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News, Reviews, & Opinion
Apple Retakes Top Mobile PC Market Share Position
from HP
PR: Apple shipped over 13.5 million mobile PCs in Q211,
racking up an impressive 136% year-over-year (Y/Y) shipment growth and
overtaking HP for the top spot, according to preliminary results from
the latest DisplaySearch Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast
Report. Nearly 80% of Apple's mobile PC shipments were iPads, which
reached over 10.7 million units, for 107% Y/Y growth. Apple's total
mobile PC shipments (notebook and tablet PCs) were a substantial 3.9
million units more than HP's nearly 9.7 million units for the
From a category perspective, DisplaySearch notes that tablet PCs
continue to be the engine of growth for the mobile PC industry, with
shipments up nearly 70% quarter-over-quarter (Q/Q) and over 400%
year-over-year with nearly 16.4 million units shipped in Q211.

Notebook PC shipments were down 2% Q/Q but up 2% Y/Y with nearly 48
million units shipped in Q211. A consumer notebook PC adoption slowdown
continues to hold back the industry following a 2% Y/Y drop in
shipments in Q111. Worldwide mobile PC shipments (including notebook
and tablet PCs) reached 64.4 million in Q211, up 10% Q/Q and 28% Y/Y.
Among the top five players, Acer experienced the largest decline in
shipment growth. Acer's shipment growth declined in Q211, falling 4%
Q/Q and 12% Y/Y.
In the notebook PC category, Samsung and Dell had the fastest
shipment growth, up 44% and 33% Y/Y, respectively. Dell was also up Q/Q
with 27% shipment growth, as it continues to take advantage of a
rebound in commercial market PC shipments. Samsung's shipments fell 16%
Q/Q as it was unable to build off of strong shipment results in EMEA
and China. Still Samsung was able to top Q111 shipment levels in North
America and Asia Pacific.
"Preliminary results show a second consecutive quarter of Y/Y
shipment growth rate decline," says Richard Shim, Senior Analyst for
DisplaySearch. "While part of the Y/Y decline can be attributed to a
strong first half of 2010, the rising tablet PC shipment growth rate
begins to point to notebook PC shipment cannibalization."
Tablet PC shipment results show that even after removing Apple from
growth rate calculations, worldwide Y/Y tablet PC shipment growth
reached 25%, and shipments of non-Apple tablets reached over 5.6
million units for the quarter.
The DisplaySearch Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report
covers the entire range of mobile PC products shipped worldwide and
regionally. With analysis of global and regional brands, the Quarterly
Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report provides an objective, expert
view of the market with insight into historical shipments, revenues,
forecasts and more.
For more information about the report, contact Charles Camaroto at
1.888.436.7673 or 1.516.625.2452, email
contact(at)displaysearch(dot)com or contact your regional DisplaySearch
office in China, Japan, Korea or Taiwan or more information.
Quarterly Mobile PC Shipment and Forecast Report
HP Exits Tablet Business, Good or Bad for
The Globe and Mail's Iain Marlow observes that Hewlett-Packard Co.
killing its TouchPad tablet computer
less than two months after launch is one of the fastest product culls
in high-tech history,* the significance of which was blurred by
corporate turmoil as HP announced a reorganization that is expected to
include a spinoff of the world's largest personal computer division,
and that HP's swift obliteration of its tablet effort and
discontinuation of its mobile operating system, webOS, is bellwether of
what confronts PC makers hoping to challenge Apple Inc. and its iPad.
Marlow notes that, according to Toronto-based consultants Solutions
Research Group, nine out of 10 tablets sold in Canada are iPads, and
observes that what with Research In Motion Ltd.'s botched launch of its
7" BlackBerry
PlayBook tablet (released April 19, 2011), a new reality in the
category is that companies that do best will be those that launch
products with an established software system, like Apple's iOS or
Google's Android.
Marlow reports that a glimmer of hope for beleaguered Apple
competitors is found in RBC Dominion Securities forecast that Apple's
tablet dominance will erode from nearly 90% in 2010 to roughly 35% in
2014, as more devices running Android and Microsoft's Windows Phone 7,
as well as proprietary systems such as QNX, which powers RIM's PlayBook
platform, gain market traction.
* Publisher's note: One product line to beat that record was the
Microsoft Kin
smartphone, which was only on the market for 48 days. The HP TouchPad
lasted 49 days (July 1 to August 18, 2011) from first release until it
was discontinued. dk
Link: HP's Tablet
Surrender a Sign of Trouble for Apple's Rivals
iSuppli Survey Says Consumers Like iPad Best
PR: More than 80% of Apple owners rate their tablet as an 8
out of 10 or higher, reports IHS iSuppli senior manager, tablet and
monitor research Rhoda Alexander.
Apple Inc. commands the highest satisfaction rating of all tablet
sellers among US consumers - along with the vast majority of sales and
a high degree of loyalty among owners - according to the new IHS
iSuppli US Tablet Consumer Preference study from information and
analysis provider IHS.

To measure consumer satisfaction, US tablet owners surveyed were
asked how likely they would be to recommend their tablet to friends or
family members. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 0 indicating the owner
would not recommend the device, 10 indicating the owner is very likely
to recommend it, and 5 being neutral, iPad owners gave an average
rating of 8.8 to their Apple iPads, the highest rating of all the 11
top-ranked brands mentioned by consumers surveyed. More than 80% of
Apple owners rated their tablet at 8 or higher on the recommendation
scale. Less than 1% gave a rating of less than 5.
A surprise finding was that China's Shenzhen Zenithink Technologies
Co. Ltd. came in a close second at 8.75, although the overall sample
for that model was comparatively small, while Samsung Electronics Co.
Ltd., with a much larger respondent sample, was third, scoring an
average of 8.5.
Apple's competitors in the tablet market already are facing major
challenges in offering products that can match the iPad's combination
of optimized hardware, software, operating system, applications,
content and app store. Now they are facing the reality that consumers
in the key US market really love their iPads, with owners expressing
satisfaction with Apple's products in a variety of key measures. Owners
not only said they would be more likely to recommend the iPad than a
competing product, they also indicated that they will look to Apple for
future tablet purchases. With the iPad dominating tablet sales in the
United States and worldwide, this high level of consumer satisfaction
commanded by Apple represents a major barrier to entry for new
Apple's Advantage
Among US tablet owners surveyed, 79.2% indicated they owned an
Apple-branded product that was either an iPad or iPad 2. A full 61% of
the US owners surveyed said they would stick to the same brand for
their next tablet purchase. More than half of owners indicated that
they were considering a purchase, planning a purchase or would
definitely purchase another tablet during the next 12 months.
These findings indicate that current owners are likely to continue
buying iPad and iPad 2 devices in the future, helping Apple to maintain
its market share advantage.
Among likely purchasers of tablets, more than 50% said they probably
would buy an Apple-branded product. In this regard, Apple massively
outperformed all the competition, with Dell Inc. coming in a distant
second at just 11%.
This validates the IHS forecast that Apple will account for the
majority of tablet sales through the year 2012, and that it will remain
the top-ranked seller of such devices at least through the year
Link: iPad Leads in
Brand Satisfaction Among US Consumers, IHS iSuppli Survey
Media Tablet Forecast Increased as Apple's
Dominance Grows
PR: IHS iSuppli's Rhoda Alexander says that capitalizing on
its shrewd strategy, as well as its competitors' stumbles, Apple Inc.
is set to increase its iPad shipments at a faster rate than previously
expected in 2011 and beyond, causing the global media tablet market to
exceed growth expectations during the next few years, according to data
from the IHS iSuppli Display Materials & Systems Service, from
information and analysis provider IHS.

Global media tablet shipments now are expected to rise to 60 million
units in 2011, up 245.9% from 17.4 million in 2010. The previous
forecast issued in May predicted shipments of 58.9 million for 2011.
The new figures will help propel media tablet shipments to 275.3
million units in 2015, compared to the previous forecast of 262.1
"All the momentum in the media tablet market is with Apple right
now," says Ms. Alexander, senior manager, tablet and monitor research
for IHS. "The competition can't seem to field a product with the right
combination of hardware, marketing, applications and content to match
up with the iPad. Furthermore, Apple's patent litigation is serving to
slow or complicate competitors entry into some key regional markets.
With Apple lapping its competitors, many of whom are still struggling
to get out of the starting gate, this remains a one-horse race."
The Big Apple
Apple will ship 44.2 million iPads in 2011, up from the previous
forecast of 43.7 million. IHS lowered its forecast earlier this year in
light of Apple's initial iPad 2 production and supply challenges. With
those supply issues resolved, Apple's production now is firmly on track
to meet the expected strong second-half 2011 demand.
IHS has also revised its iPad forecast upward, with shipments
expected to reach 120.1 million units in 2015, up from the previous
outlook of 97.9 million.
Apple is expected to account for 74% of media tablet shipments in
2011 and 43.6% in 2015. This compares to the previous forecast of 64%
in 2011 and 32% in 2015.
IHS now believes Apple will account for the majority of tablet
shipments through the year 2013, one year longer than the previous
The HP Way Out
While Apple has deftly played its hand in the media tablet market,
its continued dominance also reflects the inability of competitors to
mirror the iPad's success. As a result, IHS has reduced its shipment
outlook for alternative tablets at the same time that the iPad forecast
was adjusted.
The latest and most dramatic example of the struggles of Apple's
tablet rivals came with Hewlett-Packard Co.'s announced exit from the
tablet space and instead review opportunities to license its webOS
software to others. The move came just 14 months after HP acquired Palm
Inc., whose operating system served as the basis of HP's tablet
Makers of tablets using Android and other operating systems are
encountering slower-than-expected sales for their products and facing
other challenges, including lagging development of content and
applications for their products.
Tablet Tactics in 2011
Other savvy moves by Apple in the tablet market in 2011 include its
strong marketing and retail expansion not only in China but also other
developing economies, as well as the continuing innovation of its
tablet platform - a move that has allowed Apple to grab the headlines
with reports of strong sales, new applications and compelling
Furthermore, Apple is still the only tablet player truly benefiting
from peripheral advertising, with content providers promoting their
iPad-enabled content. The iPad also has profited from being the early
favorite in the education space, a factor that will help to boost sales
during the third-quarter back-to-school season.
Finally, Apple is increasing its focus on information technology
(IT) support staff, in response to growing interest in its products
from corporate markets.
Feliz Navi-Pad
Apple's run of success is expected to continue though the fourth
quarter, with the iPad once again shaping up to be the hot gift of the
holiday season. The iPad's strongest competition may actually come from
in-house, with the new iPhone expected to be rolled out this fall,
rather than from any of its tablet competitors.
Coming Attractions
Apple's tablet sales are expected to get another boost sometime in
the first quarter of 2012, with the introduction of the iPad 3
employing the high-resolution Retina display. IHS believes Apple may
take a page from the iPhone handbook and offer both the second and
third generations of the iPad for a period of time. This would allow
Apple to compete on price using the iPad 2 while simultaneously
differentiating based on innovation with its new-generation
Over the longer term, Apple will benefit from its diversified market
strategy that markets the iPad to the consumer, education and corporate
segments. This will allow Apple to mitigate the impact of seasonal
sales swings in the consumer market.
The expansion into China also will boost iPad sales in the first
quarter, during the Lunar New Year holiday season. With the first
quarter normally a slow sales season outside of Asia, the China sales
will serve to smooth out the normal first-quarter sales dip suffered by
electronics makers following the Christmas selling season in the
Link: iSuppli
Samsung Cites 2001: A Space Odyssey as
'Prior Art' Against iPad Design Patent

2001 astronauts viewing tablets.
The Foss Patents blog reports that Samsung has filed an opposition
brief to Apple's motion for a preliminary injunction in the United
States, and notes that one element of Samsung's defense strategy is the
assertion that there's actually prior art for the iPad's general design
in certain futuristic devices shown in sci-fi movies and TV series.
Samsung has attached to their brief as an exhibit a still image taken
from Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey showing
two astronauts eating and at the same time using personal tablet
computers. You can view a clip of the scene on
Publisher's note: Several sites have since reported that the tablets
seen in 2001 are not PCs, but simply viewing screens, more akin
to TV sets than iPads. dk
Editor's note: The tablets, which I had forgotten despite having
watched 2001 several times over the years, are indeed iPad-like
with an overall rectangular shape, a dominant display screen, narrow
borders, a predominately flat front surface, a flat back surface
(evident because the tablets are lying flat on the table's surface),
and a thin form factor.
When I first saw Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey back
in 1969, I hadn't a clue about and virtually zero interest in
computers, which I considered to be, when I thought about them at all
(which wasn't often) something no more relevant to my life than, say,
electron microscopes.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the movie, which was being heavily hyped
among my teenage friends at the time. I didn't really understand what
Kubrick and screenplay author Arthur C. Clarke were trying to say, but
the visuals were unbelievably cool - better than any movie I had seen
Ten years ago, I posted a comprehensive retrospective on the film
entitled Revisiting Kubrick's
2001: A Space Odyssey In Its Eponymous Year. cm
Link: Samsung Cites
Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey' Movie as Prior Art Against
iPad Design Patent
'Liquid' Keyboard Could Revolutionize iPad Typing
with Adaptive Layout
9 to 5 Mac's Jordan Kahn notes that if you were to attempt using the
iPad's keyboard like a hardware keyboard, you would inevitably
experience unintended key presses, a characteristic of these virtual
'boards that greatly slows down typing speed, since users are forced to
not rest their fingers on the keyboard.
However, a new software keyboard concept developed by Christian Sax
and Hannes Lau of Australia's University of Technology in Sydney called
LiquidKeyboard aims to fix that and hopes to provide a truly adaptive
typing experience on tablets in the near future.
Note that "liquid" in this instance refers to a conceptual metaphor
rather than anything literally wet.
The video posted by 9 to 5 Mac explains all.
Link: Liquid Keyboard
Prototype Could Revolutionize iPad Typing with Fully Adaptive Layout
Quad-Core A6 Chip to Boost Speed and Battery Life
of Next iPad
IDG News' Agam Shah reports that Apple's next iPad will be faster
and more power-efficient, thanks to its new, quad-core A6 processor,
but the new tablet may not be ready to ship until next June, according
to industry analyst Linley Gwennap, who is cited suggesting that the A6
will likely be made by chip foundry company Taiwan Semiconductor
Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) rather than Apple's current A5 supplier
Samsung, and likely won't be in production until the second quarter of
2012, which means the next iPad might not appear until June.
Gwennap thinks the A6 should should higher performance than the
current dual-core A5 but with good battery life, thanks in part to
TSMC's 28-nanometer manufacturing process as opposed to to the A5's a
40-nanometer process, making the A6 smaller and faster.
Link: Apple's A6 Chip to
Boost Speed, Battery Life in Next iPad
In-Stat: 65% of US Population Will Own a Smartphone
and/or Tablet in 2015
PR: Video entertainment in the US now allows consumers to
access more content, on more devices, and in more places, than ever
before. In-Stat forecasts that within five years, over 200 million
people in the US will own a smartphone and/or a tablet PC. This market
trend will have a huge impact on how video entertainment is acquired
and consumed.
"To track the use of mobile devices for entertainment purposes,
In-Stat has introduced a unique research service called the US
Multiscreen Video Database," says Keith Nissen, Research Director. "The
US Multiscreen Video Database quantifies consumption and interaction
with video entertainment on mobile devices both outside and inside the
home. This new research complements that of the US Digital
Entertainment Database, which tracks the rapidly evolving online/pay-TV
video market."
The US Multiscreen Video Database is updated quarterly in Excel
format and it quantifies:
- Mobile device shipments
- Mobile broadband subscriptions
- Mobile video content and sources
- Frequency of use
- Primary devices being used
- Location of use
- Multiscreen forecasts including the adoption of social TV,
device-to-device interworking, paid mobile apps/services, and advanced
multiscreen network features In addition, the US Multiscreen Video
Database is an invaluable trusted resource for market statistics and
Quarterly updates track key metrics and five-year forecasts
indicating that by 2015:
- 86% of smartphone/tablet users will view video on their mobile
- Nearly 60% of smartphone/tablet owners will also be viewing OTT
video at home.
- There will be nearly two smartphone/tablet owners per OTT
- The average Apple household will have four Apple devices.
- The average Google Android household will have over two Android
Link: In-Stat
McAfee Threats Report Shows Significant Growth for
Android Malware
Report Shows Record Growth for Malware and Rootkits; Major
Hacktivist Activity
PR: Computer security specialist McAfee has released the
McAfee Threats Report: Second Quarter 2011, showing that the amount of
malware targeted at Android devices jumped 76% since last quarter, to
become the most attacked mobile operating system. 2011 has also
resulted in the busiest ever first half-year in malware history,
including a first-ever appearance of Mac fake AV and a significant
uptick in rootkits, suggesting that McAfee's comprehensive malware zoo
collection will reach a record 75 million samples by the years end.
"This year we've seen record-breaking numbers of malware, especially
on mobile devices, where the uptick is in direct correlation to
popularity," says Vincent Weafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs.
"Overall attacks are becoming more stealth and more sophisticated,
suggesting that we could see attacks that remain unnoticed for longer
periods of time. High-profile hacktivist groups have also changed the
landscape by drawing a line between attacks for personal gain and
attacks meant to send a message."
The report also details specific activity shaping the way
cybercriminals operate, such as cybercrime pricebooks that determine
the going rate for large email address lists, and acts of hacktivism
and cyberwar.
2011 on Track to Reach Record Malware Zoo
With an approximate 12 million unique samples for the first half of
2011, a 22% increase over 2010, this has been the busiest first
half-year in malware history. With the addition of Q2's numbers, the
grand total of total malware samples in McAfee's database has reached
approximately 65 million, and McAfee researchers estimate that this
Malware Zoo will reach at least 75 million samples by the years
Android Nabs Top Spot for Most Mobile Malware
With the vast amount of personal and business data now found on
users mobile phones, mobile malware is steadily increasing, often
mimicking the same code as PC-based threats. In the second quarter of
2011, Android OS-based malware surpassed Symbian OS for the most
popular target for mobile malware developers. While Symbian OS and Java
ME remain the most targeted to date, the rapid rise in Android malware
in Q2 indicates that the platform could become an increasing target for
cybercriminals' affecting everything from calendar apps, to comedy
apps' to SMS messages' to a fake Angry Birds updates.
Fake Anti-Virus for Apple, Rootkits and Stealth Malware Reach New
There are more Mac users than ever before, and as organizations
increasingly adopt Macs for business use, Apple now has become more a
target for malware authors. Though historically the Apple platform has
been unaffected by fake anti-virus (fake AV) software, activity in Q2
indicates that it is now being affected. Although this type of fake AV
is the first of its kind, McAfee Labs does expect fake AV in general
will drop off over time.
Another malware category that is demonstrating recent steady growth
is stealth malware. The tactic of hiding malware in a rootkit is used
by cybercriminals to make malware stealthier and more persistent, and
has seen this type of attack gain in prominence over the past year,
with high-profile attacks such as Stuxnet. Stealth malware has
increased more rapidly in the last six months than in any previous
period, up almost 38% over 2010.
Acts of Hacktivism and Cyberwar Make Their Mark
Acts of hacktivism, primarily from the groups Anonymous and LulzSec,
were among some of the most prominent cyber news generators for Q2. The
report details hacktivist activity from Q2, with at least 20 global
attacks reported in Q2 alone, and with the majority allegedly at the
hands of LulzSec. The report also outlines acts of cyberwar that
occurred in Q2, including attacks on United States Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, and an attack on South Koreas National Agricultural
Cooperative Federation.
Email Black Market for Spammers
Though spam is still at historic low levels, due in part to the
Rustock takedown, McAfee Labs still expects to see a sharp rise in
activity over the coming months. A common method for cybercriminals to
increase their volume of spam activity is to purchase a bulk list of
emails in order to flood as much spam as possible to a widespread group
of people. Whether its a botnet or a rental service, prices vary for
such enterprises, often by location. For instance, in the United
States, the going rate for 1 million emails is $25, whereas in England
1.5 million emails are worth $100.
For more information on trends related to hacktivism, cyberwar, web
threats and malware, please download a full copy of the McAfee Threats
Report: Second Quarter 2011.
Link: McAfee Threats
Report: Second Quarter 2011 (PDF)
Intertech to Deliver Free iOS 5 Webinar on Sept.
PR: Intertech will deliver a free webinar that covers changes
for software developers with Apple's new iOS 5 release.
On September 1, 2011, Intertech will deliver a free Oxygen Blast
technical seminar. Intertech Oxygen Blast seminars are free seminars
that cover the essence of a topic, along with quick tips and other
unique features of a technology.
In this Oxygen Blast, Intertech will be demonstrating some of the
best new iPhone 5 features available including Storyboards, iCloud
Persistence, Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), and Xcode /
Instruments Enhancements. Prior Knowledge of iOS, Objective-C, and
Xcode is required.
Here are the event details:
- Title: What's New in iOS 5 for iPhone and iPad Developers
- Date: 9/1/2011
- Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST
- Format: Webinar
- Registration URL:
Apple's iPod Dilemma
CNN Money's David Goldman observes that while Apple is setting
records with its iPad and iPhone, its once paradigmatic iPod is sinking
fast, with the company selling just 7.5 million iPods in its most
recent quarter, the lowest volume since the fall of 2005, when the iPod
was just four years old, with unit sales down 20% from a year ago and
revenue dropping 15% (although nevertheless still bringing in $1.3
billion in sales over the past three months).
However, Goldman notes that iPod sales have been in a free-fall for
the past three years, and the glory days appear to be over for the
product that once delivered more revenue than Apple's Mac line and
reached more than $9 billion in sales in 2008.
Link: Apple's iPod
The Competition
iFixit Announces World's Cheapest Repair Manual:
HP TouchPad
PR: When HP announced the TouchPad, we were excited. We
enjoyed ripping apart the Palm Pre, but decided to wait until webOS
caught on before taking apart the new TouchPad. Now that it is at the
height of its popularity, its high time to pay the
little-tablet-that-could-have-been-great some attention. Because if we
don't, no one ever will, and that's sad. So without further ado - and
before HP takes the TouchPad out behind the barn and shoots it - we're
launching a full set of repair guides and a native iFixit webOS
The hundreds
(possibly even single-digit-thousands?) of people who've spent their
hard-earned money on a TouchPad are about to be joined with at least a
few thousand more users. Rumor has it HP is sitting on excess stocks of
200,000 unsold units. To clear the excess stock - and drive the last
nail into their stillborn child's coffin - HP just announced that the
TouchPad will be sold for $99 this weekend.
So we have decided to repurpose the TouchPad as a dedicated repair
manual. For $99, you could head down to AutoZone and buy a couple
outdated service manuals. Or, for the same price, you can get a
brand-new Touchpad and have all of iFixit at your fingertips. Imagine:
the largest online service manual, always up to date, and completely
portable. Your workshop might never be the same!
But it would be unconscionable for us to recommend you buy a tablet
that has already been discontinued without a plan for making it last.
Yes, the TouchPad is the cheapest repair manual the world has ever
seen. But its also got a built-in battery with a finite life and a
fragile glass screen. HP cut this machine off at the vine before it
bloomed, and it would be insane to expect them to help you service it.
Buy the TouchPad, and you're on your own. But we can help.
Fixing Your TouchPad
Tablet computers are the best moneymaking compromise the tech
industry has ever seen: they combine raw computing power of a full-size
PC with the discard-every-year-or-two promise of the cell phone in one
tidy package. This allows the manufacturer (whether HP, Apple, or
another) to effectively keep selling updated, high-profit tablet PCs to
consumers at a steady rate.
Tablets are tidy black boxes that scream toss me at the first sign
of trouble. And although they haven't been around that long time, were
seeing the same disturbing disposability with tablets that were
accustomed to with cell phones.
That's why it's so crucial to have repair guides for the TouchPad.
Even though at a glance the tablet is a screen with a magic cover that
just works, there's tons of repairable stuff to be found inside. If
something breaks, you don't need to buy a new one - heck, you won't be
able to. Instead, use our repair guides to fix it yourself! Keep one
more device from joining the rest of its brethren in the landfill.
Opening the TouchPad
So you took our advice, rushed down to Best Buy, and bought a
soon-to-be-defunct tablet. Well done! Now you can hop onto the webOS
app store and download our app, thanks to a certain Ben Tattersley!
Using our open API, he single-handedly created a free webOS application
to display our guides. He did a bang-up job; the app is really quite
good. Which is a shame, because most of you reading this will never
know it. Yet the thriftiest 1% of you that do buy the TouchPad at
fire-sale prices will get always-on access to thousands of iFixit
guides. (There's no web link, because HP apparently never got around to
it. But trust us - buy a TouchPad, tap the HP App Catalog icon, and
search for iFixit.)
Tablets are the best way to
use repair manuals: you can take them almost anywhere, their long
battery life ensures you can make good progress on your repairs, and
touch scrolling means you can navigate easily even with dirty
We open source all our mobile apps. Ben set up a Github repository
for the iFixit app, just in case you're interested in contributing to
the code. Or not. Decide for yourself whether you want to join us in
embracing a dead platform.
P.S. If you want to buy a tablet that you can use as something other
than a repair manual, get an iPad. We've got a native app for it,
Link: iFixit
RIM Gets Into Music Sharing with $5 per Month BBM
The Globe and Mail's Omar El Akkad reports that BlackBerry-maker
Research In Motion Ltd. is launching a music-sharing service aimed at
boosting its sagging fortunes in the consumer smart phone market and
capitalizing on the runaway success of BlackBerry Messenger.
El Akkad says RIM will launch the public beta version of BBM Music
on Thursday in Canada, Britain, and the United States, preceding a full
launch in 15 countries before year-end. The service will be essentially
a BlackBerry-based music rental service, with a heavy social component,
and El Akkad reports that RIM has negotiated deals with with several
major record labels that will allow BBM Music users to pay a monthly
subscription fee ($5 in the US) for access to a catalogue of roughly 10
million songs from which they'll be able to pick 50 titles for a
personal playlist, and swap up to 25 songs in and out of that list
every month.
Link: RIM Delves Into
Music Sharing with Launch of BBM Music
ThinkPad Tablet Goes on Sale
Lenovo has announced that the ThinkPad Tablet, the company's first
business-class Android-based tablet, is now available for sale through
Lenovo's network of US business partners and online' with models
starting at $499. Additionally, Seton Hall University will be the first
educational institution to deploy the ThinkPad Tablet when 350 students
begin using it this fall.
Lenovo contends that unlike other tablets on the market, the 10.1"
Android 3.1 ThinkPad Tablet lets business users do more right out of
the box, from working productively and securely to enjoying first-class
entertainment features during downtime.
"The ThinkPad Tablet gives mobile professionals the most intuitive
user experience available on a tablet today, thanks to its unique
pen-based handwriting recognition technology," says Dilip Bhatia, vice
president and general manager, ThinkPad Business Unit, Lenovo. "We
wanted to replicate the way people work naturally with pen and paper by
allowing them to digitally write, draw and create content while also
optimizing the ThinkPad Tablet for business with a layered security
solution and full IT management."
Android Dressed for Business & Academics
claims that this is the first true business-friendly tablet, and users
can expect the same reliable and productive experience for which the
ThinkPad brand is known. The ThinkPad Tablet caters to the extremely
busy, mobile user with convenient features unlike competitor tablets
for on the run computing, including an:
- optional digitizer pen
- full-size USB port
- full-size SD card slot
- mini-HDMI for connecting to external displays
- keyboard folio case with optical TrackPoint
This fall, 350 students and faculty at Seton Hall University (South
Orange, NJ) will put the ThinkPad Tablet to the test by using it inside
and outside the classroom, taking advantage of the "true" pen
experience, ActiveSync, IPS display and Gorilla Glass construction.
"As a long time partner with Lenovo as a ThinkPad University campus,
were delighted to bring the ThinkPad Tablet to our students and faculty
in the Sciences, Honors and the School of Business Leadership Program,"
says Stephen G. Landry, chief information officer, Seton Hall
University. "This new technology represents the next evolution in Seton
Hall University's Mobile Computing Program to use technology
effectively to support teaching, learning and institutional
effectiveness while keeping pace with technology that appeals to our
More than Apps, Supported by Business Tablet Ecosystem
The ThinkPad Tablet goes beyond delivering differentiated hardware
features. It extends the business-class experience with productivity,
security and manageability technologies and apps from more than a dozen
partners. The ThinkPad Tablet provides access to more than 250,000 apps
in the Android Market as well as the curated Lenovo App Shop, a fast
track to the leading apps that are certified to work on Lenovo products
and are malware free.
- Productivity: With Documents to Go by DataViz, users can easily
view and edit Microsoft Office documents while synchronizing with their
desktops via USB or Bluetooth. The tablets pen and virtual desktop
support via Citrix Receiver allows users to leverage their corporate
tools without being in the office. Lenovo's SocialTouch app keeps track
of email, calendar notices and more, and OoVoo makes video conferences
easy by using the Tablets front-facing camera.
- Security: Users and their data rest easy with the tablets layered
security solutions, which include full encryption (including SD card),
remote wipe and disable via Computrace to combat theft, and full VPN
- Manageability: Good for Enterprise delivers secure corporate email,
and IT managers can easily configure security and device settings with
custom corporate preloads from Lenovo's Imaging Technology Center. The
open API set allows for zero-touch deployment and management though
"CSC sees a rapidly growing market opportunity for an enterprise
tablet device that will enrich our clients' experience with the cloud
and provide the quality and highly secure standards that are required
by today's dynamic businesses," says Nick Wilkinson, president, Market
& Product Strategy, Managed Services Sector, CSC. "Lenovo has a
proven track record of launching enterprise quality devices and we are
excited to be working with the ThinkPad Tablet and expect to drive
towards integration with our vertical specific services in the near
The ThinkPad Tablet is available starting immediately from business
partners and on online. Pricing for the 16 GB model is $499 without the
digitizer pen or $529 including the pen. Pricing for the 32 GB model
with the digitizer pen is $599, and pricing for the 64 GB version with
the pen is $699. Pricing for the optional keyboard portfolio case is
ThinkPad Tablet Specifications:
- Nvidia Tegra 2 Dual-Core 1 GHz processor
- Android 3.1
- 10.1 WXGA (1280 x 800) 16:10 IPS panel with Corning Gorilla
- Multitouch display with digitizer input (pen optional)
- Starting at 1.65 lb.
- Up to 8 hours battery life (with WiFi enabled)
- Up to 64 GB storage
- Bluetooth, WiFi and 3G connectivity
- Native USB 2.0 and micro-USB ports, full-size SD card slot and
mini-HDMI output
Link: ThinkPad
Apps & Services
4 Apps to Improve Car Service Record Keeping says:
"A growing number of iPhone apps are helping drivers keep better
track of service and maintenance records for their cars, according to, the premier online resource for automotive
"Not only do the apps keep users on top of their maintenance
schedules, but they also keep tabs on operating costs, which helps car
owners manage their automotive budgets more effectively.
"These new smartphone apps are offering a convenient alternative to
the clutter of oil-stained paperwork that drivers packed into their
gloveboxes for so many years, says Doug Newcomb, senior technology
editor at Not only do the apps keep users on top of their
maintenance schedules, but they also keep tabs on operating costs,
which helps car owners manage their automotive budgets more
effectively." tested and recommended four of these inexpensive apps,
which range in price from $1.99 to $2.99:
Car Minder Plus ($2.99) - This app stands out by featuring all the
essentials, including logging repairs, tracking fuel economy and
keeping the maintenance records of multiple vehicles.
Car Care ($2.99) - The most impressive aspect of this app is
Vehicle Stats, which gives comprehensive data including average and
total fuel costs, fuel economy, service costs per mile and even the
users carbon footprint
Car Maintenance ($1.99) - The app consists of bare-bones iPhone
list menus, so there's essentially no learning curve. Enter the vehicle
info: make, model, year, license, VIN and mileage and you're on your
AutoLog ($1.99) - Other apps require users to input only the
basics, but this app is for the detail-oriented with inputs such as
engine displacement, oil and oil filter preference, air filter
preference and tire specifications.
To read Edmunds.coms full reviews of these car maintenance apps,
visit iPhone Apps for Car Care.
Link: Track Car
Maintenance with an iPhone App
Light It: The How-to Magazine for Studio Lighting
and Off-camera Flash
PR: Light It: The How-To Magazine for Studio Lighting and
Off-Camera Flash published by Scott Kelby, president and CEO of and the National Association of Photoshop
Professionals (NAPP), is now available in the App Store. To be
published eight times a year as a digital magazine to be read on the
iPad, Light It is written for both amateur and professional
"The entire
magazine is dedicated to just one topic: lighting. Were talking about
off-camera flash, studio lighting, and how to use all the gear and
accessories in studio and on location to help you create your best
images," says Kelby, Light It editor-in-chief. Joining Scott Kelby as
coeditor is Matt Kloskowski, a NAPP Photoshop Guy, Photoshop and
Lightroom instructor, best-selling author, and weekly co-host with
Kelby of The Grid, a podcast all about photography.
"Our goal was to create an iPad magazine that not only looks like a
print magazine, but works the same way. It's clean. Simple. Intuitive.
You don't need to learn how to read it. At the same time, we added the
ability to go beyond print, with features like a double-tap to see any
photo full size, and the ability to pinch to zoom-in to see a photo's
detail. It works the way you'd think it would like a magazine. Only
better," says Kelby. selected Aquafadas Digital Publishing System to
produce Light It. Aquafadas tools let designers create fully
interactive apps and content for iPad and iPhone by using the tools
they are familiar with, Adobe InDesign and Quark XPress, and without
requiring programming skills. The company also provides creative
software for Flash, HTML5, photo and video editing, and is a leader in
the digital comics market with AveComics, used by French and
international publishers to publish comics to tablets and
"We are very pleased Scott Kelby selected Aquafadas as his digital
publishing partner, and very happy that the features of our AVE
Publishing Tools are able to meet the exceptional demands of a magazine
for creative professionals like Light It," says Claudia Zimmer,
Aquafadas CEO.
Scott Kelby is the founder and president of the National Association
of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) the largest Photoshop training
resource in the world with more than 71,000 members, and, which offers online classes on photography, lighting
and the Adobe Creative Suite. He is editor-in-chief of Photoshop User
and Light It magazines and creator of where he hosts two
top-rated weekly video podcasts PhotoshopUser TV and The Grid. He also
serves as training director for Kelbytraining LIVE, the official Adobe
Photoshop Seminar Tour, and is the technical chair of the Photoshop
World Conference & Expo. In addition to being a Photoshop expert
and photographer, Scott is also the worlds #1 best-selling author of
all Photoshop and photography books.
For more information on Scott Kelby, visit his daily blog, The Photoshop Insider.
Light It
Camera PRO++ for iPad 2, a Powerful Camera
PR: KenigArt has introduced Camera PRO++ for iPad 2 v1.0),
their most powerful camera application for iPad 2 to date. Fully
optimized for iPad 2, Camera PRO++ features a simple and easy HD
interface with advanced photo optimization math algorithms and effects.
Camera PRO++ includes 10 photo effects to make your photos awesome and
nice looking. Make optimized photos directly from the application or
load any image from the Photo Library/Album.
Now taking
better photos requires only 2 steps:
- Take photo with Camera PRO++ and its super math algorithm for photo
- Add advanced PRO photo effects to your photos (10 photo effects
Camera PRO++ Features:
- Excellent camera application for you iPad 2
- New photo algorithms and effects
- Simple and easy HD interface is fully optimized for iPad 2
- Advance photo optimization math algorithms
- 10 photo effects to make your photos awesome and nice looking
- Make optimized photos directly from application or load it from
iPad Photo Library/Album
- Save modified photos to iPad 2
All these incredible features you will get in our one awesome Camera
PRO++ application.
Device Requirements:
- Compatible with iPad and iPad 2
- Requires iPhone OS 4.0 or later
- 3.0 MB
Camera PRO++ for iPad 2 v1.0 is 99¢ (or equivalent amount in
other currencies) and available worldwide exclusively through the App
Store in the Photography category.
Camera PRO++ for iPad 2
VueScan Mobile Scanning App
Hamrick Software has announced that its VueScan Mobile App for iPad,
iPhone and iPod touch is now available on the App Store. VueScan Mobile
allows you to seamlessly scan documents and photos straight to your
iPad, iPhone or iPod touch from any HP, Canon or Epson WiFi
Mobile uses the WiFi connection on your iOS device to find scanners
connected to the same WiFi network. If the scanner has a document
feeder, VueScan first checks to see if there is a document in the
feeder, otherwise it scans from the flatbed.
In addition to sending via email and saving to the Photos App,
VueScan Mobile allows you to save scanned images to your favorite iOS
apps that can open PDF or JPEG files such as iBooks, Dropbox,
GoodReader and Evernote.
"We are
excited to bring VueScan Mobile to the App Store," says Ed Hamrick,
President of Hamrick Software. The VueScan Mobile App makes scanning
extremely convenient. Simply press the green Scan button and, in a few
seconds, the document will appear on your iPad, iPhone or iPod
System requirements:
- Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
- Requires iOS 4.0 or later.
The VueScan Mobile App 1.0.2 is available for $4.99 from the App
Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. This app is designed for both
iPhone and iPad.
VueScan Mobile
Logitech Unveils Fold-Up Keyboard and Joystick for
iPad 2
PR: Logitech has unveiled two new accessories that
help you make the most of your tablet. The Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard
for iPad 2 is the ideal tool for comfy, on-the-go typing, while the
Logitech Joystick for iPad offers more accurate, immersive game
Whether you're typing notes, emailing, or playing games,
both devices can greatly extend flexibility when it comes to creating
content or enjoying entertainment. Moving tablet use beyond the
traditional touchpad strokes, both devices empower you to interact with
your iPad more efficiently, extending your tablet experience into the
world around you.
"Many people are using tablets in ways that require more
than fingertip scrolling, pointing and pressing on the touchpad," says
Azmat Ali, Logitech vice president of mobile and tablet products.
"Whether you're typing notes, emailing, or playing games, both devices
greatly extend flexibility when it comes to creating content or
enjoying entertainment.
Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard for iPad 2
The Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard for iPad 2 is an ideal
on-the-go solution. With a full-size, Bluetooth keyboard and stand, you
simply open and type, and close and forget. Closed, the keyboard rests
securely underneath your iPad 2. Open, it holds the tablet at an ideal
angle for typing and taking notes. Unlike folio-style Bluetooth
keyboards, the Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard for iPad 2 is full-sized for
comfy typing. And it charges over USB, so you never need to worry about
replacing batteries. The device wakes up and is ready to use as soon as
its unfolded, and turns itself off automatically when folded to save
battery power.
System Requirements: iPad 2
2-year limited hardware warranty
Logitech Joystick for iPad
The Logitech Joystick for iPad makes a perfect gaming companion
for your iPad or iPad 2. No one likes to lose a point or go down in
defeat because their thumb misses the control area. The Logitech
Joystick for iPad gives you a thumb-stick style game controller that
you can use with just about any game with an onscreen joystick or
d-pad. The device attaches to your iPad with suction cups that are easy
to apply and easy to remove. And the coiled spring provides force
feedback that automatically returns the joystick to the center
System Requirements: iPad or iPad 2
2-year limited hardware warranty
The Logitech Fold-Up Keyboard is expected to be available in the US
and Europe beginning in September, for a suggested retail price of
$129.99 . The Logitech Joystick is expected to be available in the US
and Europe beginning in September, for a suggested retail price of
$19.99 . Both are available for preorder at the Logitech Store and
Link: Logitech Fold-Up
Keyboard for iPad 2 ($129.99 from
Link: Logitech Joystick for iPad
($19.99 from
8x Telescope for iPad 2
PR: Want to turn your iPad 2 into superb stuff, a camera
probably with the largest screen for instant check up, sharing? Now you
have one more option.
This telescope has a superb 8x magnification that can help you to
close up on any objects from afar by an 8 times factor.
It is a telescope with manual focus - just turning the ring in the
front of the scope to get the clearest shot. It comes with a stand for
mounting your iPad 2 to take pictures and movies.
- Avoid the contortion of image
- Detachable from the crystal case
- Superb 8x magnification
- Manual focus adjust (Fine Tune)
- Comes with a stand for taking pictures and movies
- 18mm objective lens diameter
- 15° angle of view
- Micro manual focus adjustment
This accessory is compatible with iPad 2
- to be shipped on/ before 24 September 2011
- This is a fixed 8x optical Zoom lens, not a zoomable (0 ~ 8x)
optical zoom.
- if you purchase this item with other items, USB Fever reserves the
right to ship all the items in one shipment
Accepting pre-ordering, to be shipped on/before 24 Sept 2011.
Link: 8x Telescope with
Hard Case for iPad 2
Presentation & Protection
HexaPose UStand for iPads & 10" Tablets
InnoPocket has just launched HexaPose UStand for Apple iPad 2/iPad and
other 10" tablets. The HexaPose UStand is a universal stand made of
solid aluminum with a chic design tailor-made for the iPad 2/ iPad
original and other 10 tablets, made of solid aluminum with a chic
design tailor-made for the iPad and other 10" tablets. It is a holder
with supporting arms that grab various size tablets securely, and comes
with a rotatable pivot which can allow you to freely rotate your iPad
horizontally or vertically.
The pivot
can also be adjusted 3 ways for different viewing angles for surfing,
reading, gaming, or movie viewing. It gives you more flexibility in how
your tablet is displayed.
- Aesthetic, functional and secure stand for iPad 2/ iPad and other
10" tablets with or without a case or skin
- Constructed from solid and strong aluminum
- Extendable supporting arms with 8 rubber pads to hold iPad tight
and secure
- Hold iPad in either landscape or portrait for handsfree use
- Multiple viewing angles for surfing, reading or movie viewing
- Full access to iPad's dock connector for charging and syncing
Link: HexaPose
Take Your iPad 2 Everywhere with NuGuard GripStand
2/GripBase Bundle
PR: Newer Technology, Inc. (NewerTech) has announced the
NuGuard GripStand 2/GripBase Bundle for iPad 2, a multi-use solution
for the Apple iPad 2 to bring it everywhere you go - on the run, at
your desk, or in the car.
Available in black or white and affordably priced at $39.99
MSRP, the NuGuard GripStand 2/GripBase Bundle offers iPad 2 owners one
of the most flexible and low-cost combinations of iPad 2 protection,
portability, and viewing available on the market. The NuGuard GripStand
2/GripBase Bundle lets you comfortably use your iPad 2 while standing,
walking, commuting, in school, at work, for sales calls, meetings,
during lectures, in the library, at your desk, or in the car as an
entertainment center.
The GripStand 2/GripBase Bundle includes:
- Protective Hard Shell: the hard plastic shell, which fits
seamlessly with Apple's Smart Cover, grips the iPad 2 snugly,
enveloping it in a shock-absorbing inner rubber liner for maximum
- GripStand: the removable stand can be swiveled 360 and positioned
at virtually any angle for viewing or typing wherever you want it.
- One-Hand Grip Handle: the ergonomically designed GripStand handle
lets you comfortably hold your iPad 2 while standing or walking. The
grip/handle also lets you carry your iPad 2 just like a briefcase while
traveling. When travel bag space is a consideration, just quickly twist
the stand to remove it.
- Hang the iPad on the Wall: the handle can be rotated to use as a
hook to hang the iPad 2 on the wall in either landscape or portrait
orientation for presentations or TV viewing.
- GripBase Desktop Workstation Base: the GripBase turns your iPad 2
into a skid resistant desktop workstation with a sturdy base that is
virtually impossible to knock over.
- Car Nylon Strap: the nylon strap securely mounts your iPad 2 to a
car headrest for easy viewing/listening of movies, music, or the
Internet while in the car.
Bring Your iPad to School Without Fear of Damaging it
the protective qualities of the bundles case and the sturdiness of the
dual purpose stand and hand grip, the NuGuard GripStand 2/GripBase
Bundle is perfect for the growing use of the iPad in K-12, high school,
and college educational environments where the iPad is subjected to
unpredictable handling and movement. Schools have been increasing their
use of the versatile iPad for a variety of classes and uses to assist
education, including art, math, reading, apps, Internet research and
more, said Larry O'Connor, Founder and CEO, Other World Computing
(NewerTech's exclusive distributor). With the NewerTech NuGuard
GripStand 2/GripBase Bundle, teachers and students alike wont have to
worry about bringing their iPad into their everyday studies.
The NewerTech NuGuard GripStand 2/GripBase Bundle for iPad 2 is
available immediately at $39.99 MSRP from NewerTech's exclusive
distributor, Other World Computing (OWC), as well as through the retail
channel. For more information on the NuGuard GripStand 2/GripBase
Bundle and other NewerTech accessories for the Apple iPad, visit
Link: NuGuard
GripStand 2 for iPad 2
Link: NuGuard
GripStand 2/GripBase Bundle for iPad 2
All-In-One Wallet for iPhone 4 Stores iPhone,
I.D., and Credit Cards in One Place
tech accessories brand and division of seasoned fashion house August
Accessories, has announced the launch of the Code, their carrying
solution for iPhone 4. Each Code wallet has a custom molded phone bed
for iPhone 4 with three useful card slots for credit cards, I.D. and
cash, finished off with a protective flap to keep valuables
"The Code
wallet conveys a level of sophistication with a sleek look, while
offering users a convenient carrying solution for credit cards, I.D.
and iPhone," says Dan Maravilla, Vice President of HEX. "We wanted to
provide a slim design that would offer a unique yet high-fashion look,
but still keep function and utility in mind. Instead of carrying
everything separately, we've put it all in one place for quick
Made of genuine leather, the Code wallet comes in three brilliant
color options; black, white and British tan. Each wallet stays securely
fastened with an elastic closure and registers at just one-half inch
thick, slimmer than a deck of playing cards.
Retailing for $49.95, the Code wallet transitions from a day-to-day
wallet to a nighttime accessory that holds all the essentials needed
while out.
Available now at and at starting
on Aug. 30, the Code joins HEX's debut collection of stylish bags and
Link: Code Wallet for iPhone
Element Case Vapor Pro 'Black Ops' Über-Cool
iPhone 4 Case
PR: One hundred fifty bucks for an iPhone case? Element
Case's Vapor Pro "Black Ops" Limited Edition Kit for all versions of
iPhone 4 (CDMA and GSM) is claimed to be the most rugged, lightweight,
and versatile iPhone case Element have ever made. This "field ready"
case is designed take anything you can throw at it. And now it's
available in an all black, limited edition kit for the Verizon and
AT&T iPhone 4.
- Rugged, lightweight, and versatile design
- CNC machined from a solid block of aircraft grade aluminum
(reminiscent of Apple's unibody laptop cases)
- Plush black Ultrasuede backing and ear pad
- Accepts larger after-market power and headphone cables
- Aerospace polymer RF insert prevents "death grip" signal loss
- Includes Vapor Transit Kit
- Mil Spec non-glare satin finish with hard electrolytic coating to
resist abrasion
This isn't your typical iPhone case.
Link: Black Ops iPhone 4
Case Mate Colorways iPhone 4 Case
PR: The Colorways iPhone 4 case lets you rediscover the
magic of color. The three-piece modular case creates a prismatic
pattern, mixing contemporary lines and bright colors.
Connect the pieces to create your own color theory. Bright primary
shades overlap to reveal the vibrant secondary colors. The
impact-resistant, translucent pieces easily interlock to protect the
sides and back of the iPhone.
The iPhone 4 Colorways case sells for $30.
Link: Case Mate Colorways
iPhone 4 Case