Mac notebook and other portable computing is covered
in The 'Book Review, and general Mac
news is in Mac News Review.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
The Competition
Apps & Services
iPod Deals
These price trackers are updated every month.
News, Reviews, & Opinion
First Quarter Sales: Windows Down 2%, Mac OS Up
Writing in his Asymco blog, Horace Dediu cites Charles Arthur of
The Guardian's concise understated observation that PC sales "may have
passed their peak," Gartner's Mikako Kitagawa noting a third
consecutive quarter of mobile PC shipment declines in the US in a media
release last week, and IDC suggesting that part of the PC sales
downturn might have to do with something called media tablets, although
they qualify that with expressed belief that "other factors" have
played equally significant roles.
Dediu contends that there are several problems with both IDC's and
Gartner's market analysis, noting that it's difficult to discern
causality from their data with its separation by vendor but not by
operating system and exclusion of devices hired to do the same jobs as
Consequently Dediu has endeavored to construct his own analysis,
using Gartner's public statements on the overall market and then
layering actual Mac and iPad units sold, plus my estimates for just
ended 2011 Q1 to complete the picture. He has thereby produced a graph
chart showing the market growth rates of the various platforms isolated
from each other. The result is a graph (reduced here) that one is
likely obliged to scroll over unless they have a very hi-res or
portrait orientation monitor in order to include the iPad's near
vertical growth curve.
His analysis shows that the Mac is not doing shabbily either, nicely
isolating itself from the Windows PC negative growth trend. However,
the main takeaway is that the near tripling of iPad unit sales is
symptomatic of fundamental change that cannot be ignored, as much as
some analysts appear to be attempting, the bottom line being that
Windows PC computer units are down 2% while OS X-based computer units
(including the iOS-based iPad, but not the iPhone and iPod touch) are
up 272%, and the weight of evidence beginning to be conclusive that the
iPad is the new PC.
Link: First Quarter PC
Forecast: Windows Down 2%, Mac (Including iPad) up 250+%
All Those Pundits Who Said Apple Needed a Netbook
Were Right
BusinessInsider's Dan Frommer recalls that prior to Apple's 2010 iPad launch, many observers contended that
Apple needed an entry in the hot-selling netbook category, an idea that
Apple CEO Steve Jobs explicitly scorned during an Apple earnings call
in October 2008 with the much-quoted utterance: "We don't know how to
make a $500 computer that's not a piece of junk, and our DNA will not
let us ship that."
The base iPad has been selling for $499 for over a year now, and
Frommer contends that those who believed Apple needed to make a netbook
were right, noting that the iPad is effectively a netbook, being
functionally similar, and certainly not a piece of junk.
Frommer also observes that less than three years after Job's
disclaimer, Apple is selling two netbooks, namely the iPad 2 and the 11.6" MacBook Air, the latter
having a netbook form factor and functioning as a secondary computer
for most of its users - just like those old netbooks did. He concludes
that despite Steve Jobs' statement about $500 junk, Apple did need to
make a netbook after all, but to make it on its own terms.
Link: Remember When
Everyone Said Apple Needed to Make a Netbook? They Were Right
iPad 2's Killer Feature: The 2x factor
Cnet's Brooke Crothers says that after using the iPad 2 for a few weeks, he can now say the
upgrade was worth it, if for no other reasons that it has double the
memory and double the processor cores that his iPad 1 did and posing the analogy: Would rather
have a four-cylinder Ford Ranger or an eight-cylinder F-350 for hauling
a big load? He says this applies to just about everything you do on the
iPad: launching, multitasking, Web surfing, multimedia (photos,
movies). You name it.
Link: iPad 2's Killer
Feature: The 2x factor
A5 Processor a Bold Step Forward
EETimes' Paul Boldt and Don Scansen have posted a thorough and
detailed piece on Apple's new A5 CPU that powers the iPad 2 and is
expected to find its way into the iPhone 5 as well, examining how well
the A5 has met expectations at this early stage of its development.
The authors note that the A5 die is dramatically larger than that of
the A4, and take closer look at the A4 and A5 floorplans to consider
what might be behind such a dramatic increase in die size for the
They conclude that bold is the only word that can be used to
describe Apple's A5 chip - calling it "a very determined step in the
emerging A-series SoCs, indicating that Apple has made a strategic
business decision to retain or capture more market share for the
consumer products that depend on it.
Link: A5: All Apple,
Part Mystery
'Collection Of Small Improvements' Make iPad 2
Better Than the Original
The New York Times' Nick Bilton says that Apple's new iPad 2 has
changed everything for him, bumping his iPad time to about 15 hours a
week - up from only only one to two hours a week when he used an
original iPad. He explains why.
Link: Is the iPad 2 a
Lot Better Than the Original?
PC Advisor Reviews iPad 2
PC Advisor's Andrew Harrison reports that using speed benchmarks and
two weeks of solid testing, PC Advisor's new in-depth iPad 2 review
shows that Apple's upgrade to the original Apple iPad is a worthy
successor, noting that:
"When you consider that the Apple iPad 2 is appreciably faster,
thinner and lighter than the iPad 1, and boasts a pair of video
cameras, [as well as cheaper in the UK] you may wonder where shortcuts
have been made in its construction. We certainly were - and we're still
looking for them."
Harrison has produced a thoroughgoing evaluation of how well Apple
executed its second take on the iPad - and where there's still room for
refining what's already proven to be an incredibly successful
Link: Apple iPad 2
Using the iPad and Kindle Together
This Lamp's Rick Mansfield says the iPad has been a real game
changer for him in many ways, noting that he still needs his Mac, but
if a situation allows he'll use the iPad instead. He's found that he
can create presentations on the iPad as well as carry electronic
versions of textbooks and my course notes, but a problem is that if the
iPad is connected to a projector, he loses easy access to other
materials. He briefly considered buying a second iPad, but settled on a
much cheaper
Kindle 3, and says he now understands why Kindle users are so crazy
about these devices, quickly discovering that the Kindle is his
preferred reading device - certainly preferred over the iPad, which he
says can make his eyes sore after a while, and that he never could have
imagined how much he'd enjoy reading with the Kindle.
Link: Sometimes You Need Two
Screens: Using the iPad & the Kindle Together
Most Android Users Hate Apple
Cnet's Chris Matyszczyk says the operative dynamic is that at its
core the Android brand attracts not those who love Android, but those
who hate Apple, citing a Business Insider survey of more than 2,000
respondents, mostly Android users, the majority of whom purportedly
would never consider buying an iPhone, for one very simply reason: They
"hate Apple."
Matyszczyk further notes that only 31.2% of these Android users
would consider buying an iPhone if it "worked better with non-iPhone
apps and products." While 55.7% ticked the box that said, "Nothing: I
hate Apple."
Link: Survey: Most
Android Users 'Hate Apple'
iOS Platform Outreaches Android by 59% in US
PR: Market analysis firm comScore, Inc. has released the
results of a US study of Apple iPad owners, based on data from the
comScore MobiLens service. The report includes comScore's first
publicly available data showing demographics and other characteristics
of users of connected media devices, such as the iPad and iPod touch.
Initial research indicates that Apple's iOS platform, which resides on
iPhones, iPads and iPod touches, has a combined platform reach of 37.9
million among all mobile phones, tablets and other such connected media
devices, outreaching the Android platform by 59%.
"comScore is excited to announce the availability of connected
device data as part of the comScore MobiLens service," says Mark
Donovan, comScore senior vice president of mobile. "This new data set
enables us to not only understand the comprehensive ecosystem of mobile
and connected media device users, but it also allows us insight into
their detailed demographic and behavioral attributes."
iPad and other connected media device data are also currently
available in Europe. comScore will publicly release European data in
the coming days.
Apple iOS Has Twice the Reach of Android
comScore's analysis of the unduplicated audience reach of
the Apple iOS platform across iPads, iPhones and iPod touches revealed
a combined iOS installed base of 37.9 million users. The installed base
of iPhones slightly exceeded that of iPod touches, both of which were
approximately twice as high as the number of iPads. Interestingly,
among the 37.9 million consumers with access to the Apple iOS, only 4
million (10.5%) accessed the platform via more than one device. The
combined 37.9 million iOS users is 59% greater than the 23.8 million
combined Android OS installed base, which includes users of both
Android phones and connected media devices such as the Samsung Galaxy
These data clearly illustrate the Apple ecosystem extends far beyond
the iPhone, added Donovan. Though its frequently assumed that the Apple
user base is composed of dedicated Apple fanboys, there's not a
tremendous amount of overlapping mobile device access among these
users. This of course has significant implications for the developer
community as they consider the market potential in developing
applications for different mobile platforms.
Apple iPad Ownership Extends Beyond Just Fanboys
The research also suggests that iPad ownership
extends well beyond Apple's most fervent consumers. Although a
perception may exist that iPad owners tend to be those with a very
strong affinity for Apple products, an analysis of the mobile devices
of iPad owners indicates that may not be the case. While Apple is
indeed the most heavily represented OEM among iPad owners, its OEM
share (27.3%) is only slightly higher than its share among all
smartphone subscribers (25.2%). RIM accounts for the second highest
percentage of iPad owners at 17.5 percent, but this number is well
below its overall smartphone market share of 28.9%. Meanwhile, Samsung,
LG and Nokia are all significantly over-represented among iPad owners
as compared to their respective shares of the smartphone market. In
addition, 14.2% of iPad users had Android phones.
Apple iPad Ownership Skews to 25-34 Year Olds
The age profile of iPad users indicated the heaviest skew toward
25-34 year olds (27.0%) in relation to the total mobile audience
(17.6%). iPads also exhibited significantly above average skews in the
18-24 year old and 35-44 year old segments. However, this demographic
profile was similar to that of the overall smartphone user base,
indicating that the advanced mobile capabilities rather than the device
itself might be primary driver behind this age profile.
Apple iOS Platform Outreaches Android by 59 Percent in US When
Accounting for Mobile Phones, Tablets, and Other Connected Media
Limit the Dangers of Cellphone Radiation
Gannett's Kim Komando notes in USA Today that today no one can deny
the risks of using tobacco, although that was hardly the case many
years ago when tobacco advertisements actually claimed that cigarettes
were beneficial to your health. Komando observes that we now face
similar questions about whether cellphones cause brain tumors, and that
while studies conflict, the clearest warning came in February with a
report in The Journal of the American Medical Association saying that
cellphones could alter brain activity.
Some practical advice is offered.
Link: Limit the Dangers
of Cellphone Radiation
iOS 4.3.2 Software Update for GSM iPhone
Apple's OS 4.3.2 Software Update contains improvements and other bug
fixes including:
- Fixes an issue that occasionally caused blank or frozen video
during a FaceTime call
- Fixes an issue that prevented some international users from
connecting to 3G networks on iPad WiFi + 3G
- Contains the latest security updates
Products compatible with this software update:
- iPhone 4 (GSM model)
- iPhone 3GS
- iPad 2
- iPad
- iPod touch (4th generation)
- iPod touch (3rd generation)
This update contains security content originally included in
previous iOS Software Updates.
For more information, visit
This update is available via iTunes by connecting your iPhone and
clicking the Update button.
System Requirements
- Mac or PC computer with USB 2.0 port
- iTunes 10.1 or later (10.2 recommended)
Link: iOS
4.3.2 Software Update
iOS 4.2.7 Software Update for CDMA iPhone
Apple's iOS 4.2.7 Software Update contains improvements and other
bug fixes including the latest security updates.
Products compatible with this software update: iPhone 4 (CDMA
For information on the security content of this update, visit
This update is available via iTunes.
Link: iOS
4.2.7 Software Update
The Competition
iFixit: BlackBerry PlayBook Teardown
PR: RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook has been the topic of
conversation of many geeks' dinners seemingly for ages - and it's
finally here! In true iFixit fashion, we donned our screwdrivers,
prying tools, spudgers, and other mysterious-sounding tools to find out
what kind of sauce they put inside this enchilada.
The PlayBook was well-received by our techs. It took us very little
time to pop off the rear cover; delving further inside, we were able to
remove everything without much hassle. We awarded the PlayBook a 7 out
of 10 Repairability Score, with the 'Book being marked down for having
a metal frame glued to the display glass, as well as for requiring the
user to take out the motherboard and speaker assembly in order to
replace the battery.
Teardown highlights:
- Unlike the iPad 2, no heatgun is necessary to access the PlayBook's
innards. All it took was a simple plastic opening tool and some
- Once inside, we were a little surprised to see that the guts of the
PlayBook were actually housed in the display assembly, not the rear
case like most other tablets. That's unfortunate from a repairability
standpoint, since simple repairs - like replacing the battery - require
the motherboard to be removed.
- Thankfully, all screws holding the motherboard in place were of the
good ol' fashioned Phillips #00 variety, so you won't need any
hard-to-pronounce screwdriver to remove them.
- A small magnetic dock connector for charging on the bottom edge of
the PlayBook is reminiscent of one of our favorite features of Apple's
laptops - the MagSafe connector.
- The PlayBook has a 20 watt-hour battery, which is a bit smaller
than the iPad 2's 25 watt-hour unit. Of course, that doesn't mean the
PlayBook will get worse battery life, considering it has a
significantly smaller screen than the iPad 2.
- The cameras are pretty hefty: its 3 megapixel front-facing camera
crushes the iPad 2's VGA camera, and the rear-facing camera has a 5 MP
sensor which shoots 1080p video.
- One drawback is that the cameras and control buttons are all
attached to one assembly, making replacing the power button or volume
control pretty costly.
- We noticed that there are no less than 8 chips in the PlayBook
belonging to Texas Instruments, which is sure to translate to a decent
amount of dollars going to TI with every PlayBook purchase.
- Thanks to some great help from Chipworks, we were able to identify
most of the large packages on PlayBook's motherboard. Here are some of
the key players:
- Elpida B8064B2PB-8D-F 1 GB DRAM & the TI OMAP4430
1 GHz dual-core processor buried beneath
- SanDisk SDIN5C2-16G 16 GB NAND Flash
- Texas Instruments TWL6030 Power Management, WL1283
WLAN/Bluetooth/FM, LMV339 Comparators, and SN74AVCH4T245 4-Bit
Dual-Supply Bus Transceiver (to name a few)
- STMicroelectronics XTV0987 5 MP mobile imaging processor
- Wolfson WM8994E audio codec
- TriQuint Semiconductor TQP6M9002 802.11a/b/g/n + BT front-end
- Bosch Sensortec BMA150 Digital 3-axis accelerometer
- Invensense MPU-3050 3 axis gyroscope
heard from the internets that the PlayBook's OS/software is really its
limiting factor. We can't comment on this, since the PlayBook asked us
for our BlackBerry ID when we turned it on - which we didn't have, and
didn't want to go through the trouble of creating one. However, the
machine is well-sorted internally, and the hardware RIM included is
definitely nothing to scoff at. People who decide to take the PlayBook
plunge can also be reassured that they could replace their shattered
glass with some elbow grease, should a family member mistakenly use the
PlayBook for a game of Frisbee golf.
Link: BlackBerry
PlayBook Teardown
Apps & Services
Tea App Helps You Make a Great Cup of Tea

PR: Brew the perfect cup of tea. Every time. Tea app.
for iPhone and iPad is a smart tea timer and tasting notes journal
rolled up into one beautiful, easy to use iPhone app. Tea has great
features for tea newbies and seasoned tea drinkers alike
Every tea has its sweet spot. Tea for iPhone is here to help you
find it. Create tasting notes and save your brew settings with ease.
Share them with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Use Teas
inventory tracker to keep track of how many brews you have left. A
terrific timer is built in too.
Samuel Iglesias' Tea app. comes built-in with over 200 tea brew
suggestions, and automatically tracks your inventory for each tea.
- Smart Tea Timer: Tea's terrific timer remembers your favorite brew
times for each of your teas.
Suggestions: Not all teas are meant for use with boiling water. Tea
comes preloaded with brew suggestions (temperature, time, leaf amount)
for over 200 tea names and 12 tea types, all prepared by tea expert
Thomas Smith. These brew suggestions are the default brew settings for
each of your new teas.
- Notes and Rating System: After your timer is up, Tea lets you
save tasting notes and rate your brew. Tea even keeps track of your
brewing time, tea amount, and temperature, so that you can hone in on
the perfect brew for each of your teas.
- Automatic Unit Conversion: Tea's Set Brew screen automatically
converts units for you. If your tea's temperature instructions come in
degrees Celsius, for example, Tea automatically converts it to
Fahrenheit if that is your preferred unit.
- Facebook and Twitter Integration: With the tap of a button, you can
have Tea share your tasting notes with your friends on Twitter and
- Tea History: Go back and view all of your tasting notes and brew
settings with a tap of a button. Fully searchable.
- Inventory Tracker: When you input a new tea, Tea automatically
calculates how many brews you can make with that tea. Each time you use
Tea's timer, Tea recalculates how many brews you have remaining. Be in
full command of your tea inventory.
Infusion Support: Tea intelligently counts your tea infusions and
preloads your notes with infusion number.
- Shake to Shuffle: Can't decide on which tea to have? Simply give
your iOS device a shake, and Tea will select one at random for
- Tea Scratchpad: A place to store miscellaneous tea-related notes.
Hear about a cool new tea from a friend?
New in Version 1.02
- Tea now provides a simple one-time walkthrough to explain some of
its features.
- Multiple infusion window now extended to 90 minutes.
- Minor UI enhancements.
System requirements:
- Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.1 or
Link: Tea (App
Store link)
Writings for iPad: Plain Text Editor Adds
Workspaces and More
PR: Independent team ice cream studios announces Writings 1.2
for iPad, an update to their app that allows the user to compose or
edit plain text on a customizable screen free of all distracting icons
and buttons. The user can fully customize the writing environment by
selecting the most comfortable text font, size, page width, and colors
(including reverse color scheme). Writings supports TextExpander and
provides easy access to punctuation keys, character/word/line count,
and Dropbox synchronization. The app enhances the standard iPad text
input controls by allowing the user to move the text cursor through a
simple tap on the page left or right margin.
There are three
features that make the latest update of Writings particularly
noteworthy. First, the user can now create workspaces, a unique and
intuitive way to group documents by context. Each workspace can be
synchronized with a different Dropbox folder, even on a different
Dropbox account, so that the user is given with an extraordinary amount
of flexibility to organize the various groups of documents.
Second, the user can speed up his writing by enabling, above the
standard keyboard, an additional row of keys with the most common
punctuation characters. The additional keyboard also include a tab key
that can be used to indent the first line of a paragraph.
Third, the Dropbox synchronization has been enhanced by adding a
quicker way to sync the edited document, and by providing a better
integration with other writing tools and apps, such as Scrivener on
Feature Highlights:
- Plain text editor for iPad, particularly suitable for long writing
- Tap on the left or right page margin area to quickly move the text
- Real-time character/word/line count - may be hidden or visible
while writing
- If some text is selected, the character/word/line count refers to
the selection
- Optional extra row of keys above the standard keyboard provides
quick access to the most common punctuation characters
- Choose the font, size, and text/background colors most comfortable
for writing
- Adjust the text width
- Quickly show or hide the document title when writing
- All controls fade out when writing, providing a distraction-free
interface - one tap outside of the keyboard restores controls
- TextExpander support
- Browse all writings through a stunning interface
- Easily browse among a great number of documents using the documents
- Store and retrieve documents online through a Dropbox account
(free, if user has none)
- Group documents according to their context by creating
- Each workspace can be synchronized with a different Dropbox folder,
even belonging to different Dropbox accounts
- For each workspace, it is possible to set the full path of the
Dropbox folder to synchronize with
- Send texts as email messages or attachments
- Access documents through iTunes file sharing
- Supports "Open in..." from Mail and other apps
- Remembers where text input left off in any document
- When reading, text size can be quickly adjusted with a pinch
- Stores text files in UTF-8 .txt format
"We have striven to make our plain text editor simple, elegant, and
utilitarian," stated company Co-Developer, Ludovico Rossi. "The iPad is
a wonderful device for writing, and we have sought to use its
capabilities to their utmost, without introducing anything that might
adversely affect the frictionless flow of ideas into writing."
Language Support: US English and Italian
Device Requirements:
- Compatible with iPad
- iOS 3.2 or later (iOS 4.3 tested)
- 15.6 MB
Writings 1.2 is $4.99 and available worldwide through the App Store
in the Productivity category. Review copies are available upon
Link: Writings (App
Store link)
Dropbox for iOS Version 1.4
PR: Dropbox Dropbox has just released a new version, 1.4, of
Dropbox for iOS to the App Store.
Release notes for version 1.4:
- Support for Spanish, French, German, and Japanese
- Return to tab-based interface for simpler app navigation
- New dedicated Uploads tab
- Bulk upload photos and videos
- Import files from Mail and other apps for upload to Dropbox (using
'open with')
- Numerous bug fixes
Dropbox for iOS
VinylLove Makes iPod Digital Audio Sound Like
PR: Do you miss the old way of listening to music? Carefully
choosing which record to listen to. Enjoying every single track, in the
order they where meant to be listened to?
Do you miss that
familiar crackling sound? The fiddling with the pickup? The smell of
VinylLove allows you to remember the glory days, browsing through
your record collection in a nice old-school record crate system,
listening to the albums one by one or if you like, use the pickup to
find the right track (zoom in if you want to start in a certain place
on a track). It even has the nice crackling sound to it.
VinylLove uses your iPod player so all the music you have on your
iPad is automatically available.
System requirements: Compatible with iPad. Requires iOS 4.2 or
Rocketfish Advanced iCapsule Keyboard for
PR: This
keyboard capsule is compatible with Apple iPad and features an
integrated Bluetooth keyboard that easily connects to your iPad for a
tactile typing experience. The lightweight case also provides
protection for your device.
Rocketfish Advanced Series iCapsule Keyboard for Apple iPad
- 2 AA batteries
- Owner's manual
- Compatible with Apple iPad For a precise fit.
- Integrated Bluetooth keyboard connects easily to your iPad to
provide a tactile typing experience.
- Lightweight, protective case allows you to transport and carry your
Warranty Terms
- Parts 1 year limited
- Labor 1 year limited
- Product Height: 1.3"
- Product Width: 12.6"
- Product Weight: 2.2 lb.
- Product Depth: 11.3"
- Reg. Price: $99.99
- Sale price: $59.99
Link: Rocketfish
Advanced Series iCapsule Keyboard for Apple iPad
Dual SIM with Power Pack for iPhone 4
PR: Previously USB Fever offered dual SIM cards for iPhone 4,
but the dual SIM is limited, it is not dual standby. Now a dual SIM
Dual Standby for iPhone 4 is no longer a dream. You can now have 2 SIMs
(one Micro SIM and one Mini SIM) with your iPhone 4 and both
numbers are active for calls at the same time.
To install is not difficult; just follow the instructions shown in
the video then you can do it by yourself at home. (see notes below)
Features: (see notes below)
- A gadget with multifunctions for your iPhone 4
- A Dual SIM Dual Standby for your iPhone 4
- A 800 mah battery
- A protective case
- A handsfree while you are driving
- Power indicator
- You can connect to headphones / earphones if would like
- On / Off Switch for charging iPhone
- Accept / Reject calls
- Volume Control
- Superior Voice Quality
This device is compatible with: iPhone 4
Color: Black
- You need to Jailbreak your iPhone 4
- You need to install a software to your iPhone (after
- Sometimes the ringers (the 2nd SIM) will be disabled and only
vibration mode will be enabled for incoming calls. This phenomenon
applies to the SMS.
- Please don't use other micro USB cable to charge the battery.
- For the second SIM, the there may be probably only vibration mode
active or ringer mode active instead of both 2 modes active for
incoming calls and incoming SMS.
- For the second SIM, only calls and SMS are available, no other
features will be available, e.g. phonebook, Internet surfing... you
will need to use the master SIM if you wish to use such functions.
- The caller's display is not available for second SIM.
- No return, no refund unless manufacturer's fault found and no
replacement is available.
- Ship only to PayPal address.
$249.99 - Accepting preorders to be delivered in 2 weeks after
placing order. Shipping to Worldwide destinations at $2.99/order.
Read notes above carefully before purchasing.
Link: Dual
SIM with Power Pack for iPhone 4
Hard Candy Introduces Sleek White Accessory
Collection for iPad 2
PR: Hard Candy Cases, a premium fashion brand for just
about everything Apple, has introduced its White Collection for the
iPad 2. Featuring la créme de la créme of its current
iPad/iPad 2 case lineup, Hard Candy's White Collection celebrates the
new White iPad 2 and provides Apple enthusiasts with all that is needed
to fully protect, utilize and stylize their favorite new toy/tool. Set
to begin shipping in May 2011, the lineup features the White Candy
Convertible, the White Street Skin, the White Bubble Sleeve and the
Stylus White Pen.
The collection kicks off with the White Candy Convertible
(MSRP: $44.95), a secure-fit, flip folio cover design that tucks into
the back of the iPad 2, offering two optimal viewing angles. Made of
animal-friendly faux-nubuck material, the White Candy Convertible
combines practicality, sophistication, professionalism, style and
protection into one case.
Next, the White Street Skin (MSRP: 39.95) offers users ruggedized
protection with 3mm of shock-absorbing TPU rubber at the corners and
edges, and with a case material that won't stretch or surrender, it's
easier to clean, too.

Designed to deliver both style and protection, the White Street
Skin's magnetic integrated screen enclosure conveniently attaches to
the back of your case while not in use. Users have full access to all
audio outputs, dock connectors, Multi-Touch display and controls when
in use.
Featuring Hard Candy's signature
bubble design and EVA-foam fitted rubber bumpers to stabilize and
protect the iPad 2, the White Bubble Sleeve (MSRP: $49.95) is a sturdy,
zippered case that allows users to use their iPad 2 in or out of its
sleeve. The Sleeve brings together a sleek, molded, soft exterior with
a plush interior lining that keeps the iPad 2 safe from harsh
Lastly, Hard Candy complements the
White Collection with its Stylus White Pen (MSRP: $34.95), which works
with the iPad/iPad 2, iPhone 4, iPod touch and even plain old writing
paper! By sliding off the cap on one side, users will reveal a stylus
that is fully compatible with all of these great Apple products. On the
flip side, the White Stylus features a regular ink pen (with refillable
reservoir) that allows users to sign those important business contracts
in luxurious style.
"The new White Collection
exemplifies our efforts in offering today's Apple enthusiast the finest
experience through advanced technology and thoughtful design," says Tim
Hickman, founder and CEO, Hard Candy Cases. "Now consumers have access
to accessories worthy of their new iPad 2"
Danville, CA-based Hard Candy Cases is a premium fashion brand that
targets the sophisticated, fashion-savvy yet practical Apple user
demographic. Featuring all-original designs backed by analytical
research, a world-class design center, industry-leading engineers, and
laser model scanners, Hard Candy Cases brings form-fitted cases to
market quickly without sacrificing reliability and quality. Led by the
founder and former CEO of Speck Products, Hard Candy Cases brings a
fresh perspective, innovative designs and fast execution to the
business - every effort is made to experiment with new designs which
are tweaked until perfect. With distribution warehouses in Hong Kong,
Cork, Ireland, and Milpitas, California, USA, Hard Candy Cases is able
to instantly meet the demands of a growing number of consumers seeking
protection and personalization for their iOS devices.
Link: Hard
Candy Cases
Enki Genius Case for iPad 2 Preorder Launches with Bonus Pack
Including Free Neoprene Sleeve
Enki, a Rochester Hills, Michigan based manufacturer of accessories
for iPad, iPhone, iPod, smartphones, and tablets launches preorder of
their American-made Genius Case for iPad 2 with a bonus pack including
a surface protector for iPad 2 and neoprene sleeve for iPad 2 priced at
$29.99 through May 1, 2011.
Enki's website is now accepting preorders for the Genius
Case and features a promotional bonus pack priced at $29.99 including
the Genius Case for iPad 2, a screen protector for iPad 2 and a bonus
Enki Neoprene Sleeve for iPad 2 (while supplies last). The Preorder
bonus pack including the Enki Neoprene Sleeve for iPad 2 is valid on
orders placed through May 1, 2011. The Genius Case is available in
clear, smoke, pink and blue with domestic and international shipping
beginning May 2, 2011.
"Our goal for the Genius Case preorder bonus pack including the
screen protector and neoprene sleeve for iPad 2 is to overload Enki
customers with value as a thank you for their support," says Edward
Cates, spokesperson for Enki. "We're proud to have the first and only
case for iPad 2 that's designed, tooled and manufactured right outside
Detroit in Rochester Hills, Michigan. We've got you covered is more
than our tag line; its our brand promise."
Enki announced the Genius Case last month at the 2011
CTIA Wireless Convention in Orlando as the first iPad 2 case designed
to work with the Apple Smart Cover manufactured in America. The Genius
Case was designed by Enki the evening of the iPad 2s national launch in
Rochester, Michigan in March. The Genius Case has created international
buzz and received coverage on hundred of tech blogs and Apple
enthusiast forums and sites being named as one of the top cases
designed for iPad 2.
"Our customers love their iPad 2 and their Smart Cover but also want
protection for the back of their device. The Genius Case provides
polycarbonate hard case protection to the back of the iPad 2 enabling
full use of the Smart Cover in all positions. It's truly genius," says
Richard Jones, VP of Business and Product Development. "The Enki Genius
Case is about designing a product that customers want for the iPad 2
and Smart Cover combination."
The Enki Genius Case Preorder Bonus Pack is available with all
Genius Case orders for $29.99 through May 1 and is backed by a 30-day
money back guarantee and a lifetime replacement warranty that Enki
calls a "Forever Guarantee".
Link: Enki