Low End Mac promoted Macs in education for years. With Low End Win, we put the focus on Windows PCs.

- The iPaq: What is Compaq thinking?, Paulo Rodrigues, iPaq Channel, 4/1. Ever the contrarian, Rodrigues finds some shortfalls in the iPaq’s design.
- High-end build-to-order G4 vs. high-end build-to-order Dell Dimension, Charlie Ruggiero, 4/1. It’s much cheaper to run Windows apps on the Dell than on the Mac.
- ‘286 gaming prowess, Brian Rumsey, Low End PC Gaming, 4/1. Computer gaming now goes beyond the monitor!
- Some thoughts on going PC, Charles W. Moore, Miscellaneous Ramblings, 4/1. “It is with mixed emotions that I join Low End Mac’s transition to Low End Win.”
- Going Wintel, Steve Wood, View Through the Window, 3/29. Once a year he gets to ditch his Macs and go Windows
- How to make IE 5 work right, David Nagel, Creative Mac, 3/29. Now Mac users can see the Web as God and Gates intended it.
- Apple #1 in education with 30.6% market share, Mac Observer, 3/9. That means Windows has 69.4% of the market — take that, Steve Jobs!
- Hard drives: bigger and cheaper, Steve Wood, View Through the Window, 3/6. Even huge drives have become affordable.
- What’s wrong with older Macs?, Phil Shapiro, Jag’s House. In one word: lots.
- News: MacTreasures site coordinating Mac school donations, Applelinks, 2/24. It’s a good thing so many companies are going Windows. Now schools can get their obsolete castoffs.
- Opinion: How much power do we need?, Hiawatha Bray, Boston Globe, 2/24. “I can’t recall the last time I needed more horsepower than these [older] machines provide.”
- Has Apple ceded the education market?, 2/21/2000. No, they’ve lost fair and square.
- Making your PC work with your Mac, Steve Wood, View Through the Window, 2/14. If your stuck with Macs at school, here’s how to ease the pain.
- San Diego County program nixes Mac purchases, MacCentral, 1/19. Program lets employees buy computer with 60-month payback – except for Macs. Smart move!
- The dirty stinkin’ truth about “shared video memory,” MacMilitia.
- Guide to USB Keyboards, WinUSB. Most comprehensive listing of USB keyboards on the web.
- 6100 DOS cards, Quadras, and you. How to put a 66 MHz 486 DOS card intended for the 6100 in a Quadra.
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