used in its new A6
processor, recent information indicates that AppleDesigned its own CPU
rather than licensing a Cortex-A9 or next-generation Cortex-A15 from
ARM. He notes that the fact that Apple requires iPhone 5 apps to
be recompiled to a new architecture variant called ARMv7s indicates
that the A6 does not use the same Cortex-A9 CPUs found Apple's A5
processor, with the hardware watchdog and analysis website reporting that the A6 uses an internally designed
Gwennap says he believes the custom A6 CPU is similar in complexity
and performance to Cortex-A15 and to the Krait CPU that appears in
Qualcomm's newest processors, and deduces that in order to attain
Apple's claim of a 2x performance gain over the iPhone 4S (which uses
the A5), he expects the A6 contains two CPU cores clocking at roughly
1.2 GHz, a clock speed speed lower than competing A15-class CPUs
achieve, presumably to save power, reasoning that as a result, the
iPhone 5 will probably fall short of other high-end smartphones in raw
CPU performance, although the same has been true of previous iPhone
Gwennap also speculates, but hasn't confirmed, that the A6 is likely
being manufactured by Samsung using its currently leading-edge 32nm
process, but this has not been confirmed, and observes that while Apple
has been licensing CPU cores from ARM for its previous processors, the
company's interest in CPU design dates back to its $278 million
acquisition of PA
Semi in April 2008, and provides a backgrounder on how that led to
development of the A6 SoC.
Now that it has completed its first CPU design, Gwennap thinks Apple
is not likely to stop there, and that to keep pace with competitors
using ARM cores, Apple will have to crank out a new CPU design every
couple of years. He's convinced that Apple is already working on a
next-generation CPU, likely to implement the 64-bit ARMv8 instruction
set, but says it probably won't debut until 2014, projecting that for
its 2013 products, Apple will rely on the A6 CPU design, although
perhaps in a quad-core configuration and with a higher-performance
Editor's note: Apple also has extra impetus to get alternate silicon
suppliers such as Taiwan Semiconductor (TSMC) on stream. The Korea
Times' Kim Yoo-chul reports that
Samsung is asking Apple to pay more to use mobile application
processors produced at its plant in Austin, Texas, and claiming that it
is the only firm that can guarantee ontime delivery, output commitment,
and better pricing for mobile application processors. However, TSMC
looks to be first with 20nm processors, and Apple has reportedly
dispatched some 200 engineers to help TSMC get up to speed
manufacturing Apple A-series silicon. cm
How AppleDesigned Own CPU for A6
The Competition
iFixit's Kindle Fire HD Teardown
iFixit's Miroslav Djuric says:
The Kindle Fire HD landed in our hands on Friday, and we immediately
got it on our operating table to see what lurks
inside. Interestingly enough, the HD version is quite dissimilar
internally from the regular Kindle Fire.
It turns out that the new non-HD Kindle Fire is
essentially the same thing we took apart a year ago, whereas the Kindle
Fire HD contains a completely different layout.
The Kindle Fire HD received a solid 7 out of 10 repairability score.
It's fairly easy to access and replace the battery and most other
internal components, but the CPU is covered with a copper tape heat
sink that's hard to reseat correctly, and the LCD panel and glass are
fused together. This unfortunate binding increases the cost of repair
for the most oft-broken component of the tablet the front glass.
- Confirmed: the Kindle Fire HD has a TI OMAP 4460 processor with
1 GB of Elpida RAM.
- We used a plastic opening tool to get our first glimpse at the
internals. Not long ago, we praised the Nexus 7 for being so easy to
get into compared to the iPad, and sacrificing only a single millimeter
to do so. Fast forward a couple months later, and Amazon has an
easy-to-open tablet that's 0.1 mm thinner than the Nexus 7. We've said
it once, and we'll say it again: you don't need to sacrifice thinness
to make a repairable device.
- Thickness comparison among the major contenders:
- Kindle Fire HD: 10.3 mm
- Kindle Fire (2012): 11.43 mm
- Nexus 7: 10.4 mm
- iPad 3: 9.6 mm
- The battery is secured by four Phillips #00 screws and one lonely
T5 Torx screw. While this single T5 Torx isn't going to keep out our
prying fingers, it might be enough to sour the battery removal attempts
of those less well-equipped. Lesson learned, kids: don't bring your
Phillips to a Torx fight.
- Inside we find that the battery is enclosed within a metal casing.
We believe this is for structural reinforcement, as well as for
shielding the battery from any possible electrical damage.
- The Kindle Fire HD gets 11 hours of spark from a 3.7 V, 4400 mAh,
16.43 Wh Li-ion battery that as in most mobile devices dominates the
majority of the inner real estate. That's the same amount of juice as
the regular Kindle Fire (which Engadget found to last 7:42 hours), and
just a tad more than the Nexus 7's 4326 mAh unit which lasts 9:49
hours. So take that 11-hour figure with a grain of salt, and possibly
some pepper.
Some careful
work with a razor blade allowed us to peel up the copper tape covering
the main processor. The copper tape allows the processor to dissipate
heat, but is more problematic to remove than a good ol' fashioned heat
- These are the ICs that Amazon threw into the Fire HD to make it
- Samsung KLMAG2GE4A eMMC 16 GB Flash Memory and Flash Memory
- Elpida B8164B3PF-1D-F 8 Gb (1 GB) DDR2 RAM
- Texas Instruments TWL6032 Fully Integrated Power Management IC
- Broadcom BCM2076 GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, and FM
- Wolfson WM8962E Ultra-Low Power Stereo CODEC
- B50 5222 12507A9A10
- The backside of the motherboard is mostly barren, save for the
InvenSense MPU-6050 six-axis gyro + accelerometer.
Just like
last year's Kindle Fire, we delayered the main POP to see what
processor lurks underneath the RAM. The Texas Instruments OMAP 4460
dual-core processor we uncovered is an upgrade from the standard Fire's
4430 processor.
- The display is manufactured by LG Electronics, and labeled as
- We found an Atmel maXTouch mXT768E mutual capacitance touchscreen
controller hiding underneath a piece of tape on the ribbon cable
attached to the LCD. Silly Atmel, you'll have to do better than tape if
you want to hide the chip from us.
Miroslav Djuric
Chief Information Architect, iFixit
Photos courtesy iFixit.
Link: Kindle Fire HD
Apps & Services
iExplorer File Transfer Utility for iOS to Mac or
PR: iExplorer lets you easily transfer music, movies and
playlists from any iPhone, iPod or iPad to your computer and iTunes.
With its user interface, you can view and save your photos, SMS,
voicemail, address book contacts and even call histories. iExplorer can
also seamlessly mount your iPhone or iPad like a flash drive in Mac's
Finder or Windows Explorer.

iExplorer for Mac
- Music Transfer: Easily transfer music and rebuild playlists in
- Device Mounting: Mount an iPhone as a flash drive in Finder &
Windows Explorer.
- Data Access: Save SMS & iMessage, Voicemail, Contacts, Call
History & Notes.
- Browse Files: Explore, read and write to the iPhone and iPad file
- Photos & Videos: View and copy photos and movies on any iPad,
iPod or iPhone.
Intelligently Transfer Music
With iExplorer, getting music and other media from an iPhone, iPod
or iPad to your Mac or PC couldn't be any easier. You can search for
particular tracks, listen to them directly from your device and even
drag and drop them to your computer. With the touch of a button you can
copy those songs and even rebuild playlists directly from your device
into iTunes.
Avoid Duplicates, Save Metadata
If your music collection is scattered across multiple computers or
devices; iExplorer is the tool that will help you finally unify your
music library. With iTunes duplicate detection, iExplorer intelligently
skips copying dupes from your device to your computer tracks so you can
easily recover playlists or everything from your dusty old iPod without
having to worry about swapping your computer with thousands of
redundant tracks. And did we mention that when you do import music into
iTunes, iExplorer saves your metadata, such as play counts, ratings and
other info?
Auto Transfer All Music & Playlists in One Step
Whether you're upgrading to a new device, or whether your old one
crashed and lost all of its data, or you're merging all of your music
from various iPods and iPhones on to one Mac or PC, iExplorer is the
tool for the job. iExplorer lets you easily rebuild and recover your
entire iTunes music collection from your iPod, iPhone or iPad with its
"Auto Transfer" button that knows which tracks are missing from iTunes.
With just one click iExplorer can put everything (music, ringtones,
playlists & all), back into place.
Mount iPhone & iPad to Mac's Finder & Windows Explorer
iExplorer's disk mount capabilities allow you to use your iPhone,
iPod or iPad like a flash drive. Want to view your iPhone's photos in
Finder or Windows Explorer like you would from any other digital
camera? Want to get file system access to data files contained within
an app on your device? How about backing up or moving your app's high
scores from one device to another? Want to save files directly from
your favorite text or image editor to your iPad so you can take them to
go? What about instantly seeing all your music listed out with title
and artist in the track file names?
You can easily make specific directories within your iOS accessible,
or you can even mount the entire device from its root. With iExplorer
3's automounting features, you can seamlessly enable your iPhone or
iPad to automatically appear in Finder or Windows Explorer every time
you turn on the computer.
There are seven utilities in iExplorer to allow you to browse,
preview, save and export the most important information contained in
the most important databases on your iPhones and iPads.
Within these utilities you can browse, recover, backup, export and
save your data. View your appointments, events or your call history.
Listen to your iPhone's voicemail messages and drag or export them to a
folder on your computer. Everything is always just a couple of clicks
away. Be in charge of your content.
SMS & iMessages
In the last few years we've seen SMSs and iMessages grow in
popularity. These messages are replacing phone calls, voicemails and
even emails. We understand that your SMSs and iMessages can be
priceless to you and that's why we've spent so much time developing the
best SMS tools to help you view, export and archive your messages and
attachments. The iExplorer SMS client looks and works great with group
messages and images too.
Photo & Video Access
Photos and Videos are stored on your iPhone and iPods in numerous
encoded formats and various databases. Whether you snapped a pic using
the camera on your iPhone, or if you synced saved images from your
computer to an iPod Classic, or if you have videos and images saved in
the iCloud - iExplorer is the best app to view and export these
Movies & TV Shows
iExplorer not only works great with the videos that you created, but
it also works great with the movies, TV shows and other media that
you've downloaded to the device or purchased in iTunes.
Perhaps more impressive than the variety of photos and videos that
iExplorer supports, is its carefully designed thumbnails, full
resolution previews and export options offered.
Explore Everything
With iExplorer 3, you can access more files and folders without
modifying (jailbreaking) your device. Want to access the files and
folders of your device's apps? Done. How about browsing through your
backup data? Check. What about the media folders containing your photos
and iTunes purchases? We've got that too. What about files in apps that
are synced to iCloud? Yes (iCloud access is for Mac only).
iExplorer also works great if your iPhone is Jailbroken. With AFC2
access, the app can read and write to the iOS device's real root.
(Experts only though please!)
System Requirements
- Supports all iPhones, iPods and iPads ever created.
- Mac version requires OS X 10.6 or later with iTunes 10 or
- PC version requires Windows XP or later with iTunes 10 or
Link: iExplorer
Presentation & Protection
Tech21 Impact-Absorbing Cases Bring Impactology
Protection to iPhone 5
PR: Tech21, the company pioneering Impactology, introduced
its newest line of protective cases for the iPhone 5 minutes after the
phone was introduced. Seven iPhone 5 cases are available for sale on
the Tech21 website, including the Impact Band, Impact Snap and Impact
Snap with cover with additional versions and retailers to be
introduced soon.
All of these cases are Impactology approved incorporating the
advanced polymer D30, which absorbs impact at the molecular level
providing maximum protection without adding bulk, respecting the
original device design.
"We know that most customers purchase a case almost immediately
after the phone itself, so we dedicated ourselves to making sure we
would have our Impactology cases ready when the iPhone 5 was
introduced," says Jason Roberts, CEO of Tech21. "We are obsessed with
offering consumers the highest quality protection that science can
provide and wanted no less for the early adopters of iPhone 5."
The iPhone 5 Impact Band and Impact Snap cases are available on the
Tech21 website and selected retailers across the globe.
Real Protection, Based on Science
Tech21 is pioneering the use of advanced polymers for mobile device
protection and has established Impactology, a new industry standard in
impact protection. Tech21 products are the result of many years of
intensive research and development in the study of impact protection,
including unique fabrics and their application in a more than 40 step
manufacturing process. In North America, nearly 75% of the device cases
offered through T-Mobile are based on Tech21 Impactology, and the
company is rapidly expanding into other national retailers. Tech21 also
manufactures cases for the iPhone 4/4S, Samsung Galaxy S III,
iPad, Kindle, plus other smartphones, tablets and laptops.
Link: Impactology
Seidio Launches iPhone 5 Cases
PR: Seidio's signature Surface, Active, and Convert cases
offer variety of protection for iPhone 5, available with kickstands for
easy multimedia viewing. These items are available for preorder
"The iPhone 5 is sure to shake up the mobile industry as this phones
predecessors have been best-sellers since its 2007 debut.
So, we [Seidio] realize the
importance of the perfect accessory to complement such an iconic
phone," says David Chang, CEO of Seidio. "We're thrilled to release our
accessories, and we even have a lot more exciting iPhone 5 products in
the pipeline."
Seidio's Surface and Active cases are available with or without a
kickstand. The metal kickstand is designed to prop up the iPhone 5 in
an easy, comfortable multimedia viewing position. With handsfree, the
user can multitask while watching videos or slideshows. This feature
separates Seidio cases from other cases currently on the market. The
Convert Combo is also available for the iPhone 5 for topnotch
protection and convertible 2-in-1 case design.
Protecting the screen of the new iPhone 5 is critical, and Seidio is
offering its Ultimate Screen Guard to consumers. Its designed from the
highest quality materials to specifically fit the device, and safeguard
the screen in most conditions. It will retail for $9.95
Signature Cases
The Surface is the thinnest case in the line with high-end
protective qualities. Its available in Black, Garnet Red, Royal Blue,
Amethyst and Sage. Piano Black and Glossed White will be available in
the upcoming weeks.
The Active offers more protection with a very stylish exterior. It
is perfect for consumers who are always on-the-move. Its available in
Black, Garnet Red, Royal Blue, Amethyst and Sage. Piano Black and
Glossed White will be available in a few weeks.
The Surface and Active versions without a kickstand retail for
$29.95 for the case and $49.95 for the case and holster combo. While
the kickstand version of both cases retails for $34.95 for the case and
$54.95 for the case and holster combo.
The Convert begins with the Surface case, and allows the user to add
more protective layers for rugged, tough environments. It is available
in Black, and Seidio will release a Sand Gray color in a few weeks. It
retails for $49.95 with their patented locking holster and Ultimate
Screen Guard.
Link: Seidio
Belkin Cases and Accessories for iPhone 5
PR: Belkin has unveiled a line of accessories designed for
the new iPhone 5, including a collection of innovative, trend-inspired
cases, armbands and screen protectors.
"Ranging from fun and bright to sleek and sporty, our designs for
the iPhone 5 offer stylish solutions for everyone," says Patrick
Sullivan, director of product management at Belkin. "Striking the right
balance between form and function, our new collection of cases and
armbands enhance the variety of ways we use our phones in our daily
life without sacrificing personal style."
View Case (F8W153) $19.99 - Clear polycarbonate back showcases
iPhone, while flexible, easy-to-grip TPU frame protects against
scratches. Available in six colors: Blacktop, Whiteout, Day Glo, Fresh,
Violet and Volta.
Belkin Shield Series Collection
Made from ultrathin polycarbonate, Belkin's Shield Series cases
feature powerful protection from every day wear and tear in a slim,
formfitting design.
- Shield Pinstripe (F8W120) $29.99 - Textured pinstripe pattern in
glossy, translucent Silver
- Shield Blooms (F8W172C00 and F8W172C01) $29.99 - Elegant floral
designs in a variety of patterns and two colors: Purple and Red
- Shield Petals (F8W171) $29.99 - Pop of playfulness with a
high-gloss petal design in Pink and Green
- Shield Pastels (F8W170) $29.99 - Multi-colored wave pattern in two
pastel color combinations: Pink and Orange
- Shield Spot (F8W173) $29.99 - Cheerful dot designs in two colors:
Blacktop and Purple lightning
Belkin Grip Series Collection
Available in a variety of designs and colors, the grip
collection is made from a flexible, easy-to-grip TPU material and
provides durable protection from impacts and scratches in a
slim-fitting profile with a velvety smooth finish.
- Grip Case (F8W158) $19.99 - High-gloss finish in four opaque
colors: Blacktop, Whiteout, Ruby and Ice
- Grip Neon Glo (F8W097) $24.99 - High-shine gloss finish in two
bright neon colors: Day Glo and Volta
- Grip Candy (F8W152) $24.99 - Bright, two-toned design in two opaque
color combinations: Blacktop/Ice and Day Glo/Volta
- Grip Candy Sheer (F8W138) - Bright, two-toned design in four color
combinations: Smolder/Glow, Smolder/Hazard, Gravel/Reflection and
Purple Lightening/Fountain Blue
- Grip Max (F8W161) $34.99 - Superior, double-layer protection in
three color combinations: Whiteout/Civic Blue, Gravel/Civic Blue, and
Belkin Sport Armband Collection
Belkin's stylish, functional Sport Armbands let you concentrate
on your workout, not your device. Made from lightweight, breathable
Lycra and neoprene, the armbands are water-resistant, hand-washable and
fit snug against your arm without adding extra bulk. The clear window
gives you full access to all your controls.
EaseFit Armband (F8W105) $19.99
- Adjustable strap for superior fit and comfort
- Available in Blacktop
EaseFit Armband Plus (F8W106) $29.99
- Longer adjustable strap for increased comfort and fit
- Convenient key pouch
- Available in Blacktop and Day Glo
Screen Guard Screen Protectors
Belkin's Screen Guard Protectors feature Belkin's Tru Clear
technology for optimal visibility and touch sensitivity.
- Screen Guard Transparent Protector (F8W179tt3) $14.99
- Ultrathin, completely clear to keep screen safe without altering
Screen Guard Anti-Smudge Protector (F8W180tt2) $19.99
- Prevents the buildup of dirt from daily use and resists
fingerprints and smudges
Select new Belkin accessories for the iPhone 5 will be available in
late September, with additional accessories launching throughout the
fall at select retailers across the United States and on
Link: Belkin
cases for iPhone 5
Incase Announces Cases for iPhone 5
PR: Incase is has announced its first iPhone 5 case offering,
featuring signature styles reengineered for the new iPhone.
Available now for preorder via and shipping early October are iconic Incase forms such as
the Slider Case and Snap Case in an array of colors and finishes.
Incase has been creating market-leading protective solutions for
iPhone since its introduction in 2007. Utilizing industrial design
expertise and world-class engineering, Incase products are designed to
seamlessly match the nuanced contours of each new iPhone, from the
gently curved back of the original iPhone to the glass back of the
iPhone 4S and now the taller anodized aluminum body of iPhone 5. The
precise fit of Incase cases has not only provided improved protection,
it has also enabled Incase to apply its signature minimalist design
principles while enhancing the user experience. The new cases continue
this tradition, matching the thinnest lightest iPhone to date with
complementary designs that highlight the iPhone form while protecting
the new advanced technology within.
The initial iPhone 5 case offering features dependable, time-tested
case styles reengineered for the new iPhone including eight different
Slider Cases, two Snap Cases, and a Sports Armband. More products will
be announced in the near future.

Stay connected with Incase on Twitter (@goincase) and Facebook
( for the latest product news and
Slider Case for iPhone 5, $34.95
The Slider Case offers sleek, dependable protection in a signature
design. The two piece hardshell design provides complete coverage for
all critical corners and edges, while still allowing clear access to
all buttons and ports. An internal guardrail adds shock absorption as
well as a secure fit. The Slider Case is available in an array of
colors and of finishes, including metallic (soft-touch), gloss and
- Complete edge and corner protection
- Durable hardshell construction
- Direct access to all buttons and ports
- Available in an array of colors and finishes
Snap Case for iPhone 5, $34.95
The Snap Case offers the ultimate in lightweight minimalist
protection. Its durable hardshell construction protects the iPhone
back, sides and critical corners while the open ends allow for easy
charging without removing the case.
- Easy snap-on attachment
- Durable hardshell construction
- Direct access to all buttons and ports
- Open ended design for easy charging
Sports Armband, $39.95
Redesigned for iPhone 5, our Sports Armband is the ideal training
partner. The touch-sensitive screen cover delivers sweatproof
protection. Its adjustable armband fits a broad range of arm sizes with
just the right amount of stretch to allow for movement without
slipping. Perforations enhance breathability, and reflective details
provide extra safety when you're training in dark conditions.
- Sweatproof protection
- Adjustable to fit wide range of arm sizes
- Touch sensitive clear screen cover
- Perforated armband for enhanced breathability
- Reflective safety highlights
Link: Incase for iPhone
RokLock v3 Protective Case for the New iPad and
iPad 2
PR: Rokform has announced the availability of its new RokLock
v3 protective case for the new iPad and iPad 2:
The RokLock v3 is made in the USA from reinforced high impact
polycarbonate and includes a Rokgard screen protector. More than a
case, the RokLock v3 is a system. Made in the USA, the RokLock v3
features a patent-pending integrated mounting system that allows the
iPad to be positioned just about anywhere.
An optional MagLok magnetic mount kit also allows the
RokLock v3 case to stick to any magnetic surface for maximum mounting
convenience. This versatility lets consumers get more from their iPad
by making it accessible in places like the car, boat, RV, kitchen
cabinet, wall or toolbox.
You can see it in action here:
"After the success of the iPhone Rokbed v3 case, we had an influx of
customers asking for a similar case for the iPad," says Bernhard
Leitner, Chief Engineer for Rokform. "The iPad is a big investment, so
we knew it needed to be a really protective case, while also providing
the maximum amount of convenience so users could get more out of their
device. The RokLock v3 case is a perfect blend of those qualities."
The RokLock v3 case includes:
- High Impact Polycarbonate Case
- RokGard Screen Protector
- Anti-Slip Hex Grip Inserts
- RokLock Mounting system
Looking ahead, Rokform plans to produce a variety of accessory
mounts to complement the RokLock v3. Currently, the MagLok magnetic
mount kit is available (sold separately) to work with the case and
instantly attach the iPad or iPad 2 to any magnetic surface. The MagLok
includes six rare earth magnets and fits discretely behind the anti
slip hex grips in the case.
The RokLock v3 case for the new iPad and iPad 2 retails for $69 and
is now shipping.
Link: Roklock v3
iPad Case

Waxed Canvas iPad Case
PR: This new iPad case from Fabrichorse is made with waxed
canvas and lined with neoprene.
It features a handy Velcro™ closure front pocket for a charge
cord, important papers, or a small book.
Colors available: Black Vintage, Burnt Toffee, Woodland Moth
The Waxed Canvas iPad Case fits iPad, iPad 2 with or without Apple
Smart Cover.
Link: Fabrichorse
Waxed Canvas Case for iPad