Embracing Obsolescence

Blue and White Power Mac G3 Helps Salvage Mac Jukebox Project

Nathan Thompson - 2006.03.30

Sorry for the continued delays in my Mac jukebox project, but I never did get a replacement optical drive for my Power Mac 7600. Luckily, a fine fellow (a teacher in fact) who purchased a spare lime G3 iMac of mine gave me a gutted Blue & White Power Mac G3.

Don't fret about the lime iMac; it's going to a good home. After being spiffed up a bit, it will make a trip to Africa - Ghana, I believe - for use by school children.

The B&W G3, on the other hand, needed a little bit of work to get going. The case itself was in decent shape - a few scratches here and there, but no major damage. While lacking a video card, hard drive, RAM, and power cable, it turned out the system was a 350 MHz rev 2 with a USB 2.0 PCI card, internal DVD-ROM, and Zip drive.

I added an old ixMicro video card, a USB/FireWire card, a 10/100 ethernet card, a 120 GB hard drive, 320 MB of RAM, and I kept the USB 2.0 card (only USB 1.1 is supported under Mac OS 9).

Except for bending the metal tab on the 10/100 ethernet card just a tad and spending a few minutes pondering why Apple used the "three tray across" layout for hard drives (how is a normal ATA cable supposed to connect to two drives lying side by side?), everything is working great.

Having all those extra USB, FireWire, and ethernet ports comes in handy as I concentrate every spare storage device and peripheral I can find on this fantastic Power Mac G3. As to system software, I don't have a spare OS X disc (I try to stick to the End User License agreement so no duplicate installs of X), but Mac OS 9.2.1 - soon to be 9.2.2 - is running great.

Yosemite designWhile I tend to think the Beige G3 Power Mac design feels more solid than the later drawbridge Power Mac G3 and G4s, I think the Blue & White makes a nice companion. Onboard FireWire, USB, and 10/100 ethernet, a 100 MHz bus speed, and a boldly attractive case design (blueberry makes your computer faster, if you didn't know) combine to make for a solid upgrade from a Beige G3 or earlier G3-upgraded Power Mac.

I do wish you could boot from an external FireWire drive. I wonder if USB booting would work, or maybe from a SCSI card. Booting from an external drive is great for troubleshooting - certainly faster and more flexible than booting from an internal CD.

Alas, all is not perfect as a replacement for my CD-less Power Mac 7600 jukebox. I lose those handy audio/video inputs and audio outputs. Another niggling negative: Some of my peripherals are flat out incompatible. Don't laugh, but this list includes my trusty QuickTake 150 digital camera (whose resolution choices are muddy and muddier), a SCSI Jaz drive, SCSI LaCie Tsunami hard drive, and any of my four dialup modems.

I know, there are PCI cards or adapters for most of these devices. Unfortunately, I don't own any cards or adapter that will allow these devices to work.

The good news: None of those peripherals are show stoppers for my transition, except maybe the modems, and I have my Power Mac 7600, PowerBook 520c, and LC 580, all of which remain as reliable and compatible as ever.

I suppose that's okay in the long run, because I can always find a replacement optical drive on the LEM swap list or eBay, thus pressing the 7600 back into service as a jukebox.

Now that I have a fully working PowerPC system again, who knew you couldn't share audio CDs over AppleTalk or TCP/IP?

I can finish my tests of Audion's batch import process and do a little fine tuning with ripping CDs to Ogg Vorbis with Ogg Drop. I'm not new to either Audion or Ogg Drop, but until now I have never fully explored all the features and preferences of those two fine applications.

I promise my next article will continue our journey into the Mac jukebox project. With my system malfunction, I almost skipped the step of getting music into your Mac and jumped right into the online audio options. I have so much information I would like to relay, but I am trying to adhere to my initial guidelines.

Things were especially tough with the DRM issue in the news with those crazy French and their interoperability law. Boy, was I chomping at the bit to lead the way to DRM-free salvation.

No need to worry, that can of worms can be opened very soon. Thanks for your patience, and feel free to email all your praise, complaints, or questions.


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