Mac notebook and other portable computing is covered
in The 'Book Review, and general Mac
news is in Mac News Review.

The iPad, introduced on Tuesday, is just 0.5" thick.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
Apps & Services
iPod Deals
These price trackers are updated every month.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
iPad Tries to Assassinate Laptops
Gizmodo says:
"Only way to interpret the launch of the iPad? Apple has declared the PC dead.
Well-crafted but closed devices are their future of consumer computing.
And if no one else can match the iPad experience, they may be
Editor's note: Or not. I really like the iPad, but it doesn't come
within a country mile of being even a halfway adequate substitute for a
real laptop, at least for folks who use their computers as serious work
tools. Laptops are going to be around for a long time to come yet.
However, with the iPad's price of entry at $500, the netbook folks may
have plenty to worry about. cm
Apple iPad Just Tried to Assassinate Laptops
5 Best iPad Surprises
Macworld's Dan Frakes says:
"Though this super-sized iPod touch is largely what we expected,
Apple's announcement included a number of nice surprises, as well as a
couple bombshells. I'm not talking about those things we assumed would
be true, such as a large screen and support for existing iPhone apps. I
mean those features we hoped for, expecting disappointment, or those
that caught us off guard. With an hour or so to contemplate the day's
news, here are my five biggest/best revelations from Apple's big event
(plus a bonus one)...."
The iPad's Five Best Surprises
5 Worst iPad Surprises
Macworld Rob Griffiths says:
"My colleague Dan Frakes has chimed in with his take on the five
best surprises from the iPad's launch. I'm in total agreement with his
list - well, except for the name thing. The iPad's design is elegant,
the size seems about right for a device designed to surf the Web and
handle e-mail and ebook reading. I really want to buy one....
"Unfortunately, there are a handful of shortcomings with the iPad
that I have to think about before I buy the tablet...."
Link: The
iPad's Five Worst Surprises
5 Ways Apple Can Fix the iPad
Tom's Hardware's Tuan Nguyen says:
"The iPad, Apple claims, is revolutionary and even magical.
"No it's not....
"It's got so many teething problems. Even the product name, in one
day, has become the butt of jokes on the interweb.
"I've had the opportunity to sit down and talk to several analysts
and industry professionals about their thoughts on the iPad. Views seem
to be split, but everyone appears to think the same: the iPad could
have been so much more . . . so let's get straight to what
Apple can do to make the iPad what it should have been - and could
Five Ways Apple Can Fix the iPad
8 Things That Suck About the iPad
Gizmodo says:
"A lot of people at Gizmodo are psyched about the iPad. Not me!...
It has some absolutely backbreaking failures that will make buying one
the last thing I would want to do."
Link: 8
Things That Suck About the iPad
iPad Dongle Adapter Woes
Gizmodo says:
"The iPad really is a giant iPhone - so much so that if you want to
get a laptop-like experience out of it, you'll need adapters to change
the typical 30-pin connector into USB, SD...."
iPad Myriad Optional Dongle Adapter Woes
Inkling Lets Textbook Makers Embrace the iPad
Venture Beat's Paul Boutin quotes Inkling CEO Matt MacInnis
commenting: "The book will never die. But the textbook probably
Boutin reports that Inkling is working directly with textbook
publishers to first port their existing tomes onto Apple's iPad as
interactive, socialized objects, later to create all-new learning
modules - interactive, social, and mobile - that leave ink-on-paper
textbooks in the dust.
Link: Inkling Lets Textbook
Makers Embrace the iPad
Apple Introduces iWork for iPad
PR: Apple has announced a dedicated iWork productivity
software suite developed specifically for the iPad, with versions of
Pages, Numbers, and Keynote and user interfaces tweaked for touchscreen
input, and to support use in either portrait or landscape orientation.
10 bucks each or the set of three for 30 bucks.
Actually, the iPad also comes bundled with 12 Multi-Touch
applications, all of which work in both portrait and landscape modes,
automatically animating between views as the user rotates iPad in any
direction, including a built-in Stickies-esque Notes app., a Calendar
app., and a Contacts app for organizing and retrieving names, numbers
and other important information. Spotlight Search is supported,
allowing you to search the iPad, and all of its built-in apps
iWork for iPad apps will be available at the iTunes App Store.
Link: iPad App Store
Is Texting Bad for You?
The Age's David Campbell says his niece recently sent 260 text
messages in a day. Assuming eight hours for sleep, that's roughly one
every four minutes.
When Campbell told her that he only turned his mobile on once a day
to check for messages, she looked as if he were from another planet.
Which is true. She's a teenager and he's a baby boomer....
Campbell notes a report of a 13-year-old girl in California who sent
14,528 text messages in a month. Her phone bill was 440 pages long, and
there was an Indian guy who sent 182,689 text messages in a month and
got a 1,411-page phone bill.
There are risks involved with this obsessive behavior, such as a new
form of repetitive strain injury known as ''BlackBerry thumb',' with
the American Association of Hand Therapists issuing a consumer alert
about increasing frequency of texting-related carpal tunnel syndrome
and tendonitis, while the American Journal of Psychiatry reported on a
compulsive-impulsive spectrum disorder that called Internet addiction,
which includes text messaging.
Where is this heading? The short answer: Nobody knows. We're engaged
in a vast social experiment whose outcome can only be speculated.
Editor's note: I'm profoundly thankful that the texting phenomenon
arrived after both my kids had grown up and flown the nest. Today, in
their mid-to-late 20s, neither even owns a cellphone. cm
Is Texting Bad for You?
Let Your Undies Power Your iPhone
Cnet's Chris Matyszczyk reports:
"What's more annoying? Batteries or people who sneeze without
covering their mouths? Batteries or Jay Leno?
"I choose batteries. They always give out at the least opportune
moments and I'm always stunned by how much they cost at the local
supermarket, or, indeed, the local Apple store.
"So I have not been able to resist hitching up my pants with joy on
hearing that some very clever engineers at Stanford are working to make
your T-shirt, your pants, or, indeed, your favorite purple undies
become, well, Energizers...."
Link: Let Your Undies
Power Your iPhone
Macworld Reviews Dragon Dictation 1.2.0
Macworld's Ben Boychuk says:
"Now hear this: Dragon Dictation is shaping up to be the essential
voice app for the iPhone and iPod touch. You say the words and they
appear as you said them with remarkable accuracy. Although the
technology isn't new, the application from Nuance Communications is
novel and terrific. And for the moment, at least, you can take
advantage of it for free."
Link: Dragon
Dictation (download link)
Apps & Services
Apple Lifts 3G VoIP Restrictions, iCall with 3G
Support Available
PR: iCall VoIP services for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch
are now available for use over 3G networks such as AT&T
Apple Computer, Inc. has updated the iPhone developer SDK to allow
VoIP over cellular networks. iCall is the first and only VoIP
application that functions on the iPhone and iPod touch over cellular
3G networks.
iCall is a market leader in desktop and mobile-based desktop calling
platforms, including its highly popular version for the Apple iPhone.
Until today, restrictions imposed on developers prohibited VoIP
functionality on any 3G network.
VoIP on the iPhone has been the source of many debates with
companies such as Google being denied access to the platform and the
FCC inquiring as to the restrictions in the Apple App Store; iCall is
one of the few VoIP applications that has been permitted by Apple to
operate on the iPhone platform.
With the latest revisions Apple has made to the iPhone developer
agreement and Software Development Kit, iCall for the iPhone and iPod
touch now enabled unrestricted free local and long distance calling
over 3G data networks. iCall with support for VoIP over 3G networks is
now available in the App Store for download. iCall is the first and
only VoIP application available for the iPhone platform that allows use
over 3G networks.
iCall for the iPhone and iPod touch may now be downloaded from the
App Store.
iCall CEO Arlo Gilbert is quoted as saying, "I applaud Apple's
decision to allow iCall to extend its functionality beyond WiFi and
onto the 3G networks. This heralds a new era for VoIP applications on
mobile platforms, especially for iCall and our free calling model. I
hope that now more developers will begin using our VoIP as a platform
to integrate VoIP into their applications."
iCall is a privately held company providing a free and low-cost VoIP
calling platform that is currently available for your desktop PC,
iPhone and iPod touch. iCall saves consumers money on phone calling
through ad-supported calling.
iCall was founded in 2005 by Arlo Gilbert and Andy Muldowney with
the goal of providing low and no-cost calling services to consumers. In
January 2006, iCall first released its iCall Free Calling desktop
application. iCall's free calling network now boasts over more than 4
million unique downloads.
In addition to consumer products, iCall offers wholesale VoIP
solutions and a developer platform through iCall Carrier Services.
iCall's private network carries over 350 million minutes of voice
traffic per month to destinations around the globe.
Link: iCall (download link)
Office2 Has Google Docs
PR: Byte Squared announces the release of its office
application for the iPhone and iPod touch. The product, named
Office2 (pronounced "office squared") provides
Word-compatible document editing and Excel-compatible spreadsheet
editing with support for the DOC and XLS formats. It includes the
following features:
Word Processor Features:
- View, create, edit and save documents in Word 97-2003 (.doc)
format. Compatible with Microsoft Word, NeoOffice, and any other .doc
compatible word processor.
- Character formatting, including text and fill color, bold, italic,
underline, font face and size.
- Paragraph formatting including alignment, indenting, bullets and
- Support for tables, including table creation.
- Support for images, including inserting of images from the camera
roll or pasting from other programs.
- Searching of text within documents.
- Undo and redo, up to 100 undo levels.
- Copy and paste within the app in addition to copy and paste of text
and images from other applications, including Safari.
- Auto-correction and auto-completion are supported.
Spreadsheet Features:
- View, create, edit, and save spreadsheets in Excel 97-2003 (.xls)
format. Compatible with Microsoft Excel, NeoOffice, and any other .xls
compatible spreadsheet program.
- Handles multiple worksheets with unlimited rows and columns.
- Searching and sorting of cells.
- Cell formatting, including bold, italic, borders, text and cell
color, alignment, text wrapping.
- Cell types, including General, Number, Currency, Percentage, Date,
Time, Date/Time and Text.
- Merge cells feature.
- Pane freezing.
- Tap and drag to change row heights and column widths.
- Intelligent auto range selection for range based functions.
- Tap cells to compose formula.
- Insert, copy, paste or cut cell ranges, rows or columns.
- Date formats, date separators and numeric separators are all
handled correctly according to the current locale, with manual
Organizing Documents:
- Access documents stored in Google Docs, iDisk and any WebDAV
server, including open, edit, save, delete and rename.
- Create or delete folders.
- Move or copy documents between folders locally
- Move or copy documents between Google Docs or iDisk accounts and
the local folders.
- Move or copy documents within folders in Google Docs or iDisk
- Email documents as attachments.
Byte Squared CEO Simon Bates said: "Of all the competition, we
believe Office2 provides the best way to edit documents and
spreadsheets on an iPhone or iPod touch. It is also the only way to
effectively edit a Google Docs document or spreadsheet. Since it also
provides Google Docs users with a way to continue editing their files
when they don't have Internet access, we feel this app will be a
popular choice for many business users."
Link: Office2
gogoDocs Brings Google Docs to the iPhone and iPod
PR: Sounds Broken Inc. announces version 1.0.1 of gogoDocs, a
Google Docs reader for the iPhone. gogoDocs keeps all of your documents
handy by synching with your Google Docs account to your iPhone or iPod
touch. Documents are downloaded to your iPhone while connected to the
Internet, and kept available for offline viewing. Background synching,
blazing fast PDF viewer, automatic bookmarking, document filtering,
document sharing, and a simple, intuitive experience make gogoDocs an
essential tool for all Google Docs and iPhone users. The 1.0.1 release
fixes a rare bug that some users were experiencing.
gogoDocs is climbing the charts! gogoDocs is less than one week old
and already in the top 100 productivity apps in 7 countries and
What People are saying about gogoDocs:
- This app is truly excellent. Like best the auto sync on startup and
unique one screen to show local copied and Google files and not
multiple screens of other apps.
- This is a really handy viewer. I've been using it to read some of
my larger PDFs and the pages appear so quickly. The jump to last place
viewed is really handy!
- Great program, I'm able to view all of my things. I have been using
it to view big PDFs, and I really like the star sync feature.
- A very good stable implementation of a GoogleDocs reader.
- It's so so close to being the perfect Google docs app.
- Document Sync - gogoDocs gives you instant access to any document,
spreadsheet, presentation, or PDF you have synched. Great for flights,
subway travel, or anytime you might not have a reliable Internet
connection. Documents are kept in sync according to your
- Document Stars - gogoDocs makes it easy to sync your most important
docs based on starred status. And gogoDocs lets you change the starred
status of a document right from your phone for streamlined
- Documents you've viewed and those important docs that you have
starred are synchronized to your phone by default. You may also choose
to sync all of your documents if you prefer.
- Long PDF Support - frustrated with other viewers that crawl and
crash on long documents? gogoDocs handles long PDFs with ease.
- Automatic Bookmarking - when you revisit a saved document, gogoDocs
lets you continue right where you left off.
- Document List Filtering - scroll to the top of your document list
and you'll see a list of filters you can use to quickly organize your
document list.
- Document Sharing - got a great doc you need to share? gogoDocs lets
you email any of your saved documents as attachments.
- Portrait and Landscape mode document viewing, pinch or double tap
to zoom in and zoom out.
- Fast document navigation.
Minimum Requirements:
- iPhone OS 3.0 or higher
- iPhone or iPod touch (any generation)
- Available from the App Store immediately on sale for $1.99 (regular
price: $2.99 ) and in the Productivity category.
Link: gogoDocs (download link)
AutoPark: Say Good-bye to Parking Tickets
PR: Frolicware introduces AutoPark 1.0, their new parking
reminder and locator for iPhone and iPod touch devices. Say good-bye to
parking tickets. Honored with the "Most Useful App" award at the 2009
iPhoneDevCamp, AutoPark was developed specifically to take advantage of
the iPhone's unique capabilities and touch interface, and serves as a
complete, full-featured driving companion.
AutoPark dutifully keeps track of time left on the meter and can
send separate warning and expiration alarms (via push notification) to
avoid parking tickets. It features a comfortable and simple user
interface, allowing users to see the most important items at-a-glance.
AutoPark also helps users find their parked car using the iPhone's
built-in GPS. No more wandering around when it's time to leave. Just
park the car and set a marker on the map with a single tap.
The app can also remind users what level they parked in multistory
lots, as well as find nearby services, such as gas stations, public
restrooms, and banks. And with AutoPark's built-in One-Button Email
feature, users can share parking data with others via richly formatted
e-mail. They can also jot down a note or attach a picture. Great for
writing a reminder or remembering what the rental car looks like.
One of AutoPark's unique features is live access to local services.
With one tap users are shown gas stations, public restrooms, or banks
on a map near their current location. Future free updates will include
a range of other nearby services that will be useful to drivers before
they get back on the road.
Feature Highlights:
- Comfortable and simple User Interface
- Keep Track of Time Left on the Meter
- Find The Parked Car
- Stop Getting Lost in Parking Lots
- Get Background Alarms via Push Notification
- Find Nearby Services
- Save Text and Photo Attachments
- Works on Meters or Prepaid Machines
- One-Button Email
"My primary goal in creating AutoPark was to make a complete
solution to everyday parking problems," said Ramin Firoozye, founder of
Berkeley based Frolicware. "I came up with the concept several years
ago but it took until iPhone OS 3.0 before all the necessary
technologies fell into place. I was especially gratified by early user
reviews that said they "could not envision going to the City without
this app any longer" and that it "paid for itself in one day" That
tells me it's hitting its intended mark."
Device Requirements:
- iPhone or 2nd Generation iPod touch running 3.0 or later
- 1.7 MB
AutoPark 1.0 is $4.99 and available worldwide exclusively through
the App Store in the Navigation category. Frolicware's AutoPark and
FloatPen will be shown at the Mobile Developer Pavilion at Macworld
Expo 2010 in San Francisco, February 9-13. Review copies are available
upon request.
Link: AutoPark (download link)
iCelebrate ~ Valentine's Day for iPhone and iPod
PR: Award-winning Windows Mobile software house Conduits
Technologies, Inc., announced the release of iCelebrate ~ Valentine's
Day 1.0, an application for the "most romantic holiday of the year"
that pairs enchanting, animating scenery and the very best of streaming
Internet radio stations for iPhone and iPod touch.
iCelebrate ~ Valentine's Day provides you with six romantically
whimsical, animating scenes, and access to top-rated Internet radio
stations specializing in Smooth Jazz, Love Songs, Easy Listening
favorites, and R&B jams.
The setup of iCelebrate ~ Valentine's Day is simple: choose a
preferred music genre (Smooth Jazz, Love Songs, Easy Listening or
R&B), choose a romantic, animating image to pair with the music (a
big red, glittery heart; a pair of deep blue hearts with the sun's
brilliant refracting rays; a rotating golden chandelier; the romance of
a New York City balcony at night; a gift from a loved one; and at last,
the simple warmth of a candlelit table at sundown), and then press
play! Candles will flicker, hearts will pulse, city lights will
twinkle, and stars will shine - all to the beat of the music!
iCelebrate ~ Valentine's Day is available for 99¢ at the iTunes
App Store.
For more information, including screenshots and Internet radio
station information, visit the Conduits website.
Link: iCelebrate (download link) Anywhere for iPhone and iPod
PR: The White House Blog has announced the new White House
App available for Apple iPhone and iPod touch. The White House App
delivers dynamic content from to the palm of your
feature that stands out is live video streaming. Now anyone with this
app can watch the President's public events at the White House,
frequent web chats with Administration officials, and other events like
key speeches and press briefings in real time.
In fact, the President's State of the Union speech next week is a
great example. In addition to the millions of Americans watching
through TV and websites like, iPhone users on the
go will be able to tune in through their phones.
The White House App also lets users stay up to date with the White
House Blog and the latest from the Briefing Room. Browse
behind-the-scenes photos and watch on-demand videos. The app provides
instant access to full videos from recent speeches, press briefings,
and special events.
The White House App is available for free download from the iTunes
App Store
This is just the first step for's mobile
Mobile Internet access is an important way Americans are staying
informed. Mobile web usage grew over 100% in the last year in the
United States and higher worldwide. As part of President Obama's
commitment to an open and transparent government, the White House App
makes getting all the latest news and media from the White House easier
than ever. And of course, we'll continue to look for new and emerging
technologies to engage the American people and make information about
the President and his administration easily available.
Link: Anywhere
iPhone App Lets Motorcyclists Discover and Rate
Roads Worldwide
PR: Greatest Road Software has released the first iPhone
and iPod touch app to help motorcyclists find, rate, and exchange the
best motorcycle roads around the world.
The new app, Greatest Road, makes looking for great places to ride
simpler and more intuitive than ever before. The app allows customers
to choose a location on a map, zoom in or out, and look for nearby road
stretches. Each road stretch has a rating indicating how fun, twisty
and scenic it is and what shape the road surface is in. Open-ended
comments mean riders can tell others about highlights or report on a
current hazard. Road stretches are all contributed, rated, and
commented on by other bikers.
Getting together with biking buddies to decide on a route and
give each other directions has never been easier. Whether in a cafe,
bar, restaurant, race track or just about anywhere else, bikers can
exchange a road description between iPhones/iPod touches or email it to
themselves or others in the commonly-used gpx format. The gpx files
will work with many of the popular, standalone GPS devices.
"The Greatest Road iPhone and iPod touch app will forever change the
way motorcyclists discover the most amazing stretches of road, plan
rides, and explore distances rated by the larger biker community," said
Daniel Pifko, founder and CEO of Greatest Road Software. "For less than
the price of a good map or a bandana, our customers get live, worldwide
maps and routes with the commentary that only other motorcyclists can
bring. Whether on cruisers, dual sports, sport bikes, adventure bikes,
touring bikes, customs or any other road bike, bikers with an iPhone or
iPod touch will find Greatest Road to be the most indispensable tool
they use for getting on the road."
Greatest Road focuses on helping bikers pick the best roads and plan
their trip, leaving voice directions and other en route services to the
iPhone Maps app and other excellent navigation choices available in the
App Store.
Customers in 37 countries can now buy Greatest Road from the App
Store. The app will show road stretches in all supported countries,
irrespective of where it was purchased.
Link: Greatest
Road (download link)
SpotACop for iPhone
PR: Independent software developer Robert Landis introduces
SpotACop 1.0, his new cop and law enforcement locator for iPhone 3G and
3GS devices. Designed specifically to take advantage of the iPhone's
unique capabilities and touch interface, SpotACop allows anyone to see
where police officers are currently spotted by other drivers.
Featuring a comfortable and simple user interface, SpotACop serves
uniquely as a socially networked radar detector. The more people who
use it, the more efficient it will become. To prevent from getting a
speeding ticket, SpotACop also issues a warning to let drivers know to
slow down before they approach one of these areas.
Feature Highlights:
- Comfortable and simple User Interface
- Issues an alert to slow down in potential speed traps
- See how long ago the cop was spotted
"I was compelled to develop SpotACop because honestly, I have a lead
foot," said Robert Landis, developer of SpotACop. "I started the
company because I thought there had to be a better way to notify people
of a cop other than flashing your lights at them. Being young and
ambitious drove me to try to create an app that I hope is useful and
Device Requirements:
- iPhone, 3G and 3GS devices running 3.1.2 or later
- 0.4 MB
SpotACop 1.0 is 99¢ and available worldwide exclusively through
the App Store in the Navigation category. Review copies are available
upon request.
Link: SpotACop (download link)
Trucker1: Free iPhone App for Truckers
PR: Trucker1 is the first application of its kind, designed
for the American trucker by the leader in Truck Insurance - 1st
Trucker1 makes it
easy to stay connected with your family, access your coverage
information and get back on the road quickly when you have a claim. No
one else in the industry gives you what Trucker1 does.
Trucker1 - Designed for you, by the company that loves American
Truckers: 1st Guard Corporation
Instant Access
When you just can't get to a computer or the Internet, Trucker1
allows you to access and view your vehicle coverage ANY TIME; think of
it as your truck insurance ID card in the palm of your hand.
Family Connect
On your way home? Send alerts to family & friends through e-mail
or Facebook that include your current location on our custom built
mapping page, 1GTRACKER (powered by Google maps). Trucker1 wants you to
stay connected with your loved ones.
Back on the Road FAST
We get you back on
the road quickly after a loss by taking advantage of technology.
Trucker1 allows you to view current claims, or submit a new claim with
photos, locations and a recorded statement of loss. The process is so
fast you might be able to submit the claim before the wrecker shows
- DIGISPEED - A fully digital speedometer shows your current location
along with speed and directional destination.
- SPEEDOMAP - Dynamically updated map that allows you to track your
current progress, speed and course.
- FRIENDS - Trucker1 allows you to track your friends' current GPS
location as long as they are signed up as one of your "Friends."
Link: Trucker1 (download link)
iPhone App Puts Joy at Listeners' Fingertips
PR: Digital
Frontiers Media (DFM) has created an Internet music streaming
application that lets users hear The
JOY FM 88.1/91.5 on their iPhones. The Florida-based radio station
plays adult contemporary Christian music from artists such as Steven
Curtis Chapman and Chris Tomlin.
"The trend engineer at The Joy FM is a former student and provided
us the opportunity to grow The Joy FM's radio audience and exposure
through the use of new media," explains DFM President Stephen
The JOY has served North, Central, and Southwest Florida for over 20
years and to keep reaching listeners, they rely on their trend engineer
to find new promotion and listenership opportunities.
"Often, opportunities come from the people you know," explains DFM
President Stephen Barker. "The trend engineer at The Joy FM is a former
student and provided us the opportunity to grow The Joy FM's radio
audience and exposure through the use of new media."
Enthusiastic about leveraging the popularity of the ubiquitous
iPhone, JOY contacted DFM to develop a music streaming app. The result,
iJoy, is available for free download at
Link: iJoy (download link) Mobile for iPhone 1.1
PR: Adobe has announced the immediate availability of Mobile for iPhone 1.1, an update to the popular mobile
application that makes editing, viewing and sharing images on the
iPhone quick and easy. Mobile for iPhone quickly established itself as one of
the "Top Free" applications in Apple's App Store. In the four months
since its release in October 2009, Mobile for iPhone has
been downloaded over 6.5 million times worldwide. Among the new
features is video playback for users who host videos on,
so that they can easily watch them on the go. For editing, the new
Sharpen tool makes refining details in photos as simple as dragging a
finger across the image to increase or reduce sharpness. Also with just
one touch, users have their choice of eight new artistic borders that
add creative punch to their photos.
The Adobe Mobile for iPhone 1.1 application is
available worldwide as a free download from Apple's App Store on iPhone
and iPod touch. Current Mobile for iPhone users will have
access to version 1.1 by checking for updates in Apple's App Store.
Link: Mobile for
Epson Technology Supports Printing Applications
for iPhone and Android Phones
PR: Seiko Epson Corporation ("Epson") has announced global
support for its open-source development kit, the ESC/P-R library, which
assists product designers wishing to develop printing applications for
electronic devices. With the kit, developers only need to create one
driver in order to connect and communicate with any Epson inkjet
printer that supports ESC/P-R.
ESC/P-R is a common language for selected Epson inkjet printers
worldwide that supports every media type, paper size and associated
printing mode available on those products. ESC/P-R allows many kinds of
devices to connect and communicate with Epson printers, expanding
possibilities for use with medical equipment, measuring equipment,
electronic whiteboards, and at home with home electronics and game
machines. It is especially suited for consumer electronics devices and
embedded equipment.
The ESC/P-R development kit has already been utilized to develop
printing applications for the iPhone, iPod touch, and for phones using
the Android operating system, enabling people with these devices to
enjoy the outstanding image quality that Epson printers are known for.
"ePrint" by Microtech Corp. and Epson's own "Epson iPrint" can be found
in Apple's App Store, while CyCom Technology Corp.'s "CyPria"
application is available for download from the Android Market. All of
Epson's WiFi capable all-in-one printers launched this year will
support these applications.
The ESC/P-R language is designed to be easy to develop and maintain,
as it removes the necessity to create and update separate drivers for
each printer. It enables speedy printing of high quality images even
from devices with a slow CPU, and does not require dedicated image
processing memory. Development support will be provided by Epson
Imaging Technology Center in San Jose and Seattle.
Link: Universal
Super Chargers for iPhone 3G/3GS
PR: Are there bigger capacity iPhone batteries out
The lithium powered rechargeable battery extender for iPhone that
has a whopping 4000 mAh capacity. It will extend your talk time 10
hours, online time 10 hours and video playback time 50 hours
(estimated). It is not bulky either as it just extends a little at the
bottom, it would be great for flights or long car rides.
No more shutting down applications, fully utilize your iPhone 3G,
3GS functions.
- Super Capacity - 4000 mAh, make your iPhone as a whole day
- LED indicators (see notes below)
- No bulky, it extends a little bit at the bottom
- A great assistant to boost your iPhone 3G/iPhone 3GS
- Protects your iPhone while extending your battery life
- Uses your own Apple cable (USB - Dock cable) to charge battery
- Black high-gloss finish (same material as your iPhone)
Options: Color
- Weight: 3.6 oz (105g)
- Capacity: 4000 mAh
- Measures: 4.5" x 2.6" x 0.9" (11.5 cm x 6.6 cm x 2.4 cm)
- Measures: 6.3" long with iPhone attached
- Output voltage: DC 5.5V
- Output current: 500 mA
Estimated use time:
- Standby time: Up to 500 hours
- Talk time: Up to 10 hours
- Internet use: Up to 10 hours
- WiFi: Up to 12 hours
- Audio play: Up to 50 hours
- Video play: Up to 14 hours
This accessory is suitable for:
- Top LED: Indicates charging status of iPhone. If red, charging is
in process. If green, the iPhone is fully charged.
- Middle LED: If yellow when iPhone is connected, the backup battery
needs to be recharged.
- Bottom LED: Indicates charging status of the backup battery. If
red, battery is in the process of being charged. If green, backup
battery is fully charged.
Link: Super
Chargers for iPhone 3G/iPhone 3GS
Magnet Stand with Gooseneck Mount for All
PR: Features:
- Magnetic mount, mounting the device on the surface of
steel/stainless steel, e.g. refrigerator, desktop or shelf easily
- Adjustable/flexible arm
- Easy to lock and unlock
Suitable for:
- iPhone (2G)
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 3GS
- Length from Top to Bottom: 7.5 inches (or 19cm) approx.
Link: Custom-Made
Magnet Stand with Gooseneck Mount for iPhone/iPhone 3G/iPhone
Tom Bihn Introduces 2 Bags for the iPad
PR: Tom Bihn, a designer, manufacturer, and retailer of
laptop bags and travel bags has introduced the Cache sleeve and
Ristretto vertical messenger bag for the Apple iPad.
The Cache
The Cache is available in Size iPad - designed specifically for the
Apple iPad. The Cache is designed to protect the Apple iPad against
scrapes and scratches from all sides. Its 1/4" (6mm) thick foam padding
laminated with an exterior of four-ply Taslan and an interior of
brushed tricot cradles your iPad. The Cache for Apple iPad fits the
iPad on its own or encased in its Apple iPad Case. Available in
Charcoal grey. Made in Seattle. Lifetime Guarantee.
The Cache protects your laptop with little bulk added and is ideal
for those who don't want their laptop case to make their loads heavier
or take up a lot of space.
The Cache is designed to be used inside of a larger backpack,
briefcase, messenger bag, or travel bag: it has no handles, no shoulder
strap, nor a place to attach a shoulder strap. A list of which Cache
sizes fit in which Tom Bihn bags is to the left. Or, you can slip the
Cache inside of your current bag.
The Cache: Checkpoint Friendly
The Cache meets the new TSA (Transportation Security Administration)
"checkpoint friendly" guidelines for laptop bags, so you need not send
your laptop through airport security x-ray machines unprotected. The
Cache provides the TSA with a clear, unobstructed x-ray view of your
laptop in the bag. You may also be interested in our Checkpoint Flyer
checkpoint friendly bag.
From the TSA Web site:
"To help streamline the security process and better protect laptops
TSA has recently encouraged manufacturers to design bags that will
produce a clear and unobstructed image of the laptop when undergoing
X-ray screening. A design that meets this objective will enable TSA to
allow laptops to remain in bags for screening."
For more information on the checkpoint friendly program, visit the
TSA Web site.
- 1/4" (6mm) thick foam padding laminated with an exterior of
Charcoal grey, 4-ply Taslan and interior of brushed tricot
- Is Checkpoint Friendly
- Available in Charcoal grey only
- Interior dimensions:
- Size iPad: Sized to fit the Apple iPad in or out of the iPad Case.
- Size 1: 15.4" 10.5" 1.2"
- Size 2M: 15.5" 11.4" 1.6"
- Size 2S: 14.5" 10.8" 1.7"
- Size 2XL: 16.5" 11.3" 2.1"
- Size 2XXLT: 17.8" 12.2" 1.9"
- Size 4Z: 14.3" x 9.8" x 0.9"
- Size 6Z: 13" 9.1" 1.1"
- Size AIR: 12.9" 9.0" 0.8"
- Size Netbook: 10.9" 7.6" 1.0"
- Weight is dependent on size and ranges from 2 oz - 4 oz
- Use our Laptop Bag Fit Guide to figure out which size is best for
your computer
- Available in many horizontal and vertical sizes to fit a wide range
of laptops
- Made in the Tom Bihn Factory in Seattle, Washington, USA.
The Ristretto
The built-in interior padded compartment, located in the main
compartment of the Ristretto, protects your iPad or Netbook inside of
the bag. The padded compartment is made with .25" (6mm) open-cell foam
laminated with durable 4 Ply Taslan on the outside, and features an
interior of super-soft brushed nylon. The back side of the Ristretto is
padded with 1/4" closed cell foam.
The main, open-top compartment and front zippered pocket of the
Ristretto are covered by an asymmetrical flap that closes with the
distinctive Tom Bihn offset buckle.
Under the flap, you'll find a #8 YKK zipper pocket spanning the
width of the bag. It's the ideal place for securing your wallet or
other small items. The zippered pocket has one O-ring. The main
compartment of the Ristretto features three O-rings. Attached to one
O-ring is an 8" Key Strap. (Additional and extended length Key Straps
can be purchased separately.) The Key Strap is useful for keeping track
of your keys (many folks leave their keys attached to the key strap.)
It can also be used to clip a pocket watch or Swiss Army knife to the
bag. One can also clip a Guardian Light, Clear Organizer Wallet, or
Clear, Padded, Cordura, or Cork Organizer Pouches to the interior
In front of the zippered pocket is a open-top compartment with a
deep curve designed to facilitate easy access to its contents. The
open-top pocket features four organizer pockets: two sized for pens or
pencils, and two sized for the iPhone, iPod, or objects of a similar
The back of the Ristretto has a slanted, open-top pocket ideal for
storing papers, a magazine or a newspaper. Included with the Ristretto
is a removable waist strap - great for use if you ride your bike while
wearing the Ristretto (motor bike or push bike). The waist strap
attaches to two of four available points on the back of the Ristretto:
you can attach the strap so that one end is high and the other low, or
both high or both low, whatever is comfortable. If you don't plan to
use the waist strap, it is easily removable and leaves no hardware
You can choose between three different shoulder straps to use with
the Ristretto. The Standard Shoulder Strap, included in the price of
the Ristretto, is a 1-1/2" wide heavy nylon webbing strap and features
a comfortable, wide foam pad that won't slip off your shoulder and is
designed to conform to your shoulder and back. For an extra $10, you
can switch out the Standard Shoulder Strap and replace it with the
TerraGrip Shoulder Strap. For an extra $20, you can switch out the
Standard Strap for the Absolute Shoulder Strap.
Most people will be satisfied with just one kind of shoulder strap,
but, should you choose to do so, you can purchase more than one kind of
shoulder strap and switch between them.
The Ristretto is designed to allow you to carry just the essentials:
iPad or Netbook, wallet, keys, iPhone or cell phone, notebook, pens,
business cards, and a small water bottle.
- Built-in padded compartment sized specifically for iPad, Netbooks
and Kindle DX
- Padded iPad/Netbook compartment measures: 10.86" x 7.59" x .98"
(276 x 193 x 25mm)
- Padded compartment made of .25" (8mm) open-cell foam laminated with
durable 4 Ply Taslan/interior of super-soft brushed nylon protects from
all sides
- Choose from three shoulder straps (Standard, TerraGrip, Absolute,
that attach to snaphooks via D-rings
- Overall measurements: 12 x 9.25 x 4.75/305 x 235 x 120mm
- Exterior of 1000 denier Cordura Lined with 500 denier Cordura
- Weight: 11 oz.
- Made in the Tom Bihn Factory in Seattle, Washington, USA
Price: $30
Available for preorder: Ships within 10 days of the release of the
Apple iPad. $30.
The Ristretto for Apple iPad is a vertical messenger bag with a
built-in interior padded compartment that protects the iPad inside of
the bag. The padded compartment is made with .25" (6mm) open-cell foam
laminated with durable 4 Ply Taslan® on the outside, and features
an interior of super-soft brushed nylon. The back side of the Ristretto
is padded with 1/4" closed cell foam.
The Ristretto for Apple iPad fits the iPad on its own or encased in
its Apple iPad Case. Available in colors Black/Steel, Black/Wasabi,
Cocoa/Olive, Olive/Cayenne, and Plum/Wasabi. Made in Seattle of U.S.
1000 and 500 denier Cordura. YKK zippers. Lifetime Guarantee.
Available for order: Ships within one business day. $110.
The Cache and the Ristretto are available exclusively through the
Tom Bihn website or Seattle Factory Showroom.
Link: The Size iPad
Link: The
Ristretto for iPad
World's First Metallic Transparent Case for iPhone
PR: CAZE announces their Jade Polish metallic case, a new and
transparent metallic case for iPhone 3G/3GS. Jade Polish is the World's
First Metallic Transparent iPhone case which is available in 4
fashionable colors: Green, Silver, Purple and Rose Gold. It has an
ultra-thin wall thickness as ZERO 5 and a Shiny surface as its other
metallic cases. iPhone users can see through the Apple logo or any
other decorations on the iPhone after putting on the Jade Polish.
CAZE released the World's Thinnest iPhone case ZERO 5 a while
back and it released Jade Polish which is a mixture of Zero 5 and
Metallic case. Jade Polish has an ultra-thin wall thickness of 0.5mm
and a mirror-like glossy surface. Jade Polish's main difference with
other metallic case is its transparent nature. The transparent effect
is made by anodizing the Zero 5 to form a Transparent Metallic coating
to produce a transparent, smooth and polish effect. This new product
does not only provide a fashionable outlook but also good protection to
the chrome edges and corners of an iPhone.
Jade Polish is suitable for those who wish to keep the original
looking of an iPhone after putting on a thin and shiny case. Customers
who buy Jade Polish from CAZE will get a Mirror Screen Protector, an
Anti-FingerPrint Screen Protector and a Microfiber Cleaning Pouch for
iPhone CAZE designs and manufactures high quality, fashionable and
unique iPhone cases for iPhone 3G/3GS in a wide assortment of styles
and colors. iPhone CAZE offers a variety of cases of different
materials from leather, metallic, fabric, silicone to Swarovski
crystal. Products will be shipped within 24 hours during weekday and 30
Days Money Back Guarantee is provided.
Link: Jade