Problem: I updated to QuickTime 6 on Monday, but I couldn't connectto either the QuickTime feed or the MPEG-4 feed. Had to boot intoOS X and use good old QuickTime 5 to watch the keynote. Of course,running QuickTime while typing this into Claris Home Page works muchbetter under OS X than it ever did under the classic Mac OS.QuickTime doesn't even notice when I save.
Switch is a huge success - and 60% of the visitors to Apple's Switchpages are using Windows PCs.
Apple is opening their first store in New York City. The SoHo storeopens Thursday in the old Station A Post Office.
2.5 million Mac users are running Mac OS X, and Apple expects togrow that to 5 million by the end of 2002. Apple's studies show that77% of all new Mac buyers are using OS X as their OS ofchoice.
About 20% of installed base already using Mac OS X. Based onApple's projections, that should reach 35-40% by the end of the year.(Good enough for you, Microsoft?)
RealPlayer for OS X is available in beta form today.
Mac OS X v10.2 officially announced today with over 150 new features- and Apple is the #1 Unix supplier in the world.
Spring loaded folders now part of Mac OS X. Audience veryappreciative.
Jaguar Finder includes search capabilities - no more need to launchSherlock to find a file.
Apple plans to release OS X v10.1 on August 24 for $129.
QuickTime 6
Apple released QuickTime 6 two days ago and has already have amillion downloads. Half of the online viewers are using MPEG-4 andQuickTime 6.
AACE codec "the best" music codec in existence, and creates filesone-tenth the size of MP3 with the same quality.
MPEG-4 offers comparable quality to older formats with one-third thedata stream.
Instant on streaming means no more 5-10 second delay while QuickTimeprebuffers data. I wish I was able to use QuickTime 6. I'll have toinstall it on the X side of my TiBook after the keynote.
Sherlock 3
Sherlock has been recreated to better integrate with Internetservices. "Internet services for the rest of us."
Looks like we'll have more reasons to use Sherlock and less to useInternet Explorer.
Newton style handwriting recognition for the Mac OS.
Rendezvouz lets the Mac automatically discover devices on anyIP-based network with zero configuration. For instance, iTunes userswill be able to share playlists across a network (with a future versionof iTunes) via streaming, not copying files. (What will the RIAAsay?)
Best of all, this is a totally open standard, not something Apple iskeeping to itself. Epson, HP, and Lexmark will incorporate Rendezvousinto future network printers. This sounds like an updated version ofAppleTalk, where devices announce their presence on a network.
Apple's email client has been dramatically improved to handle globalsearches and better handling of multiple email accounts. It also tracksthreads on email lists.
Adaptive Latent Semantic Analysis analyzes your incoming mail andattempts to catch junk email by content - and you can train it.
Address Book
The Address Book is a unified system-wide place to track informationabout people - email addresses, phone numbers, home page, etc. And ifyou have a Bluetooth phone and have a Bluetooth device on your Mac, theAddress Book can actually dial the phone for you. And the Address Bookcan ID incoming calls - very cool.
Instant messaging is fully integrated into the OS and ties directlyinto AOL's instant messaging service. iChat also works with Rendezvousto find "buddies" on your local network.
Been having real problems with dropouts in the feed. :-(Downloading the QuickTime 6 installer. Maybe that will improve things.Hope I can install and update without rebooting - no such luck. I'm sotired of installers that require a reboot.
Going to have to watch the keynote later - major drops in audiohere.
Apple includes calendaring with Mac OS X, and it's explicitlydesigned to handle multiple calendars - work, personal, vacation, kids,etc. And it can detect conflicts between your various calendars.
You can automatically publish your calendar on the Web - andsubscribe to other calendars on the Web. And the calendars areintegrated with iChat, email, and any browser. Very powerful.
iCal will be a free download available in September.
Digital Hub
Apple has distributed 4 million copies of iPhoto - remarkableconsidering there are only 2.5 million people using OS X, andiPhoto only runs under OS X.
14 million copies of iTunes distributed. iTunes 3, available today, adds musicratings and play counts. New "sound check" feature makes sure all yourmusic plays at the same volume. Smart playlists sort musicautomatically for you, such as "most played" or "60s music."
Completely lost access to keynote here - installing QT6. Back soon(I hope).
Following comments based on notes on The Mac Observer, MacCentral,Macworld UK, OSX Zone, MacNN, Apple Dumplings, MacMinute, and otherlive updates. I am unable to restore a QuickTime feed with any Mac inthe house, new or old, classic or X, QuickTime 5 or 6. All above siteslinked on MacSurfer.
The iPod is a huge hit, and Apple announced a price trim of $100today, bringing the 5 GB iPod to $299 and the 10 GB model to $399. Anew 20 GB iPod sells for $499.
Apple will also make the iPod available for Windows through apartnership with MusicMatch.
No, not named for the way AAPL stock is sinking this morning. iSyncworks with Bluetooth and USB to sync your Palm, cell phone, iPod, etc.with your Mac's apps like iCal and the Address Book.
Sony, Cingular, and Erricson have teamed up with Apple to makephones part of the digital hub.
One More Thing....
We know how Steve always ends his keynotes. This time he announcesthe 17" flat panel iMacG4 - and a $100 price cut on the 15" G4 iMac, back to its originalprice of $1,799. (Remember when they raised prices $100?)
New iMac has 1440 x 900 pixel widescreen display, GeForce 4graphics, $1,999 price.
Keynote finished. Will be reviewing this article and keynote videoas time allows.
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List of the Day: Apple2list supports Apple II users.
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