Recently, the staff here at Low End Mac has published a series
of articles discussing the virtues and drawbacks of cheaper
computers, whether new or used, PC or Mac.
I must admit that I probably have the least amount of experience
with Macs and very little with OS X among LEM's writers. I'm
planning to acquire a copy of OS X sometime soon in order to
immerse myself in it, but considering I've been using Linux for
over seven years and am very comfortable in it, I have serious
doubts as to whether I would switch to using OS X full time.
But you never know....

Tandy 1000HX
The first computer I purchased was a 4.77 MHz IBM PC compatible.
It had 256 KB of RAM onboard, a 384 KB expansion card, a monochrome
video card and monitor, and two 360K 5.25" floppy drives. I got it
for $20 when I was 16.
Before that I was using the family's Tandy 1000HX,
which was 8 MHz IBM
PCjr compatible with 384 KB RAM, a 720 KB 3.5" floppy drive,
and a Tandy CGA monitor. I had purchased a 1200 baud modem for the
Tandy for $80 and then had to purchase an adapter from Radio Shack
to use it in the 1000HX. I eventually acquired a 20 MB Hard Card (a
hard drive and controller card together) and a 2400 baud modem for
my first PC. Over the years I managed to acquire various parts to
upgrade or replace my computers.
Computing on the Cheap
The most I've ever spend on a computer at one time is my current
project: A Dell Precision 450 barebones ($85 shipped) and a 2.67
GHz Xeon CPU ($41 shipped). The only reason I've invested in this
system is to use it for video re-encoding. I don't count the other
items - like memory, hard drives, and optical drives - because I
move them between computers too much to say that I spent it on one
I have never purchased a new computer. Don't get me wrong - I
would like to have a brand new system with a dual- or quad-core
processor, lots of RAM, etc. However, I can't justify it right
Further, there are really only two reasons I would need such a
computer: Gaming, which I rarely do, and video encoding. Otherwise,
any of my older PCs and Macs are more than adequate for playing
movies, browsing the Net, or word processing.
Yes, sometimes I demand a little too much of my system and have
to wait for it (oh no, the horror!). However, waiting a couple of
seconds for the system to catch up isn't taking away much from my
day. If necessary, I can just grab the keyboard of another machine
and start working with it.
At present, I have four computers up and running. One is
re-encoding a movie. Another is my server. I'm writing this on my
G4-upgraded Power Mac 9600 running
openSuSE v10.2. My Dual
Xeon/500 MHz Dell can jump in at anytime if needed. I can also log
into any of my machines from anywhere in the house and start a task
if necessary remotely.
Purchasing a new computer also forces you to pay for a copy of
Windows or OS X. Mac OS X is worthwhile, but since I
wouldn't use the copy of Windows, I would have two options. I could
fight with the vendor for a refund or try to get a system that
doesn't include it. (Since most vendors have agreements to preload
software, you also get a lot of garbage that may be difficult to
remove. Obtaining a copy of the actual Windows install disks and
doing a fresh install is recommended by many. You can use any copy
of the Windows install CD so long as you only use your
licensed product key. The CD is only useful if you have the Key for
Dell has a small handful of systems that don't come preloaded
with Windows. [Editor's note: MadTux sells brand
new Linux computers for as little as US$139, although we know
nothing further about them.]
Why I Use Linux
Most of our readers already know I'm a Linux guy. The biggest
reason is because it's very powerful, and it lets me get stuff done
fast and the way I want to do it. I don't have to worry about the
problems that plague Windows users (viruses, spyware, adware,
reinstalling Windows). It's free to download and install legally.
There is a free software alternative to almost any commercial
applications. And there's a community that's normally ready and
willing to help me if I have a question. I've even had contact with
the creator of the Linux kernel himself, Linus Torvalds, when I was
having a hardware issue on one of my laptops.
But when you get right down to it, I don't recommend Linux for
everyone. Installing programs can be a pain sometimes (it's nowhere
near as simple as it is with OS X and Windows, although it has
come a long way in the eight years I've been using Linux). Some
hardware isn't supported (I have a Belkin USB 2.0 PCI card that
doesn't work in Linux - newer hardware takes time to be supported
since some manufacturers don't supply a driver for Linux).
It's also different in how things are done compared to Windows.
On my KDE desktop, the default is a single click to start a
program, where Window's default is a double click. There's a
learning curve, to say the least. And there's a huge selection of
distributions (versions of Linux) available, which can be really
My advice for those wanting to try Linux is to find someone you
know who you can bug for help. Find out if there's a Linux User's
Group (LUG) in you're area. Download and run one of the LiveCD
versions such as Ubuntu and
give it a try. Most LiveCD versions don't touch any of your already
installed systems.
If you have an old PC or can get one free or cheap, install
Linux on it. Give it a try.
Windows has matured over the years. It has a lot of problems -
after all, with about 85% of the market, it's a big target. If
you're looking at a Windows system, here are a few things to keep
in mind:AVG
Antivirus and anti-spyware software is a must. I recommend
Avast Home Edition. It's free,
doesn't use a lot of resources, and very good. Ad-Aware is a great anti-adware
program. The free version doesn't run all the time, so you have to
run it (usually once a week is good). You can pay for a continuous
version. Spysweeper is a good
program as well, but it's not free. [Editor's note: When I wiped
the hard drive on my Windows notebook and reinstalled Windows XP
last week, AVG Anti-Virus and AVG
Anti-Spyware were among the most highly recommended freeware
options. dk]
For Web browsing, download Firefox. Don't use
Internet Explorer (IE) unless the site doesn't load in Firefox. IE
has too many problems, and some government agencies are
recommending against using it.
Make sure your system is up to date. Turn on automatic updates.
Microsoft is usually late getting patches out, but they do try to
fix the problems.
Don't run programs like Weatherbug or WebShots Desktop on slower
computers. They hog resources.
Check out the programs running in the taskbar (on the bottom
right) and turn off programs you don't need all the time, such as
QuickTime and Java (the settings are there, but they can be hard to
find). When you have 20 programs running at startup "just in case"
you need them, your system gets slow.
What I Recommend
Go for a system that will fit your budget. Don't go overboard
for features that you probably don't need, but allow for the
ability to upgrade later.
Many LEM staffers decry the "vampire video" that comes with a
lot of low-end computers. However, if you're only interested in Web
browsing, word Processing, and watching videos, the integrated
video is often more than adequate. My 9600 has a Radeon 7000. My
older Dell has a GeForce 4 MX400. My ThinkPad 390X has a Neomagic
chipset with 2 MB of VRAM that plays movies just fine. If
you're considering the possibility of doing some video upgrades
later on, make sure you get a system with either an AGP or PCI
Express (PCIe) slot available.
For basic Web browsing or word processing or movie playing, any
500 MHz system with 256-512 MB RAM is more than adequate. I'm just
as productive writing on my ThinkPad 560e (Pentium 166MMX, 48 MB
RAM, Windows 98SE) using WordPad as I am running Linux and KWord
(part of KOffice) on this faster G4 upgraded 9600. (I don't
recommend OpenOffice or MS Office because these programs are
overkill for most people. You can do a lot with WordPad, and it
comes included with Windows.)
Dual processing or dual-core? Computers with two (or more)
separate CPUs are more expensive than the new batch of dual-core
machines. Having more than one physical processor requires more
circuitry, which makes it more expensive. Going dual-core helps to
reduce this expense and gives most of the benefits of a dual
processing system.
If you can get a good deal on a slightly slower dual processor
or dual-core system over a single, go for it. A dual 1 GHz G4
will be more responsive than a 1.25 GHz G4 in many ways. Switching
between apps and running multiple apps (what they call
multitasking) is much faster and smoother on a dual processor
system than with a single CPU. A good rule of thumb is that a dual
processor or dual-core CPU is a good buy even if the single
processor system is 50% faster. So a dual 1 GHz system can be more
responsive than a single 1.5 GHz processor when multitasking.
However, if you need speed and your application can't take
advantage of two CPUs, a faster single processor system can be a
better choice.
Finally, there's system memory (RAM). This is one of those cases
where more is almost always better. I don't recommend running
Windows XP with less than 512 MB. Most OS X users I have
spoken with recommend 1-2 GB for 10.4.
I've found that Linux will normally run just fine with 256 MB on
either x86 or PPC, with 512 MB being more than enough. Just keep in
mind that when using a system with a 32-bit processor, you may not
get any advantage from going from 3 GB to 4 GB, since a
lot of the last GB is reserved and not usable. This isn't an issue
with a 64-bit system.
Final Advice
In closing, you really need to consider exactly what you need to
be able to do with your computer. If you need to support an office
environment, 3D gaming isn't a consideration. If you're doing video
editing, you need the fastest system you can get. If you're just a
home user and want to surf the Internet and do basic word
processing, a cheap used computer is a good option.
You may have to install/reinstall the OS, but that is probably
the most painful part of the process. Computers are out of date
almost as soon as you buy them, so a slightly older system at a
lower price can be more than you need.
Just be careful when purchasing a used system. Upgrading it can
cost you more than a new one sometimes. Set a budget and stick to
it. Don't overbuy if you don't need it. Good luck!
Further Reading
- Choosing the right computer for
home, office, and field use, Andrew J Fishkin, Best Tools for
the Job, 2007.01.25. Picking a good computer for the technophobe,
office worker, student, and shared use at home.
- Just how bad is a $300 Windows
PC?, Andrew J Fishkin, Best Tools for the Job, 2007.01.29. Mac
users tend to laugh off sub-$300 Windows PCs, but for most users
most of the time, they're all they need.
- Just how good is a $300
Mac?, Ed Eubanks Jr, The Efficient Mac User, 2007.01.30. Used
Macs can every bit as good a value as cheap new Windows PCs.
- How much PowerBook or iBook do
you need to run Mac OS X?, Ted Hodges, Vintage Mac Living,
2007.01.15. You don't need the latest and greatest Mac to be
productive in OS X. Here are six iBook and PowerBook suggestions
built between 2000 and 2003.
- Why I recommend Macs to amost
everyone, Adam Robert Guha, Apple Archive, 2007.02.05. While no
current Mac meets the author's needs, for most users, Macintosh is
the way to go.
- Why is Low End Mac advocating
cheap Windows PCs?, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 2007.01.30. We're
not Windows fans, but we have to admit that cheap Windows PCs fill
a niche Apple refuses to address.