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4/1/2000. Low End Mac has given up on Apple. They have lawyers; we don’t. ‘Nuff said. All you Mac-using whiners should just grow up, realize that Microsoft and Intel own the computing world, and enter the 21st century with a nice Celeron, Pentium III, or Athlon speed demon. After all, Apple is killing the OS you love, and their lawyers are driving Mac sites off the Internet faster than we can create ’em.
For all you folks who still run Mac hardware, you can run with the crowd using Virtual PC, SoftWindows, or an Orange Micro card. Why be left behind?
I’d also like to thank most of my writers for sticking with me through this difficult transition. We’re also hoping to move to a new domain name as soon as we can find the right one and set up hosting.
Dan Knight, publisher, 4/1/2000
Newest Links on Low End Win
- Opinion: The iPaq: What is Compaq thinking?, Paulo Rodrigues, iPaq Channel, 4/1. Ever the contrarian, Rodrigues finds some shortfalls in the iPaq’s design.
- Opinion: Some thoughts on going PC, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/1. “It is with mixed emotions that I join Low End Mac’s transition to Low End Win.”
- Advice: High-end build-to-order G4 vs. high-end build-to-order Dell Dimension, Charlie Ruggiero, 4/1. It’s much cheaper to run Windows apps on the Dell than on the Mac.
- Advice: ‘286 gaming prowess, Brian Rumsey, Low End PC Gaming, 4/1. Computer gaming now goes beyond the monitor!
- Opinion: Going Wintel, Steve Wood, View Through the Window, 3/29. Once a year he gets to ditch his Macs and go Windows
- Opinion: Aqua-skeptics are luddites, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 3/29. “I have no interest in change for the sake of change, or in putting form before function, and I really have no time for change that makes things worse.”
- Opinion: Complete Mac nut goes Wintel, Fred Forney, My First Wintel, 3/29. “I played around with a Pentium III for a couple days, and I was hooked.”
- Opinion: SETI@home: Join a team, Dan Knight, Mac Musings, 3/29.
- Opinion: Game sequels, Brian Rumsey, Low End Win Gaming, 3/27. New games are great, and earlier versions will often run well on less powerful PCs.
- Advice: Designing a computer room, part 3: The desk, Dan Knight, Wintel Musings, 3/27. “The key is designing the computer desk and office layout that meets your personal needs and fits the available space.”
- Advice: Replacement screen for a VAIO, Julie Fugett, Win Daniel, 3/27. Options for replacing a bad screen on the PowerBook 5300.
- Advice: Dealing with dead pixels in TFT displays, Charles W Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 3/23. Detecting and dealing with dead pixels on laptops.
Around the Web
- Web: Mac Junkie calls it quits, launches The Win Junkie in pursuit of the business audience.
- Web: MacBC throws in the towel, becomes WinBC, 4/1. “…we received an email and phone call from Apple Legal telling us to cease and desist.”
- Web: The PC Life replaces Apple’s Orchard, 4/1. Formerly a good source of interesting Mac links, Apple’s Orchard has joined the Wintel defection. Hooray!
- News: Apple Computer Buys Microsoft!, Macs Only!, 4/1. Shoot, now they’ll get on everyone’s case about Window sites. Maybe we should just give up on computer sites….
- Web: About This Particular Rumor, ATPM, 4/1. A much-needed new Mac rumor site.
- Rumor: AOL to Buy Apple, Mac Observer, 4/1. Apple buys Microsoft, Microsoft buys Apple, and now AOL is buying Apple? Very confusing!
- Rumor: Apple to Be Bought by Microsoft?, Windows Militia, 4/1. Just when it looked like Apple had completed a leveraged buyout of Microsoft, this rumor surfaces.
- Rumor: Apple Announces Apple Palm, Palm Takeover, Palm Lounge, 4/1. At least this one makes sense – thanks to a hostile takeover, Apple will be making a Palm OS machine.
- Web: PB Zone Abandons PowerBook, Goes Peanut Butter, 4/1. I guess they wanted to get away from all the computer industry lawyers.
- News: Jason O’Grady Retires, PowerPage, 4/1. “‘I’m just so over this ‘Internet’ thing,” said Jason from his new, technology-free shack in the Poconos.
- News: Apple Icon Garden Landscaping Defaced with Microsoft Look and Feel, Carson Baker, Holy Mac, 4/1. “Microsoft and the others involved . . . justified their actions on the foundation of their ‘Freedom to Innovate’ network.”
- Web: Jag’s House Launches DOS 6 Email List
- Opinion: Why does my refrigerator need an ISP?, Daniel J. Lyons, MacBC, 3/28. “It would be silly to have Internet connections for every device in your house.”
- Opinion: Why rumor sites hurt you and Microsoft, Michel Munger, Mac Observer, 3/28. “A good dose of common sense.”
- News: Apple goes postal on Mac Cards, Macworld UK, 3/28. Part of the reason we’ve gone Wintel.
- Opnion: Isn’t it time Apple got some perspective?, MacUser UK, 3/28. More on the Mac Cards debacle.
- Opinion: Are any Mac sites safe?, Macinstein, 3/28. Better to switch than fight.
- Opinion: Apple: Big Brother 2000?, NoBeige.com, 3/28. “Apple is acting like the Big Brother that it mocked in 1984.”
- News: Apple shuts down Mac Cards for trademark violation, MacNN, 3/27. In what is becoming increasingly common Apple practice, they sent in the lawyers before contacting the webmaster. Why ask for cooperation when you can coerce it?
- News: Jobs intervenes as Mac Cards gets pulled, MacUser UK, 3/27. “…the action was triggered when Jobs sent a card from the site to another senior Apple employee questioning its use of Apple branding materials and images.”
- Opinion: Does Darwin open the door to Intel?, Tony Smith, MacWeek, 3/27. But why run the new OS from such a heavy handed company on Intel hardware?
- Opinion: IE 5 brings good and bad to Mac users and web authors, W3Nation. Mac users will always be second-class citizens. They had to wait a whole extra year for IE 5 – and now IE 5.5 for Windows is on the way!
- Analysis: IE 5 changes how Mac users see the Web, MacWeek, 3/27. “…a default installation of IE 5 for the Mac will display Web pages pretty much the same way that Windows users see them.” Isn’t that the way God intended it?
- Opinion: The state of Mac gaming, Holy Mac, 3/27. C’mon, everyone knows PC owners get the best games first!
- Web: Why Windows Is So Great, a new Win-centric multilingual site.
The truth about Low End Win:
You can’t win on the low end in the PC world.

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