Memory Upgrades: Mac TV

The Mac TV is pretty much a black LC 550 with a built-in TV tuner and a remote control for the TV portion of the computer. It has 4 MB soldered on the motherboard and comes from the factory with a 1 MB 72-pin SIMM in its only memory socket. Mac TV only had one […]

Apple’s 10 Worst Products

As a longtime Apple user – I cut my computing teeth on an Apple II+ circa 1979 – I get a kick out of reading articles about the 10 best or 10 worst Apple products of all time. The latest of these, Top 10 Worst Apple Products of All Time, appeared on the Australian PC […]

Limitations of Mac TV

1998 – The following is from a dialogue on Macintosh TV. After letting ET know that there’s no way for Mac TV to handle more than 8 MB of memory and that upgrading the motherboard would lose the TV part of the computer, she sent the following.

I Want iMacTV

1998.09: It was the first “gotta have it for looks alone” Macintosh since the first Mac shipped in 1984: Mac TV.