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News, Reviews, & Opinion
Netbook Users: iPad's Target Audience
TUAW's Erica Sadun says:
"If there has been an editorial theme about the iPad over the last
few days, it's been this: it disappoints . . . (Can you say
'Un-Ives-like Bezel' three times fast?), by the missing features (no
camera, no multitasking, still no Flash), and so forth. And yet,
despite these seeming flaws, I'm wildly enthusiastic about the tablet.
I think part of that enthusiasm is attributable to the fact that I'm a
dyed-in-the-wool netbook user . . . and we are the actual
target audience for the device."
In Praise of the iPad: A Contrarian View
iPad Explained to Geeks's Jason McC. Smith says:
"How many times have you heard (at least in your head) an SUV owner
saying that they just don't get little Smart cars, Priuses and so on?
'You can't haul anything in them.' 'They do so little!' 'Sure, the
mileage may be great, but I need room for four kids, not four grocery
bags.' 'They're just not fun to drive.'
"And oftentimes the (stereotypical green-oriented) geek's response
is, 'But not everyone needs an SUV.'
"And not everyone needs a PC . . . a massively overpowered piece of
kit for the average consumer . . . Nearly everything we geeks
love and adore about a general-purpose computer is a pain point for the
average consumer...."
Link: The Apple
iPad, Explained to Geeks
iPad a Laptop Competitor
The Atlantic Monthly's John Hudson says the iPad is supposed to succeed where smart
phones and laptops have failed in offering a light, comfortable-to-hold
viewing screen with a variety of functions, observing that most iPad
use will consist of consuming content and surfing the Web. Hudson says
the single biggest benefit of the iPad is speed, feeling at least a
generation faster than the iPhone 3GS, also noting that the biggest
surprise is the lowball price of the entry-level unit.
Apple Unveils the iPad: A Laptop Competitor?
5 Reasons Not to Get an iPad Too Soon
PC World's Tony Bradley says:
"There is something very alluring about a device that Steve Jobs
hailed as both 'magical' and 'revolutionary' - a mix of Disneyland and
quantum physics. It makes you want to be the first on your block or
among your peers to claim one of the wondrous new iPads as your
"Before you pitch your tent outside of the local Apple Store and
camp out for days to be first in line when the iPad becomes available,
consider some of the reasons that it may be wiser to wait a while. Here
are five reasons you might want to hold out for the second-generation
However, Bradley also quotes Steve Jobs who wrote in 2007:
"If you always wait for the next price cut or to buy
the new improved model, you'll never buy any technology product because
there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon. The
good news is that if you buy products from companies that support them
well, like Apple tries to do, you will receive years of useful and
satisfying service from them even as newer models are introduced."
Five Reasons Not to Get an iPad Too Soon
iPad 'Flaws' Don't Matter
PCMag's Michael J. Miller says that while it's probably inevitable
that after a product gets as much pre-announcement hype as the iPad
has, it's only a day or two later that you start reading about what the
product doesn't have and why it therefore must fail, observing that no
one knows yet whether the iPad will succeed, but that many of the
reasons people give for its inevitable failure don't hold water as
reasons that people won't buy it.
Link: The iPad's Five
Flaws, and Why They Don't Matter
iPad 'Great for Designers and Illustrators'
Digital Arts Magazine's Neil Bennett and Matt Egan address the
question: What does the new iPad mean for artists? They suggest that it
could be pretty meaningful as a digital sketchpad, with its 1024 x 768
pixel display at 132 pixels per inch, although it's unlikely to have a
professional level of touch sensitivity.
Other graphics used cited: a portable portfolio; a new lease of life
for design of newspaper, magazine, or book layouts; and hope that the
iPad will enable more creative use of interactivity and create more
work for interactive designers.
Link: The iPad:
Great for Designers and Illustrators
Make Your iPhone and iPod touch Look Like an
Redmond Pie's Taimur Asad says:
"Since iPhone, iPod touch and iPad uses the same OS (iPhone OS), the
look and feel is generally the same throughout the three iDevices
except for the few tweaks here and there in the iPhone OS 3.2 running
on the iPad.
"Now if you want to make your iPhone and iPod touch to look exactly
like the iPad, simply follow the steps as shown in the video below to
get the same lockscreen and springboard background, carrier logo which
reads 'iPad', an iBooks like app, New York Times reader, the entire
Kindle books catalog and much more...."
Turn Your iPhone and iPod touch into iPad
What New Ways Will iPad Users Find to Hurt
The San Francisco Chronicle's Erin Allday reports:
"Orthopedic doctors are increasingly seeing injuries from people
using smartphones, mainly from people slumping over to use the
"Smart phones and laptops, handheld video games and MP3 players, and
now, perhaps, Apple's new iPad - the latest technology is great, but it
is also a literal pain in the neck, doctors say...."
Link: What New Ways
Will iPad Users Find to Hurt Themselves?
ACU Plans to Publish First Student Newspaper on
Apple's iPad
Abilene Christian University's student-run media staff announces its
commitment to produce the first paper of its kind for Apple's iPad. Dr.
Cheryl Bacon, chair of ACU's Department of Journalism and Mass
Communication, says students and faculty already are working to achieve
this goal.
Paying close attention to the way young people consume news
"This is yet another opportunity for our students to make use of a
cutting-edge delivery system - the third version of mobile media
delivery we have pioneered," Bacon says. She cites her department's
track record: dissemination of The Optimist student newspaper via
iPhone in the fall of 2007; adoption of an updated application in the
fall of 2008; and now, ACU's preparation for delivery of The Optimist
on the iPad this spring.
ACU's nationally recognized and accredited JMC department already
has taken the first steps to establish an iPad Task Force. Its goal: to
use dedicated faculty and student leaders from across campus to develop
The Optimist's new digital publication platform. They will do so in the
department's converged media newsroom, one of the only student
newsrooms of its kind.
"We pay close attention to the way young people consume news," says
ACU's Kenneth Pybus, faculty adviser of The Optimist. "They tend to use
all the tools at their disposal to get information. With the iPad, we
foresee the potential for an explosion in news consumption."
Professors Pybus and Bacon believe the iPad and its publishing
platform will yield a marriage of audio, video and text unseen even
since the advent of laptops and smart phones.
George Saltsman is executive director of ACU's Adams Center for
Teaching and Learning. "The work we will do leading up to the formal
debut of the iPad is an outgrowth of research that's been happening on
our campus for three years," says Saltsman. "Our campus community is
already riding the next wave of digital communication. Publishing The
Optimist on the iPad means our students will be ready to work with this
revolutionary technology in the marketplace the minute they graduate.
For some of our students, that day is right around the corner - so of
course they'll have a major jump on not only their peers, but also on
veteran software developers nationwide."
The aspect of this software development drive that most fascinates
Bacon is how it could revive the publishing sector as a whole, and
newspaper publishing specifically. "The news business must find a way
to keep news delivery profitable. Remaking the model for news delivery
is the single most important discussion in journalism under way today,"
she says. If our students and faculty, by being in the middle of that
discussion, can help devise a profitable new delivery system, we will
have accomplished something extraordinary.
iPad 'iBad' for Freedom
PR: As Steve Jobs and Apple prepared to announce their new
tablet device, activists opposed to Digital Restrictions Management
(DRM) from the group Defective by Design were on hand to draw the
media's attention to the increasing restrictions that Apple is placing
on general purpose computers. The group set up "Apple Restriction
Zones" along the approaches to the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in
San Francisco, informing journalists of the rights they would have to
give up to Apple before proceeding inside.
DRM is used by Apple to restrict users' freedom in a variety of
ways, including blocking installation of software that comes from
anywhere except the official Application Store, and regulating every
use of movies downloaded from iTunes. Apple furthermore claims that
circumventing these restrictions is a criminal offense, even for
purposes that are permitted by copyright law.
Organizing the protest, Free Software Foundation (FSF) operations
manager John Sullivan said, "Our Defective by Design campaign has a
successful history of targeting Apple over its DRM policies. We
organized actions and protests targeting iTunes music DRM outside Apple
stores, and under the pressure Steve Jobs dropped DRM on music. We're
here today to send the same message about the other restrictions Apple
is imposing on software, ebooks, and movies. If Jobs and Apple are
actually committed to creativity, freedom, and individuality, they
should prove it by eliminating the restrictions that make creativity
and freedom illegal."
The group is asking citizens to sign a petition calling on Steve
Jobs to remove DRM from Apple devices. The petition can be found at
"Attention needs to be paid to the computing infrastructure our
society is becoming dependent upon. This past year, we have seen how
human rights and democracy protesters can have the technology they use
turned against them by the corporations who supply the products and
services they rely on. Your computer should be yours to control. By
imposing such restrictions on users, Steve Jobs is building a legacy
that endangers our freedom for his profits," said FSF executive
director Peter Brown.
Other critics of DRM have asserted that Apple is not responsible,
and it is the publishers insisting on the restrictions. However, on the
iPhone and its new tablet, Apple does not provide publishers any way to
opt out of the restrictions - even free software and free culture
authors who want to give legal permission for users to share their
"This is a huge step backward in the history of computing," said
FSF's Holmes Wilson, "If the first personal computers required
permission from the manufacturer for each new program or new feature,
the history of computing would be as dismally totalitarian as the
milieu in Apple's famous Super Bowl ad."
The Free Software Foundation, founded in 1985, is dedicated to
promoting computer users' right to use, study, copy, modify, and
redistribute computer programs. The FSF promotes the development and
use of free (as in freedom) software - particularly the GNU operating
system and its GNU/Linux variants - and free documentation for free
software. The FSF also helps to spread awareness of the ethical and
political issues of freedom in the use of software, and its Web sites,
located at and, are an important source of information
about GNU/Linux. Donations to support the FSF's work can be made at
Link: iPad Is iBad for Freedom
Apple Tablet in the Works: More Like a Mac Than an
Tech Crunch's MG Siegler says now that we've all seen the iPad and
know just about everything about it that we possibly can, Apple may
actually be hard at work on a second device, hastening to emphasize
that this is a pure rumor that you should take with a grain of salt.
Siegler says that although this rumor originated from a good source, it
was a secondhand source, who said this tablet device would be bigger
and much more like a Mac than an iPhone, with a screen maybe as big as
the 15.4" one currently used in the middle MacBook Pro and running Mac
OS X 10.7 instead of the iPhone OS - and to be released within the
next year.
If there is any substance to this speculation, it would certainly
make tablet computing a lot more attractive to those of us who do
serious work on our Macs.
Link: Rumor:
Another Apple Tablet in the Works. More Like a Mac Than an
Apps & Services
Free Touch Mouse App Turns iPhone/iPod touch into
Wireless Trackpad and Keyboard
PR: iPhone and iPod touch owners: If you haven't had the
chance to check it out, go to the iTunes App Store and download our
cool new Touch Mouse app. It turns your iPhone or iPod touch into a
wireless trackpad and keyboard for your computer, so you can point,
click, scroll and type from afar, in any application, on a Mac or
It works over WiFi, so you can use it anywhere in your house and is
a great way to control your computer when it's connected to your TV and
you're lounging on the couch. And to make typing easier, text is
displayed on the screen of your iPhone or iPod touch as you type, so
you can see what you're doing without having to continually look up and
And the best part is, the app is free!
Download Touch Mouse in two-steps:
- Get the Touch Mouse App for your iPhone or iPod touch from the App
- Download Touch Mouse Server software and install it on your
You'll find instructions when you download the Touch Mouse Server
software on
Once you're up and running, Touch Mouse will allow you to take
advantage of the following features:
- Multitouch trackpad with the option for two or three mouse
- Two-finger scrolling
- Keyboard with Control, Alt, Command/Windows keys
- Onscreen text display while typing
- Show or hide the keyboard at any time
- Trackpad and keyboard are available in landscape and portrait
Give it a "scroll" and let us know what you think!
Link: New:
Logitech Touch Mouse Turns Your iPhone or iPod Touch into a Wireless
Trackpad and Keyboard
Developer Delivers In-page Search to iPhone
PR: Atlanta-based independent developer Vais Salikhov
announces Find In Page 1.0, their new search utility for iPhone and
iPod touch. Find In Page adds in-page search capability to Mobile
Safari in the form of a bookmarklet. Once installed, accessing in-page
search functionality is only 2 taps away. With the ability to search
text, especially in long webpages, is critical to mastery of online
content. Now this vital productivity tool is available to iPhone
With more and more people using Safari on the iPhone to browse the
Web for work and play, the lack of in-page search functionality in this
popular mobile Web browser is baffling. If one has ever used the "Edit
- Find" feature of traditional Web browsers, one must wonder why it is
not available in Safari on the iPhone. There are alternatives, but
neither hits the mark in terms of convenience, usability, and
- Install and use one of the third-party Web browsers
available on the App Store - replacing Safari entirely.
- Use one of the less-than-stellar "bookmarklets" circa 2007 that
feature no user interface for navigation among search results and
suffer from a number of technical, as well as general usability
Unsatisfied with these options and tired of waiting for Apple to add
in-page search to mobile Safari, the developer of Find In Page simply
created his own app to deliver this missing feature to iPhone and iPod
touch users via the App Store. Find In Page app delivers its
functionality in the form of a "bookmarklet" - the only way new
features can be added directly to the mobile Safari browser. Once
installed, accessing in-page search functionality is exactly 2 taps -
same as the two clicks required for "Edit - Find" in traditional
In-page search is one of the most important productivity tools for
doing serious research on the Web, as well as simply getting oriented
in larger webpages. It significantly reduces the amount of time
required to review search engine results: instead of scanning and
reading each page for relevance, you can use in-page search to look for
relevant keywords, saving time and frustration. Ability to search text,
especially in long webpages is critical to mastery of online content.
Now this vital productivity tool is available to iPhone users.
Device Requirements: iPhone or iPod touch 3.0 or later
Find In Page 1.0 is 99¢ and available worldwide exclusively
through the App Store.
Link: Find In
Page (download link)
Apimac Memos for iPhone
PR: From one of the top award-winning software developers for
the Mac comes an iPhone application that offers an exceptional user
experience that is both fun and useful. Memos for iPhone transports you
into a world where ideas take shape and follow the touch of your
fingers to organize themselves just as you imagine them in your mind.
Create notes and memos on the go with your iPhone and move the icons
with the magic of multitouch - five fingers at a time if you dare!
The application incorporates professional photography and graphics
to create a gallery of images so that users can easily express a range
of ideas. Another cool option allows you to change the wallpapers of
the iPhone with a shake, which will really amaze your friends.
Apimac Memos for iPhone is the perfect application to quickly jot
down notes and email them to colleagues, family or friends. The archive
function allows you to store notes that you want to keep.
Attention to Apimac Idea users: Apimac Memos is the new name of
Apimac Idea; all users can upgrade from Apimac Idea to Memos for
Feature Highlights:
- Organize your ideas by moving and regrouping your notes
- Use multitouch to move up to five notes at once
- Write a note and then easily send it via email
- Choose your favorite default font and size
- Archive notes that you want to keep
- Gallery of wallpaper images created by professional photographers
and graphic artists
- Shake your iPhone to change wallpapers
- Lite version: Free
- Full version: $1.99
Link: Memos for
iPhone (download lite version, download full version)
Want to Print from Your iPad? There's an App for
PR: Texas-based Pocket Watch Software has announced iPad
support for ActivePrint 7.0. One of the best features is that virtually
all iPhone and iPod touch apps are compatible with the iPad. This means
that you can already print from the iPad using the current version of
ActivePrint for the iPhone. With ActivePrint, you can print to any
printer that your PC can print to over your WiFi network - or over the
Internet using your iPhone's EDGE or 3G network.
There are several features that are going to be made available to
app developers that we will be adding to ActivePrint. Among these new
features is the ability to print common office documents including word
processor documents, spreadsheets, and presentations!
And you will still be able to easily print photos, contacts, plain
text, and web pages to any printer that you can connect to a Windows
PC! It doesn't matter what printer you have. Print while you're on the
go with ActivePrint on your new Apple iPad!
Here are some of the features available in this new version of
ActivePrint 7 for your iPhone or iPod touch:
- Print photos from your photo album or your device's camera
- Print the contents of your device's clipboard, letting you easily
print content from other apps!
- Print contacts from the address book and web pages
- Print plain text from a built in notepad screen
- Support for multiple copies, portrait/landscape printing, different
quality of printing, and color or black & white printing
- Print via any Internet connect (WiFi or EDGE/3G network)
- Support for practically any printer available in the market
Device Requirements:
- iPhone or iPod touch 3.2 now
- or later, iPad 3.2 and up
Other Requirements:
- A printer connected to a Windows PC via USB/WiFi/Network
- A printer connected to a Mac OS X via USB/WiFi/Network (coming
in March)
ActivePrint 7.0 is $3.99 and is available worldwide exclusively
through the App Store in the Productivity category.
Demo Video:
Link: ActivePrint (download link)
Home Design App Mark On Call Lets Users Trade
Rooms, Adds Metric Setting
PR: M.O.C. Interior Designer, LLC announces Home Interior
Layout Designer - Mark On Call 2.1 for the iPhone and iPod touch,
updating their incredibly popular interior design app. Now users can
publish and store their room designs on the Web and owners of the app
may peruse the new "Rooms Gallery", an assembled area for all users'
published rooms. From directly inside the app, users can import,
customize, and apply the room designs of others to their own personal
space. This gallery also lets users backup rooms, move rooms to another
floor plan, create room templates, and "trade" or collaborate with
other designers, clients, friends, family, or Mark On Call users.
users may discover fabrics or finishes on someone else's furnishings in
a published room, import that room, and automatically collect and apply
these newfound custom color presets. A custom color preset is created
when a user takes a picture using the iPhone's camera (or uses images
from their photo library) of an actual finish, fabric, rug, paint
color, wallpaper pattern, or flooring material and "skins" or renders
them onto an item or surface in their virtual room utilizing the Mark
On Call application.
The "Rooms Gallery" features a Cover Flow interface and can filter
results by "Just My Rooms" or by room type. Published rooms can be
deleted only by the original creator.
The application works in both the English and Metric measurement
systems. The Units Settings has been moved from the device's general
Settings app to the Mark On Call main menu "Design" section. Options
include "feet and inches", "inches only", "meters and centimeters" or
"centimeters only". Walls are always displayed in feet and inches (or
meters and centimeters).
The Room Editor, where rooms can be accurately drawn and measured to
scale, offers nine room shape templates, customizable with a "touch and
drag" system. Not only can walls be moved, but corners can be added (or
deleted) and repositioned to create precise angles. To assist with
architectural accuracy, walls turn green at 0°, 30°, 45°,
60°, and 90° and display the degree number next to the wall
A customizable background option that can be used to represent wall
paint or a wallpaper pattern has also been added, and functions the
same as rendering a room item or floor surface. Users may coordinate
rugs, flooring and other room items to their walls in this virtual
space before actualizing their design plans.
Based on Mark Lewison's home decorating book, "What Would You Do
With This Room? My 10 Foolproof Commandments to Great Interior Design",
Mark On Call is truly home design in the "palm of your hand". Users can
access and customize over 160 furniture and architectural elements,
choose from a palette of preset color, fabric and finish options, take
advantage of the easy-to-use color wheel, add snapshots of floor models
corresponding to items in their room designs, create and share detailed
shopping lists, and send images of their room creations via in app
email. Mark On Call is an excellent tool for interior designers to help
them conceptualize, design, store and shop for clients, or anyone
planning their fantasy or actual living space.
Key Features of Mark On Call:
- First-use (one-time-only) popup help screens to navigate through
new and core features
- Precision touch crosshairs measure tool to instantly measure any
two points in a room
- Shopping lists can be created in local currencies and shared to
help with buying decisions
- Room Gallery to backup and publish room designs, move rooms to
another floor plan, create room templates, and collaborate with other
designers, clients, friends, family, and Mark On Call users
- In app "import" feature lets users download published room designs
and custom color presets created by other Mark On Call users
- Angled and multidimensional wall design feature to create infinite
angles, recesses, and irregular floor plan features
- Room background color option to represent wall paint or
- Units Settings to operate in English or Metric measurement
- Room checkout feature to apply Mark's ten commandments of interior
design to a user's living space
Home Interior Layout Designer - Mark On Call™ 2.1 is priced at
$2.99 and is available exclusively from Apple's App Store and works on
the iPhone and iPod touch. Minimum system requirement: iPhone OS 3.0.
Please note: Mark On Call Rooms Gallery feature requires a network
Link: Mark On
Call (download link)
Pressmart Announces Support for Apple iPad
PR: Pressmart to bring content from publishers in fifty
countries to the iPad.
As soon as consumers lay their hands on Apple's game-changing iPad ,
they are going to be hungry for content. And the news industry is
itching to fulfill this hunger while it waits for its own iPod moment
that changed the music industry forever.
Pressmart, a leading print-to-online content publishing service,
announced its support for the Apple iPad. Publishers from over 50
countries use Pressmart service to deliver content to their subscribers
in Same-as-Print Online Editions, Web 2.0 Interactive Community-Ready
Websites, Custom-Branded Mobile Apps and eReaders. Pressmart already
supports all major eReader devices like Kindle, Sony, Nook and
Publishers will now be able to use Pressmart's Software-as-a-Service
platform to convert and distribute their print publications in an iPad
ready format and Custom Branded Apps. It opens up Publishers to the
massive content appetite that iPad will offer.
With the iPad's larger screen, the mobile consumption of news and
general content through websites and Apps is expected to surge heavily.
iPad is made primarily for content consumption and Publishers do not
want to lose out on this opportunity. Publishers who do not have a
rich, community-driven website or a Mobile App can now use Pressmart to
create one, and as a hosted, on demand offering, said Sanjiv Gupta,
Founder and CEO of Pressmart.
Pressmart is a digital conversion and delivery partner of print
publishers including newspapers, magazines, catalogs and books. It has
a global customer footprint in 49 countries with 700 publishing titles
in 24 languages delivered to 1.5+ million subscribers worldwide.
Topline Publishers like Philadelphia Inquirer, San Diego Union Tribune,
Orlando Sentinel, Trinity Mirror UK, WallStreet Journal Asia are some
of its customers. Pressmart's Channel Partners include Cadmus - a
Cenveo group company (Printer, US), Curtis - a Hachette/Lagardre group
company (Distributor, US), Higgs - a DHL group company (Distributor,
UK), Geon (Publisher/Printer, Australia). It is VC invested by DFJ and
NEA-Indo US. Its operations are based in India with Sales and Partner
relation presence in US and UK. It has an experienced management team
backed by a strong Engineering expertise.
Link: Pressmart
Privacy Screen Protector for iPhone 3G/3GS
PR: Ever wonder how to keep prying eyes away, then check out
the Apple iPhone 3G Privacy Screen Protector. Its got everything you
need to keep your portable device in-style and at the same time, it
screens your phone from random people from checking out whatever it is
you are doing. So rest at ease knowing that the next time you're
looking at stocks, Facebook, emails, and bank accounts that no one is
minding your business!
This privacy film can protect your privacy by having one 120°
(60° in the upper, 60° in the bottom side) visible and rule out
the other people in the rest of 240°.
- Unlike conventional screen protectors, this screen shields off
audience vision from multiple angles. Unless user's peripherals are
directly aimed toward the screen, image will cease to show up creating
the ultimate discreet atmosphere for the user
- ± 30° tilt both horizontal and vertical
- Customised to protect iPhone, no need for any cuttings and
- Anti-Finger print
- No glue or adhesive is required for placement
- Bubble free
- Dust Free
- Anti-Scratch
- Resistance to erosion
This accessory is suitable for
Note: It will be a little bit thicker than other normal screen
protectors. You should pay attention if you are using some cases that
is very fit/tight.
Link: Privacy
Screen Protector for iPhone 3G/3GS
Mili Power Skin: Ultrathin Power Skin Battery
Charger Case
PR: The MiLi Power Skin Battery Case, is a new battery
charger case that works with the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS, and
according to the manufacturers it is the 'worlds thinnest iPhone case
with battery charger'.
The case is pretty thin, measuring just 18mm at its thickest point,
and it is definitely one of the thinnest in the world for similar type
of products. When you place your iPhone 3G/3GS in the case you notice
just how thin it is compared to other models available.
The case is comes in two parts which clip together to protect your
iPhone 3G/3GS, as you can see in the photo in the product page, it is
very easy to use, just slide your iPhone into the case and then put the
top part of the case on.
The case is made from a hard shell plastic, and it features a sleek
black paint finish, similar to the back of the iPhone.
On the bottom of the case there is a microUSB port that is used to
charge the case via USB, and on the side there is an on off button, and
a battery indictaor with built in LEDs which shows you how much charge
is left.
- Ultra Thin, just 18mm (or around 3/4 inches) thin, say good-bye to
your bulky battery for iPhone
- Nearly double your battery life - 1200 mAh stored inside.
- Protection to your iPhone from knocks and scratches with its hard
shell case.
- Made for iPhone
- Black (default option to be shipped)
- White
Product Specifications:
- Product Computability: iPhone 3G & 3GS
- Capacity: 1200mAh (Li Pol)
- Standby Time: Up to 230 hours
- Talk Time: Up to 3.9 hours on 3G
- Internet Use: Up to 3.9 hours on 3G
- Audio Play: Up to 19 hours
- Video Play: Up to 5.4 hours
- Dimensions: 124 x 65 x 18mm
Link: Mili
Power Skin: Ultra Thin Power Skin Battery Case
InnoPocket CF Formula Series Carbon Fiber Case for
iPhone 3GS/3G
PR: Are you a race car enthusiast dreaming of one day owning
everything in carbon fiber? Are you looking for a iPhone case to stand
out in the crowd of boring and flimsy plastic accessories?
InnoPocket presents a genuine carbon fiber case for iPhone 3GS/3G
that looks awesome to you. Not only is this a supreme quality product,
but it definitely attracts attention from all direction to you. This is
a must have product for any car enthusiast or carbon fiber lover.
- Hand crafted with 100% real carbon fiber
- Dream car material meets both emotional and functional needs
- Provides designer styling and superb protection
- Ultra-thin (less than 0.9mm thick) and sleek to keep the beauty of
- Featherweight, just 8 grams
- Easy installation (clip-on style)
- Cutouts allow full access to all controls and ports
- Compatible: iPhone 3GS/3G
- Diamond Black
Link: CF Formula
Series for iPhone 3GS/3G
Twine Leather Case for iPhone 3G/3GS
PR: Features:
- Light and thin and adds a layer of protection to iPhone without
adding additional weight or bulk (Weighing only 15 grams)
- Made from tough polycarbonate with a carbon pattern synthetic
leather exterior and a rubber coated interior
- Protects iPhone from light bumps and scratches.
- The outer material reflects light to give different shades of
lightness and darkness
- Carbon look gives a good secure feeling when gripped in your
- All iPhone ports and buttons remain open and accessible, so there
is no need to remove this twine (Carbon look) once it has been
This case is suitable for:
Link: Twine
Leather Case for iPhone 3G/3GS
Invisible iPad Protection Offered by Zagg
PR: Zagg Inc., producer the popular InvisibleShield™
and Zaggaudio™ brands, has begun accepting InvisibleShield
preorders for the Apple iPad. Announced by Apple CEO Steve Jobs at an
invitation-only conference, the iPad is a highly anticipated touch
screen tablet computer. Zagg will continue accepting preorders through
the official launch date of the iPad.
The InvisibleShield is Zagg's military-grade, virtually invisible,
and indestructible film that protects thousands of gadgets from bumps,
scratches, and dings with a lifetime guarantee. The InvisibleShield
designs for Apple's iPhone and iPod lines are some of Zagg's most
popular products.

The InvisibleShield is ideal for
protecting & enhancing the iPad.
Historically, Zagg's accessories have sold well for Apple products,
said Derek Smith, Vice President of Sales of Zagg. The InvisibleShield
our flagship accessory will allow iPad users to protect their tablet
computer without compromising the operation or appearance of the
The InvisibleShield for the iPad is available as a preorder on
The InvisibleShield will be ideal for protecting and enhancing the
iPad, said Robert G. Pedersen II, CEO and cofounder of Zagg. We expect
the iPad to be another successful product for Apple, and our
InvisibleShield is the perfect complement.
- iPad Bundle 1: $99.99
- Full Body Coverage
- Zaggsmartbuds
- Zaggwipes
- iPad Bundle 2: $79.99
- Full Body Coverage
- Zaggbuds
- Zaggwipes
Full Body Coverage: $34.99
Front Coverage: $24.99
Link: InvisibleShield
Protect Your iPad with Proporta
PR: The new Apple iPad was announced Wednesday at the
usual location, the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco,
and after months of rumours, speculation and anticipation, the new iPad
looks to be yet another stunning creation from our friends at Apple.
Boasting a 9.7" LED backlit glossy widescreen, two different models
will be available, WiFi and 3G, shipping at the end of March and end of
April respectively. So far Proporta has a couple of perfect accessories
to keep this beauty out of harms way.
So far Proporta has a couple of perfect accessories to keep
this beauty out of harms way. First up, the Perfora Leather Style
Netbook Case (Apple iPad). Thanks to its robust faux leather protection
and luxury lining, this protective iPad case is guaranteed to envelope
your iPad in the style it deserves. Available in black, red or green,
the handcrafted faux-leather exterior guards against everyday damage,
scratches and knocks, and the contrast stripe and perforation detail
design means that it cuts quite a dash in the process. As an added
extra, there are slots for storing your spare memory cards inside.
Link: Perfora
Leather Style Netbook Case (10" Netbooks)
Also available from Proporta is the Maya Leather Style Netbook
Case (Apple iPad), ideal for housing your Apple iPad and keeping it
safe from everyday knocks and bumps. The contrast white and grey
diagonal stripes offer a stylish finish to this accessory and keep your
iPad (and you) looking super stylish.
Link: Maya
Leather Style Netbook Case (10" Netbooks)
Watch this space for...
The new formfitting Crystal Case and sleek Mizu Shell for your Apple
iPad. Designed exclusively for the Apple iPad and available in a
variety of colour styles to suit. If you're interested in receiving
notification about both these accessories (and any more Proporta have
up their sleeves), please click on Website to register your
Proporta will be exhibiting at this year's Distree XXL from the
8th-11th of February in Monte Carlo, the millionaire-s playground. Even
the rich and famous need to look after their gadgets.
Belkin Helps Keep You Always Connected with New
Sleeves for the iPad
PR: Belkin presents three new sleeves-Vue, Max, and Grip-to
protect your new Apple iPad while you're on the move. These 10" sleeves
are designed with reinforced panels to fully protect your device's
touch screen from scratches, while still offering storage for other
media devices such as an iPhone, media reader, or earbuds.
The iPad user is one who is moving from place to place, so we've
designed our cases to protect the device from this movement and
activity. People will be using their iPad often to get online, so
they'll need easy access to them and, similarly, they'll need their
case to be gripable but also protective. The textured surface of the
Grip Sleeve gives you a stronger grip on your iPad to prevent
Because iPad users aim to be always connected, they tend to carry
additional gadgets-such as a smartphone-that need to be stored. The Vue
Sleeve features a windowed pocket that lets you easily find your
accessories as well as store them. The Max Sleeve's unique pleated
design expands to accommodate all your accessories. It also collapses
flat when storage is not needed for a slim profile, able to fit into a
larger bag.
From our consumer insight research, we're learning that people want
to be able to connect to the world-their friends,family, the
Internet-at any given point in time, whether at the doctor's office,
waiting in line at the grocery store, or even in a caf. The new iPad
unlocks the opportunity for these always-connected people, allowing
them to read books, play games, watch movies, send emails, listen to
music, browse the Internet, and much more. Belkin's new Vue, Max, and
Grip Sleeves not only protect your iPad, but give you instant access to
it as well as your other accessories.
Vue, Max, and Grip Sleeves will be available Spring 2010 in all
global regions
Vue Sleeve for iPad
Through to Protection and Storage
Transparent expandable pocket stores other media devices and
accessories like a smartphone, digital camera, earbuds, and charger
Made with durable neoprene, reinforced panels, and soft quilted
inner lining to protect touch screen
A Clear View to Your Essentials
Whether you re traveling around the world or down the street, the
Vue Sleeve has you covered. The expandable see-through pocket lets you
keep track of your essentials with visibility and surprising capacity.
The unique design features embossed patterns and colors to express your
sense of style and offers a sleek storage solution for your personal
items, flash drive and more. Easily slips inside another bag so you can
take your iPad anywhere.
Durable Design
Made of lightweight durable neoprene, the Vue Sleeve protects your
device, and the soft quilted lining offers an extra layer of
protection. There's also an additional reinforced panel to further
protect your device screen.
Unique design features embossed patterns and colors to express your
- Colors: Black and Perfect Plum
- $39.99
- 1 Year Warranty
Link: Vue
Sleeve for iPad
Max Sleeve for iPad
Your Ideas About Your iPad
There's So Much in Store
Stash it all on the go. The Max Sleeve's unique pleated design
expands to fit your iPad and all your accessories like your charger or
iPod with a compact shape slim enough to slip into a another bag. You
ll be surprised at the capacity. When you don't need it, it collapses
flat again for easy storage. It's the all-in-one solution for carrying
your device and everything else you need.
Durable Design
Made of lightweight durable neoprene, the Max Sleeve protects your
iPad, and the soft quilted lining offers an extra layer of protection.
There's also an additional reinforced panel to further protect your
device screen.
Pleated design expands to fit accessories like an iPhone, digital
camera, or power supply
- Made with durable neoprene, reinforced panels, and soft quilted
inner lining to protect touch screen
- Collapses flat when storage is not needed for slim profile
- Compact design fits easily into a larger bag
- Colors: Black and Perfect Plum
- 1 Year Warranty
- $39.99
Link: Max
Sleeve for iPad
Grip Sleeve
Get a
Grip on Your iPad
Hold onto It
If you want more than just a basic sleeve, grab hold of this. The
Grip Sleeve's textured surface gives you a firm hold on your device,
and the laser-etched silicone is a stand-out in unique colors and
patterns for just the right style.
Durable Design
Made of lightweight durable neoprene and silicone, the Grip Sleeve's
unique layering of materials gives you enhanced protection from
scratches and dings. There's also an additional reinforced panel to
further protect your device screen.
Gripable surface increases hold while on the go
- Made with durable neoprene and silicone, reinforced panels, and
soft inner lining to protect touch screen
- Laser-etched silicone features stylish colors and unique
- Colors: Black and Perfect Plum
- 1 Year Warranty
- $29.99
Link: Grip
STM Bags for iPad
X.small Scout 10.2" Rugged Urban Utility Laptop Bag
Get back to basics with scout - one click of the heavy duty buckle
gives you access to the laptop section (with a secure flap), your
documents and folders, utility pockets for accessories, and a secure
zippered pocket for a wallet, mobile, or iPod.
Water resistant, light weight canvas gives scout a rugged look and
feel and STM's new shoulder padding gives a comfortable carrying
experience, even when the bag is full to the brim.Scout's laptop
section is made from high density padding and cushioned felt lining, so
your laptop is as secure inside the bag as you are wearing it.
Scout comes in an x.small, small, and medium size and fits most
10.2", 13", & 15" screens.
- laptop space 26.5 x 19.5 x 3cm/10.4 x 7.7 x 1.2 inches
- external bag 29.5 x 23.5 x 8cm/11.6 x 9.3 x 3.1 inches
- colour olive dp-0966-1
- key features > download pdf
- high density padding surrounds laptop
- secure buckle closure for main bag
- velcro closure over laptop section
- cushioned felt laptop lining
- utility pockets for accessories
- full sized document pocket
- new STM design shoulder pad for carrying comfort
- materials
- external: 14 oz water resistant canvas
- lining: cushioned felt laptop lining, 210d nylon lining
- components
- high density padding
- duraflex buckle and gatekeeper clips
- STM design shoulder padding
- nylon webbing
- load bearing stitching
X.small Scout 10.2" Rugged Urban Utility Laptop Bag
Xs Micro 10.2" Slim-line Netbook Protection
Micro is a light weight, slim line bag, custom tailored to fit
netbooks up to 10.2".
The protective laptop section uses a combination of high density
padding and rigid board to keep your netbook safe from the outside
world. The comfortable, padded handles tuck away out of sight when you
use micro as a shoulder bag. There's also space for adaptors and
Micro can also be used as a travel bag. Your wallet, passport and
other necessities can be quickly accessed while your larger items are
protected inside an STM backpack.
- laptop space 27 x 19.2 x 3.5cm/10.6 x 7.6 x 1.4"
- external bag 28.5 x 21 x 4cm/11.2 x 8.3 x 1.6"
- colour black dp-0928-1
- key features > download pdf
- high density padding in laptop section
- 360 swivel shoulder strap with quick release adjustor
- business card holder
- internal zipper protector
- functional organiser pocket
- tuck away handle/removable shoulder strap
- removable key clip
- materials
- external: 600d ripstop polyester with water resistant PU
- lining: 210d water resistant nylon
- components
- high density nylon webbing
- duraflex buckles and clips
- compressed EVA padding
- high quality load bearing stitching
Xs Micro 10.2" Slim-line Netbook Protection
Xs Glove 10.2" Like a Wetsuit for Your iPad or Netbook
Protect your iPad or netbook with STM's x.small glove - a slim
fitting sleeve that shields the laptop from bumps, dust, and scratches.
X.small Glove is made from hard wearing neoprene, and has a YKK zipper.
Fits most netbooks with screens up to 10.2".
- laptop space 19.5 x 26.5 x 3.5cm/7.7 x 10.4 x 1.4 inches
- external bag 20.5 x 28.5 x 3.5cm/8.1 x 11.2 x 1.4 inches
- colour black dp-2105
- key features > download pdf
- fits most netbooks with screens up to 10.2"
- 3mm hard-wearing neoprene
- YKK zipper
- zipper protector prevents the laptop from coming into direct
contact with the zipper
- materials
- external: 3mm neoprene
- lining:
- components
- YKK zipper
- high quality load bearing stitching
Xs Glove 10.2"
Griffin Announces iPad Cases
FlexGrip - Flexible Protection for Your iPad
the going gets tough for your iPad, all you need is a FlexGrip.
Griffin's FlexGrip case wraps your iPad in durable silicone that's
easy to grip and protects against dirt, dings, dents and scratches.
Fits snug around your tablet, and allows complete access to the audio
output jack, dock connector, MultiTouch display and all controls.
- Easy-to-grip flexible silicone skin for Apple Tablet
- Tough silicone case protects against scratches
- Snug fit with access to MultiTouch display, all connectors and
Coming Soon
Link: FlexGrip for
Elan Passport Folio Case for iPad
Travel in style with Elan Passport, no matter where you're
Elan folio flips open to reveal the Multi-Touch display, then closes
like a book for privacy and protection, Elan Passport's microsuede
lining protects your iPad from scratches and smudges. Held shut by a
tab closure, inner cover includes pockets for ID and more.
You're going to take your iPad everywhere. You need the case that's
ready for just about anything.
- Slim, one-piece folio
- Opens like a book, flips closed to protect
- Inner cover includes card pockets, tab closure to secure cover when
- Soft gray microsuede interior
Coming Soon
Link: Elan
Passport Folio Case for iPad
Elan Sleeve Slipcover Case for iPad
Tough in a good way.
Slim enough to slip into a backpack, bag or briefcase, tough enough
to protect your iPad from whatever it may find in there. Slip your iPad
into Elan Sleeve then flip the tab closure down to secure it. Then
gently pull the tab to slide your iPad out quickly and safely.
Stain-resistant synthetic outer shell with smooth micro suede
- Slim-fit slipcover protects your iPad from dirt, dust and
- Tab closure secures your iPad, then helps you remove iPad from the
- Smooth synthetic outer shell
Coming Soon
Link: Elan
Sleeve Slipcover Case for iPad
Jumper Neoprene Sleeve for iPad
Your iPad, ready for anything.
Soft, stretchy protection for your iPad. Jumper is Griffin's tough
neoprene sleeve, designed to protect your iPad from dust, dirt,
scrathes and fingerprints. Integrated pull tab tucks closed for 100
percent coverage. Slim enough to slip into a backpack, bag or
briefcase, tough enough to protect your iPad from just about anything
it might find in there.
- Tough, stretchy neoprene case for your iPad
- Integrated pull tab tucks over the opening for 100 percent coverage
to protect your iPad
Coming Soon
Link: Jumper Neoprene
Sleeve for iPad