Manuel Mejia Jr
- 2000.08.23
Can an older PowerBook be used with a QuickCam-type video camera for
taking photos for web sites?
I found your website on low-end Macs very intriguing. I am an
avid Mac fan - I bought my first Mac in 1985 (a Fat Mac, which I
still have and has been upgraded to a 4 MB Mac Plus).
I recently bought a blueberry iBook, and I think
it's great. But, now that I've bought the iBook,
I'm looking for an alternate use for my old
PowerBook 145B.
I am thinking of putting together a webcam with it, but I need
more information.
1. Is it possible to hook up a Connectix Color QuickCam using the
ADB port? If so, where can I find the camera and software?
Hunt around used Mac dealer web
sites for the camera and software. I got my QuickCam through
My experience is based on using the grayscale QuickCam. It can be
plugged into the ADB port. The PowerBook 145 will take still images as
well as video. The catch is with the video: The data stream is so large
that you will accumulate 100k of information in about 20 seconds. A
full color image file would generate 100 KB of data in much less time. In
field testing, my PowerBook 145 froze because the amount of data being
recorded by the camera overwhelmed the 6 MB of memory. I was trying to
film a scene in New Mexico, but there was way too much going on. On a
test while on the plane to New Mexico, I successfully got video of the
unchanging scenery of the seat in front of me and the cabin
Software should be included with the camera. It may be on the Net. I
have never needed to look for it. One problem - Connectix sold the
QuickCam line to Logitech, so it may be difficult finding support or
software for older models.
2. Will the color QuickCam work with the 145B, or will I need to
get a black and white camera?
My preference is with the Grayscale. It is less demanding on the
computer. You should be able to use color. This is especially true for
still shots. Movie type images were meant to be done on Quadras, and
the animation is slow (~16 frames a second). Television and film movies
run at 24 frames per second. Movies may give the PowerBook trouble even
with the extra RAM. You will need to experiment.
3. Do I need special software to display the image on a website?
Where can I find this software and will it be compatible with my
hardware and System?
Look for a piece of shareware call GIFConverter. The
version that you need is at least 2.x. My preference is 2.3.1, since it
allows one to make the PICT images that are generated by the QuickCam
into .gif or .jpg images which can be posted on the Web. Earlier
versions do not do .jpgs. Movies are a bit more complicated, since they
require .mov file handling capability. My suggestion would be the
shareware called Popcorn.
Frankly, you may be better off staying with still images. Movies are good
if you have 40 MHz processor machines or better.
4. I am currently running System 7.1.1. Do I need a more current
version of the System software? Where can I get this?
The QuickCam software Needs at least System 7.0 - System 7.1 will
work fine.
My PowerBook 145B has 8 MB of installed memory (16 MB with
virtual memory on), a 320 MB hard disk, and a black/white (as opposed
to grayscale) LCD screen. I have an external Supra LC 14.4
My wife and I are expecting a baby next year and I thought it
would be cool to set up a site for Grandpa and Grandma.
I wish you the best on the family. Please let me know how the child
and website work out.
To get an idea of the type of Web site you can set up using the
equipment mentioned, go to my page,
Welcome to the World of Recycled Parts Rocketry. I have a bio page
with a picture of me taken by the grayscale Connectix QuickCam.
Manuel Mejia Jr is familiar with Mac IIs, LCs, and older PowerBooks. He
uses his Mac LC, PowerBook 145B, and PB 100 with System 7.1 on a
regular basis and recently added a Mac Plus running System 6 to his
collection. He's quite familiar with both System 6 and System 7. He
also owns the Pina books on repairing compact Macs from 128k through
the SE. You can read more about Manuel's computers in Manuel Mejia Jr's Four Old Macs.