This Week's MacBook, PowerBook, and iBook News
The world is making the move to notebooks. iSuppli projects that
40% of all PCs shipped this year will be notebooks. (Apple passed
the 50% notebook mark years ago.)
We have several reviews of the new "Santa Rosa" MacBook Pro
models - both speeds and both sizes.
For those with older PowerBooks running OS X 10.3 or later,
QuickerTek has an 802.11n CardBus card that will provide greater
range and throughput with an 802.11n router. OWC has 4 GB
memory upgrades available for the "Santa Rosa" MacBook Pro models,
and the DuelAdapter lets a MacBook Pro use a PCMCIA, PC Card, or
CardBus card.
All prices are in US dollars unless otherwise noted.
General Apple and Mac desktop news is covered in The Mac News Review.
News & Opinion
Products and Services
News & Opinion
The World Goes Notebook Crazy
The Register's Drew Cullen reports:
"iSuppli, the tech market researcher, has raised its forecast
for PC shipments this [sic], following a surge in notebook sales in
the first quarter. It now estimates that PC makers will ship 264
million units in 2007, up 11.2 per cent on 2006's 239 million
units. Previously it pegged market growth for the year at 10.7 per
"Notebooks will account for 40 per cent of all PC shipments in
2007, according to iSuppli."
Note: Apple notebooks proportionately passed the 50% of systems
sold threshold about half a decade ago. cm
Nota Bene: World Goes Notebook Crazy
MacBook Pro LED Display Flickers When Not at
Full Brightness
MacFixIt reports:
"We've received several reports indicating that MacBook Pro LED
screens flicker when they are not at maximum brightness, generally
when three bars lower than maximum brightness through lower
settings, though some users have reported flickering at anything
but maximum brightness. The flickering (or as some users describe
it, 'shimmering') is usually more noticeable on dark
Link: MacBook
Pro LED: Displays Flickering When Not at Full Brightness
(subscription required)
New MacBook Pros Overheating Due to Misapplied
Thermal Grease?
Engadget's Nilay Patel reports:
"Reports of MacBook Pros getting crazy-hot because of misapplied
thermal grease have been floating around for a year now, and it
doesn't look like the recent bump to Santa Rosa has changed
anything. A reader at the MacRumors forums noticed his week-old MBP
getting a little hot, so he bravely decided to pull the unit apart
to check things out and found what he estimated to be forty times
too much paste applied to the logic board...."
New MacBook Pros Still Overheating Due to Misapplied Thermal
'Fairly Modest' Improvements in 'Santa Rosa'
MacBook Pro Models
Macworld's Henry Norr reports:
"For more than a year, Intel has been touting a new mobile
platform, code-named Santa Rosa. Combining the latest Core 2 Duo
processors with a package of new support chips, the platform was
supposed to deliver the biggest advance in notebook computing in
"Now Apple's first Santa Rosa-based laptops - the new 15- and
17-inch MacBook Pros - have arrived, yet the improvements turn out
to be fairly modest. In fact, the most important refinements in the
latest models come not from the new chip set, but from separate
advances in graphics processing and the display."
Link: MacBook
Pro Core 2 Duo/2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz
MacBook Pro: One Man's Story of Indulgence
Macsimum News' Steven J McBride says:
"Apple's new, 2.4 GHz
Core 2, 17-inch laptop is a decent improvement over the last
iteration, making it difficult to know where to start. But start I
must, so pay attention, as there will be a quiz at the end.
"Sure, 2.2 GHz and 2.4 GHz is slightly higher than
Apple's previous generation (that being 2.16 GHz and 2.33 GHz), but
the real difference lies in other improvements to the already great
laptop line. Without getting into a lengthy discussion about the
processor chips (dubbed Santa Rosa by Intel), the boost in FSB
(front-side bus) will be a welcome feature to many. Not to mention
the native 802.11n support (no more US$1.99 update to tap into the
faster wireless support). Anyone can read a press release, and any
Mac user or potential switcher can and probably have read something
about the new machines. I'd like to stay focused on my own
experience with the 17-inch MacBook Pro. This is a review about
indulgence as much as the MacBook Pro.
"'Steven, you don't need it.'
"It's not easy to explain to someone, especially a wife that
couldn't care less about computers, why I would need to update my
slightly-more-than-a-year-old MacBook Pro. Oh, I tried to explain
how I was now a full two generations behind (my previous MBP was
the 17-inch 2.16 GHz Core Duo), that I couldn't take advantage of
the increased speed of our new Airport Base Station until
all our Macs were upgraded to 802.11n, and even how... oh
the heck with it, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the MBP I
owned and I wanted to upgrade for one reason and one reason
only; I wanted, no, I needed, no, I had to have, the new
laptop for its 1920 x 1200 pixel HD display. The rest of the
upgrades were, quite literally, beside the point."
Review: MacBook Pro HD - One Man's Story of Indulgence
MacBook Pro's LED Backlit Screen 'Very
Ars Technica's Iljitsch van Beijnum reports:
"A few days ago, Ars reviewed the new 17" MacBook Pro. Most of
that review also applies to the new 15-inchers, but there is one
aspect to the latest incarnation of the 15" MacBook Pro that warrants
another look: the LED-backlit screen.
"When I started up my new 2.2 GHz 15" MacBook Pro this morning,
I wasn't immediately struck by the brightness of the screen. Sure,
it was brighter than the screen of the PowerBook I was replacing,
and maybe even a bit brighter than the CRT that still decorates my
desk, but not by a huge margin.... However after it had gotten
dark, I launched an investigation into rumors that the iSight now
has a 1.3 megapixel resolution. (It doesn't. Too bad.) Initially,
the iSight images were too dark to be useful. So I thought I'd
increase the screen brightness, thinking that maybe that would
illuminate my face. Did it ever. I almost had to squint because of
the barrage of photons sent my way. You can actually video
conference in complete darkness, with only the display to light
your face. So, yes, it's bright. Apple says that the brightness is
the same as the previous model, but remember, I'm upgrading from a
nearly four-year-old PowerBook. Also, the screen goes to full
brightness immediately. No warming up. The keyboard backlighting is
also very bright and is a bit on the purple side."
A Second Look at the MacBook Pro LED-Backlit Screen
LED-backlit MacBook Pro Should Last 4 Hours on
Ars Technica's Iljitsch van Beijnum reports:
"After looking into the new LED-backlit screens earlier, I got
the first opportunity to use the new MacBook Pro for some time
under battery power this weekend. That would be the 15", 2.2 GHz,
2 GB RAM, 160 GB 5400 rpm drive model.
"With the display brightness at maximum or close to maximum, the
glossy screen has little problem holding its own against daylight
when sitting right next to a window. Even outside with the sun
shining the glossy display is usable. Under these circumstances,
the expected battery life reported in the menu bar is in the
neighborhood of 3.5 hours.
"Later, I did a more structured test: I started with the battery
- with a full conditioning cycle behind it - at 50 percent charge,
and proceeded to do some light web, mail and iTunes work - I hadn't
cleaned out my spam box for more than a week. Connectivity was over
5 GHz 802.11n. was set to retrieve new mail every five
minutes, so the hard drive couldn't go to sleep. I set the display
brightness fairly dim at three bars and didn't let the display
sleep, either. After 30 minutes, the battery capacity reported by
the system had gone down to 37 percent. After an hour, it was 27
percent and after 90 minutes 15 percent. Conclusion: with this kind
of use, it shouldn't be a problem to get four hours of battery use
out of this laptop with a new battery...."
Battery Life and Power Management on the LED-backlit MacBook
Products and Services
802.11n WiFi for Pismo and Newer PowerBooks
Running OS X 10.3 or Later
PR: QuickerTek is the first to introduce an 802.11n
CardBus upgrade for Apple PowerBooks going back to the Pismo models. nQuicky PCMCIA improves
wireless range by a factor of three or more and can be as much as
10 times the speed of a standard wireless card. nQuicky eliminates
the need to buy a new Mac just to get 802.11n wireless speed and
range. Older PowerBook users can now enjoy 802.11 wireless for
The nQuicky CardBus offers the latest wireless benefits yet
retains backward compatibility with previous wireless standards. It
works with all IEEE 802.11 b/g/n networks and performs to it's full
speed (100 to 300 mbps typical) potential across the 2.4 GHz
frequency with 802.11n rated hardware.
nQuicky Compatibility
- Any PowerBook with a free PCMCIA slot, including:
- 15" & 17" Aluminum PowerBooks, all clock speeds;
- Titanium PowerBooks, all clock speeds;
- Pismo (includes FireWire port);
- Black PowerBook.
- Mac OS X version 10.3 or higher;
- All 802.11 b/g/n Base Stations and access points;
- Routers by Linksys and d-Link, Belkin, Netgear, and all other
Mac/PC Wireless LAN.
- Extended, Mixed and Legacy modes supported;
Part #: #nQuicky-CardBus
FCC, CE rated
Like most QuickerTek products, the nQuicky CardBus is backed
with a one-year warranty on parts and labor.
Link: nQuicky
PCMCIA/CardBus Upgrade Kit
iTilt Stand for PowerBooks, iBooks, and
MaxUpgrades iTilt, a notebook positioning stand that incorporate
features essential to productively using the notebook and its
continuous protection from daily use, from simple internet
browsing, to accomplishing most sophisticated task in conjunction
with input peripherals like graphics tablet, 3D digitizer and
auxiliary monitors, the user will find iTilt an indispensable
iTilt brings new level of interactivity between user and the
notebook, iTilt design makes it possible to position the Notebook
Screen to the optimum viewable height, and tilts the notebook
keyboard to an angle that enables user to comfortably enter and
view information at correct eye level simultaneously for maximum
interactive use.
The user
can maintain his/her natural upright posture while using the
notebook and interact with the notebook without using an auxiliary
iTilt special rubber compound solid construction isolate
notebook from vibration and shock, one of the main cause of
notebook failure is the shock and intermittent vibration
transmitted to the notebook disk drive and sensitive internal
circuitry, vibration and shock transmitted from external source or
generated internally and transmitted back to the disk drive and
sensitive internal parts.
iTilt serve as simple vibration and shock isolator for complete
protection of the notebook form shock and vibration while in use or
not in use.
iTilt front curve design, that runs across the width of the
notebook, allows notebook to be seated and gripped for maximum
stability. Tilt center groove allows dissipation of heat generated
from the notebook and provides space to run cables across the
notebook giving user access to the side ports.
iTilt back contours uniformly transfers the weight of the
Notebook to the bottom rests for the firm grip with the resting
surface, that allows the notebook to be balanced so it can be
opened for maximum viewing as the user desire, this feature greatly
enhances the use of the notebook, when iTilt is used with a
graphics tablet, 3D digitizer for demanding CAD, graphic arts and
GIS applications.
- Isolate shock
- Isolate Vibration
- Type/View simultaneously
- Solid construction
- Grips to work surface
- Fits Notebook front profile
OWC Announces 4 GB Memory Upgrade Kit for
'Santa Rosa' MacBook Pro Models
PR: Other World Computing (OWC), a leading Mac and PC
technology company, announced today that it is offering 4 GB
Memory Kits for Apple's new recently announced MacBook Pro 2.2 GHz
and 2.4 GHz models, which began shipping on June 5th. OWC Memory
options of up to 3 GB are also available for MacBook 13.3" and
previous MacBook Pro 15" and 17" models.
OWC memory upgrades meet or exceed Apple's electrical and
mechanical design requirements. OWC is an Apple Developer
Connection Premiere Member and maintains an active state-of-the-art
test lab to ensure the highest product quality and reliability. OWC
Memory Customers are ensured a lifetime of high-performance,
reliable operation backed with OWC's Money Back Guarantee and
Lifetime advance Replacement Warranty.
OWC, an expert in the Mac memory market, has nearly two decades
of experience providing memory module upgrades for Mac computers.
OWC has conducted independent memory benchmarks on MacBook and
MacBook Pro laptops, which show how important memory is for
customers employing high-memory intensive applications, such as
audio/video, photo, 3D modeling, and other applications.
From these tests, OWC recommends customers upgrade with either
one module or matched pairs - whichever best fits their budget
and provides the most total memory. Whether interleaved or not, all
memory increases provide overall performance gain.
"OWC is all about maximizing performance and impressively, we've
found there can be better performance attained even between
2 GB and 3 GB memory configurations than the benefit of
getting a new system with a faster processor," said Larry O'Connor,
President, OWC. "More memory makes a tremendous difference, as our
real-world testing illustrates, and the up to 4 GB supported
in the new MacBook Pros is yet further benefit beyond just the
processor speed bump."
The OWC 4 GB Memory Upgrade Kit is available immediately, priced
at $219.99 (configured as two 2 GB memory modules). Additional
savings is also available for customers who take advantage of OWC's
trade-in program, which provides $50 cash back for the trade-in of
two 1 GB modules.
Link: MacBook,
MacBook Pro, and MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo Upgrades
DuelAdapter Lets MacBook Pro Owners Use
PR: Get the most out of your new notebook and
PCMCIA card.
The DuelAdapter seamlessly converts input from PCMCIA cards
designed for cellular broadband, wireless networking, video, audio,
and memory expansion to an ExpressCard compatible format.
Data can be transferred at rates up to the full speed supported
by the ExpressCard interface - five times faster than USB 2.0.
The DuelAdapter is easy to set up - just install the driver,
insert the adapter into your notebook's ExpressCard slot and plug
your PCMCIA card into the adapter.
- Connects PCMCIA cards to ExpressCard-enabled notebook and
desktop computers
- Fits in 34mm or 54mm ExpressCard slots
- Works with standard 32-Bit CardBus cards and 16-Bit PCMCIA
- Data transfer rate up to ExpressCard maximum, limited by PCMCIA
card application
- Windows XP and Mac OS X compatible
- Easy driver installation and set up
- Convenient 2-part module with cable for easy desktop
- Also works with Compact Flash, Memory Stick, Smart Media,
- MMC and SD cards using suitable adapter (available
System Requirements
- Windows XP, or Mac OS X 10.4.8
- 34mm or 54mm ExpressCard slot
Computer and ExpressCard Slot Compatibility
- Works with computers equipped with a standard 34mm or 54mm
ExpressCard slot
PCMCIA Card Compatibility
- 32-Bit CardBus PC Cards
- 16-Bit PCMCIA cards
- Wide Area Network cellular cards
- Memory cards
- 802.11a/b/g wireless LAN cards
- Ethernet LAN cards
- ATA cards
- Port expansion cards
- Modem cards
Power Requirements
- Meets all PCMCIA and ExpressCard requirements
The DuelAdapter Package Contains
- PCMCIA to ExpressCard Adapter
- Driver CD-ROM
- Install Guide
- 1-year limited warranty and support card
- Product registration card
Notice to Customers Running Mac OS X: Due to a peripherals
management limitation in Mac OS X, your MacBook Pro or other
Apple computer must be restarted before reinserting the DuelAdapter
into the ExpressCard card slot on your computer. We are actively
working with Apple and expect to have this situation corrected in a
future Mac OS X release. Please check the Drivers page on this
web site for updates.
System requirements: Windows XP or higher or Mac OS X 10.4.8 or
Logitech Expands Notebook Essentials
PR: Logitech has announced that shopping for the
essential peripherals that complement a notebook PC just got
easier. The company has expanded its line of notebook PC essentials
and is working with retailers to conveniently display and
merchandise notebook essentials in a way that matches the right set
of products to the right notebook user.
Logitech's new peripherals include two Logitech Alto notebook
stands, the Logitech Kinetik notebook cases, the Logitech Premium
4-Port USB Hub for Notebooks and the Logitech Cordless Number Pad
for Notebooks. These new peripherals further expand Logitech's line
of notebook products, which also includes notebook mice, webcams,
headsets and speakers, and also establish two new notebook
peripheral categories for Logitech: notebook cases and USB
As notebook PC sales overtake desktop PC sales, a more diverse
set of people are enjoying the benefits of the compact notebook. A
recent Logitech-sponsored study of more than 1,000 notebook users
highlighted four types of notebook users: people who use their
notebooks largely around the home; younger professionals and
students who use their notebooks at home, in the office and about
town; technology enthusiasts who take and use their laptops almost
everywhere; and mobile professionals. By identifying and grouping
products according to these user profiles, Logitech and its retail
partners make it easy for people to find the notebook products that
best fit their needs.
"Although notebooks were originally designed for mobile
professionals, today, we know that a broad range of people are
buying them instead of traditional desktop PCs," said Charles
Seiber, Logitech's director of marketing for notebook solutions.
"The days of thinking that there is only one type of notebook user
- the road warrior - are gone. We recognize that each notebook user
has a specific set of needs and deserves a shopping experience
that's customized to meet those needs."
While on-the-go professionals might enjoy the productivity
benefits offered by highly portable notebook mice or the ability to
keep in touch with family members using a notebook webcam, people
who use their laptop around the home are more likely to appreciate
the comfort benefits of mice and notebook stands. By providing
valuable consumer insights and a rich selection of products
tailored to each of the identified notebook user profiles, Logitech
has been able to help major retailers better organize products in
the notebook-accessories aisle.
"In Europe, Media Markt is already seeing the benefits of this
new initiative," said Dr. Steffen Stremme, Member of the Board,
Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH. "It is clear to us that Logitech's
insights, coupled with our expertise, are bringing an easier and
more relevant shopping experience for customers surfing the
notebook accessories aisle."
In addition to its new retail initiative, Logitech today
introduced a rich selection of new notebook products that includes
notebook stands, cases and productivity tools.
Notebook Stands - For Better Posture and Enhanced Comfort
Logitech's family of Alto notebook stands help make the notebook
experience more comfortable. The new Logitech Alto Connect and
Logitech Alto Express, along with the original Logitech Alto
notebook stand, introduced last year, improve comfort by raising
the laptop display to a more optimal viewing height and distance,
and by creating space for a comfortable, full-size keyboard and
mouse. And because the notebook is elevated, the Alto stands
minimize contact with the uncomfortable heat generated by a
notebook PC and improve cooling-fan circulation.
Notebook Cases - For Portability
Logitech's two new notebook cases - the Logitech Kinetik 15.4
Backpack and the Logitech Kinetik 15.4 Briefcase - offer a stylish
and flexible take on the traditional notebook case. The Kinetik
15.4 Backpack and Kinetik 15.4 Briefcase both feature an exo-shell
casing, which helps protect the laptop from damage, and a contoured
back panel, which conforms to the back. A unique compartment design
provides organized bays for devices, and instant, easy access to
the laptop and other equipment. Made from lightweight, durable
materials, these notebook cases are easy to carry and built to
Notebook Productivity Tools - For Better Performance
The Logitech Premium 4-Port USB Hub for Notebooks provides
laptop users with high-speed file transfer (up to 480 Mbps) and
port indicator lights. It also features a distinctive black design
and a carrying case. The Logitech Cordless Number Pad for Notebooks
has convenient shortcut keys that enable effortless data entry to
Microsoft Excel, calculator, and Internet Explorer. A
micro-receiver using 2.4 GHz wireless connectivity helps provide
seamless operation and snaps into the number pad for easy
transport. Other helpful features include an extended battery life
of up to six months, a battery indicator-light and a convenient
carrying case.
Pricing and Availability
The Alto Connect notebook stand is expected to be available in
the U.S. and Europe beginning in September with a suggested retail
price of $79.99. The Logitech Alto Express is expected to be
available in the US beginning in July and in Europe beginning in
August. It has a suggested retail price of $29.99, while the
original Logitech Alto stand has a suggested retail price of
The Logitech Kinetik 15.4 Backpack and the Logitech Kinetik 15.4
Briefcase are expected to be available in Europe in mid-August and
in the US in September. Both cases have a suggested retail price of
The Logitech Premium 4-Port USB Hub for Notebooks (MSRP $29.99)
and the Logitech Cordless Number Pad for Notebooks (MSRP $39.99)
are available now in the US and are expected to be available in
Europe in July.
Link: Logitech
Logitech's Family of Notebook Stands
Improve Comfort
PR: Reinventing how people use a notebook PC around the
home or the office, Logitech has expanded its line of notebook
stands that let people enjoy the convenience of a notebook PC
without sacrificing comfort. The family of Logitech Alto notebook
stands now includes the new Logitech Alto Connect and Logitech Alto
Express, along with the original Logitech Alto notebook stand,
introduced last year.
When placed on a table or desk, the Alto notebook stands improve
comfort by raising the display to the optimal viewing height and
distance, and by creating space for a comfortable, full-size
keyboard and mouse. And because the notebook is elevated, the Alto
stands minimize contact with the uncomfortable heat generated by a
notebook PC and improve cooling fan circulation.
Compact notebook PCs present many advantages over traditional
desktop PCs but aren't always comfortable to use. In addition to
having limited, cramped typing keys, because the display and
keyboard are attached, notebook PCs often force people to sit in
awkward positions, hunching over to type or squinting to read their
screens. Despite these limitations, according to a recent study
conducted for Logitech by research firm GfK Custom Research, 45
percent of laptop owners spend at least 16 hours per week using
their laptops, and 70 percent spend the majority of their computing
time using their laptops at home.
"People are buying laptops at a phenomenal rate due to the many
conveniences they offer, but most people don't think about the
physical challenges presented by the compact design," said Denis
Pavillard, Logitech vice president of product marketing for
keyboards and desktops. "With more than twenty-five years
experience designing computer peripherals that are used for
multiple hours at a time, we understand the importance of comfort.
And for the Alto family, we've spent considerable time thinking
specifically about laptop ergonomics. We're confident these Alto
notebook stands will allow people to be more comfortable and more
The Logitech Alto notebooks stands raise a laptop to eye level
and place it at the optimal distance between the user's eyes and
the display. As a result, because people sit up to view their
displays at the optimal viewing height and distance, the notebook
stand encourages a comfortable posture. Additionally, people using
the Alto notebook stands can enjoy the benefits of a full-size
keyboard and mouse, such as the Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 3200
Laser, or a notebook mouse, such as the award-winning Logitech VX
Revolution Cordless Laser Mouse for Notebooks. Compared to smaller,
built-in laptop keyboards, a full-size keyboard with a number pad
allows people to type faster and more comfortably while keeping
their hands away from the heat emitted by their laptops.
The Alto notebook stands are easy to set up - in fact, total
setup time for all three models takes less than 30 seconds - making
them the perfect complement for someone who frequently moves their
laptop around the home or office. And they're just as easy to take
down, making them ideal for people who like to store their laptops
when not in use.
Unlike a docking station, the Logitech Alto notebook stands are
not brand-specific and are compatible with virtually all laptops.
The stands can be shared among family members, even if they own
different laptops, and are cost-efficient because they don't
require that people purchase a new solution every time they
purchase a new laptop.
Logitech Alto Connect - Notebook Stand Plus Four-Port USB
The new X-shaped Logitech Alto Connect notebook stand provides
people with a notebook stand and a powered, four-port USB hub. For
added convenience, one of the ports is located at the front of the
stand for easy access when plugging in a device such as an MP3
player or flash drive. In addition, to reduce cord chaos, the Alto
Connect stand offers a cable-management system and a cavern for
storing the USB cable when not in use. To set up the stand, people
simply cross two leg-like parts across each other and rest the
laptop on top of the X-shape design. Rubber bumpers help ensure
that the laptop is secure. The Alto Connect is compatible with any
notebook PC as well as MacBook and MacBook Pro computers.
Logitech Alto Express - Notebook Stand
For people looking for an elegant, affordable notebook stand,
the new Logitech Alto Express notebook stand offers a stylish
hard-plastic, translucent surface and a smooth, swoop shape. The
lightweight, one-piece Alto Express stand requires minimal setup.
People simply place their laptop on the stand, add a keyboard and
mouse, and begin working. Plus, two stabilizing rubber-tipped feet
at the front of the stand prevent the laptop from sliding while the
rubber feet at the back of the stand incorporate easy-glide
polycarbonate material to make it easy to move the stand around
once the laptop is on the stand. The stand's arch-like design
accommodates storage of a keyboard and mouse under the stand when
not in use. The Alto Express is compatible with 15.4 to 17 inch
notebook PCs and MacBook computers.
Logitech Alto - Notebook Stand with Integrated Keyboard and USB
The top-of the-line Logitech Alto notebook stand is an
all-in-one solution that offers people a notebook display riser,
full-size keyboard with soft palm rest, multipurpose USB hub, and a
cable management system. Unlike a laptop keyboard, the Alto
keyboard provides a number pad, one-touch media and volume
controls, and 12 hot keys that provide quick access to people's
favorite applications, folders and Web sites.
The Alto notebook stand is easy to set up. It opens like a book,
revealing a keyboard on one side and a popup stand, USB ports and a
cable management system on the other. And it's equally simple to
put away, collapsing into a compact size that can be easily stored
or carried to another location. The convenient, three-port USB hub
gives people instant connectivity to their mice, USB flash drives,
PC speakers and more.
The Logitech Alto Connect notebook stand is expected to be
available in the US and Europe beginning in September with a
suggested retail price of $79.99. The Logitech Alto Express
($29.99) is expected to be available in the US beginning in July
and in Europe beginning in August. Available now in the US and in
Europe, the original Logitech Alto stand has a suggested retail
price of $99.99.
Link: Logitech
Speck SeeThru Hard Shell Case for 15"
MacBook Pro
PR: Accent the sleek look of your 15" MacBook Pro
notebook! Get great hard case protection, a hint of color and a
massive dose of shine. SeeThru MacBook cases are made of
translucent hard plastic to beautify and protect.
- Two piece snap-on protective hard shell
- Compatible with 15" MacBook Pro Core Duo AND Core 2 Duo
- Protection plus access to all features at the same time
- 74-slot ventilation system to minimize thermal insulation
- Rubber feet help prevent slipping on slick surfaces
- New cutout for battery test button on the back
- Sleek, shiny & slim: A perfect fit and a shiny, sleek look
keeps your 15" MacBook Pro protected and accessible.
- Two-piece snap-on design: Two-piece shell lets you open and
close your MacBook without removing the case
- Cutouts for everything: All ports, plugs, holes and disc drives
have cutouts so you can always keep your MacBook Pro protected
- Ventilation Slots & Battery Test Cutout: The bottom of the
case features ventilation slots to help disperse heat, rubber feet
for added support, and a cutout hole for the battery test
SeeThru shells are made of Polycarbonate plastic. It's a
hard plastic that offers sturdy protection and a great look.
All the buttons, ports, drives, and plug sockets have
cutouts so you don't have to remove the shell. The two piece
snap-on design lets you open and close your MacBook Pro without
removing the shell. There is a cutout on the bottom so you can test
the battery without removing the case. The bottom half of the shell
must be removed to access the battery door, but it's quick and
simple to do.
The 15" SeeThru cases fit the 15" MacBook Pro Core Duo AND Core 2
Duo. It will not fit the
older G4 PowerBook model.
The SeeThru hard shell has 74 ventilation slots to
facilitate the MacBook Pro's internal cooling process. The shell is
designed to allow for thermal exchange out of the heatsinks and
fans of the computer.
- Fits 15" MacBook Pro Core Duo AND Core 2 Duo
- Also available for 13" MacBook & 17" MacBook Pro
Link: Speck SeeThru
Hard Shell Case for 15" MacBook Pro
Speck Canvas Sport MacBook Pro 15"
PR: Accessorize and protect your 15" MacBook Pro
with the stylish Canvas Sport case! Inspired by classic sneakers-
this case boasts a cool, sporty look and gives great protection to
your MacBook. Features a canvas body, rubber edges, and super-soft
interior lining.
This is a 'sleeve style case' that protects the entire MacBook
really well, all the time. The MacBook can not be used while in the
Canvas Sport case, however it's easy to slip it in and out of the
secure snap-closure when it's needed! If you are interested in
using your MacBook while in the case, check out Speck's SeeThru
hard shell case.
- Protective: Sturdy canvas body and rubber edges make this case
super protective. Sleeve style design keeps everything safe inside
the case.
- Sporty and Totally Cool: Classic sporty looks with rubber
striping on the edges- too cool!
- What's That In Your Pocket? Two pockets on the front of the
case for stashing small items like pens, business cards, or instant
green tea packets.
- Sturdy Outside, Soft on the Inside: Super soft interior lining
keeps your MacBook comfy and warm.
Canvas Sport cases come in two sizes, 15" and 13". This
case fits the 15" MacBook Pro Core Duo and 15" MacBook Pro Core Duo
Unsnap the Canvas Sport case and slip in your 15" MacBook Pro.
Snap the case shut and go! Your MacBook Pro stays secure inside and
slips out for easy access when you need it.
Features summary:
- Super-sturdy canvas & rubber materials
- Cool, classic sporty look
- Slip-in, slip out design with secure snap closure
- 'Sleeve' style case offers maximum protection
- 2 external pockets for small items
- Available in black and pink
Link: Speck Canvas Sport
MacBook Pro 15" Case
Moshi Codex 13se MacBook Case in
Opalescent Pink
Opalescent pink is the latest in fashionable wear for your 13" MacBook. Designed with a stylish
refractive light pink and white sheen, this special edition Codex
radiates subtle distinction with its ultra-slim and lightweight
design. Codex is a protective case that provides full access to all
interface ports as well as the DVD/CD slot when your MacBook is
opened. this enables users to constantly protect their precious
MacBook which never needs to be removed. codex guards your MacBook
against shocks and scratches with viscotex inserts and tetrahedron
inner linings.
As always, Moshi's limited edition products are tailored with
the utmost care to provide users an extraordinary product focused
on the most current styles.
- fitted with Viscotex, an advanced shock-absorbent material that
effectively dampens shock due to impact.
- designed to protect your MacBook Pro even while in use.
- removable carrying handle for added flexibility.
- includes ShieldPad, a keyboard protector that doubles as a
convenient portable mousepad.
- includes a separate Keychain protective case for the Apple
Remote - no more worries about misplacing it.
- limited edition codex provides you an exclusive customized
design for an added impact.
Note: Codex 13se is 100% form fitted to MacBook ; therefore it
will not fit iBook properly.

codex 13 se
SIZE: internal 13.0" x 9.0" x 1.1" (33.0 x 22.8 x 2.8cm)
COLOR: opalescent pink (other colors available)
Link: Codex
Moshi ShieldPad for MacBook and MacBook
PR: In addition to smears on the MacBook's LCD
screen caused by direct finger contact, grease and contaminates are
also indirectly transferred from the keyboard to the screen when
the MacBook is closed. over time as grease deposits build up, the
once crystal clear LCD screen will begin to have marks on them
resembling the keypad that are difficult to remove without proper
stain treatment solutions.
As a preventative measure, Moshi has devised a screen protector
that covers the keyboard completely and shields the screen from the
keyboard. not only will it safely protect and remove fingerprint
grease from the LCD screen, it also serves as a portable mouse
- Designed to fit both the MacBook and MacBook Pro.
- Effectively cushions the LCD screen when it is closed,
protecting the display from fingerprint grease, dust particles, and
scuff marks transferred from the keyboard.
- Conveniently doubles as a portable mousepad.
size : 12.4 " x 5.6 " ( 31.5cm x 14.25cm )
Material: Made of 100% optical-grade microfibre which can be
used to safely wipe off dust particles and smears on the
Link: Moshi
Moshi Releases Codex MacBook Pro/MacBook
PR: Moshi, purveyor of
electronics fashion, showcases Codex, an elegant slim-profile
protective case designed for Apple's MacBook. The Codex series not
only provides well-rounded protection for the MacBook, but are also
scrupulously designed around users needs.
Listening to the demands of users who wish to protect their
MacBooks while in use, Moshi designs Codex with an "always-on"
concept. The shell-case design enables users to accomplish work on
their MacBook without ever having to remove it from Codex cases.
Users will also appreciate the fact that even with Codex on, all of
MacBook's interface ports as well as its DVD/CD slot remain fully
accessible without any noticeable obstruction from the protective
Designed to insulate the
MacBook at all times from the wear and tear of daily use without
compromising slim form factor and light weight, Codex cradles the
MacBook in Viscotex?, a visco-elastic foam insert that effectively
dampens shocks and impacts. The interior lining is made of
Terahedron? microfiber which constantly clean and buff the
MacBook's delicate surface.
Codex comes in 15" and 13" which perfectly fits the MacBook Pro
and MacBook respectively. Codex 15 is available in Metallic Silver
and Codex 13 is available in both Metallic Black and Metallic
Specifications & Features
- Internal Dimensions: 360 x 250 x 28 mm for Codex 15; 330 x 228
x 28 for Codex 13
- Viscotex sandwiched layer for shock/impact absorption
- Asymmetric zipper design for full interface port/DVD slot
access (patent pending)
- Anti-slip rubber lifts on four corners for added stability
(patent pending)
- Includes a separate key-chained protective case for Apple
- Comes bundled with ShieldPad™, a keyboard protector that
doubles as a mousepad.
Link: Codex
MacBook Pro/MacBook Cases
Impact Resistant MaxProtect Bag for
PowerBooks, iBooks, and MacBooks
PR: MaxProtect is an impact resistant carrying bag for
PowerBooks, MacBooks, and iBooks that provides maximum shock
protection while carrying your computer that provides maximum shock
protection while carrying your computer. MaxProtect is made of
Visco-Elastic Memory Foam which exhibits excellent resistance
against impact and shock.
MaxProtect tightly envelopes the whole notebook, providing
padded protection on all sides from external impact or shock during
daily usage.
- High Impact resistance polyurethane foam for shock absorption
from all sides.
- Thick Foam padding throughout the entire surface of the
- Two zippers pull apart design.
- Protected zipper closure, zippers don't come in contact with
the Power book.
- Handles for easy Transportation.
- Tight Form fitting design for all PowerBook and iBook sizes for
maximum protection.
- Ultra Thin.
- Unsurpassed quality.
Sizes to fit all current Apple portables 12" through 17"
Prices from $23.99 - $28.99
MaxProtect: Impact Resistant Protective Bag
Bargain 'Books
Bargain 'Books are used unless otherwise indicated. New and
refurbished units have a one-year Apple warranty and are eligible
for AppleCare.
There are two different versions of WallStreet running at 233
MHz, the cacheless MainStreet
version and the later Series II
with a level 2 cache. It's not always possible to determine from
the vendor's listing which is being offered, so we've included
links within this paragraph to the two models. The same goes for
the PowerBook G4/667 (VGA) and
G4/667 (DVI), the titanium vs.
aluminum 15" PowerBook G4 at 1 GHz, and 1.25 GHz to 1.5 GHz 15"
PowerBook, iBook, and MacBook profiles linked in our Portable Mac Index.
- refurb 2.0 GHz Core 2 MacBook, white, 1 GB/80/SD, $999
- refurb 2.16 GHz Core 2 MacBook, white, 1 GB/120//SD, $1,099
- refurb 15" 2.0 GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro, 512/80/SD, $1,349
- refurb 15" 2.16 GHz Core Duo MacBook Pro, 1 GB/100/SD,
- refurb 15" 2.16 GHz Core 2 MacBook Pro, 1 GB/120/SD, $1,599
- refurb 15" 2.33 GHz Core 2 MacBook Pro, 2 GB/120/SD, $1,999
- refurb 17" 2.33 GHz Core 2 MacBook Pro, 2 GB/160/SD, $2,299
TechRestore is offering a $25 discount to 'Book Review readers
off any PowerBook or iBook in stock. Just enter the code CWM during
checkout when ordering online. The coupon code is valid from now
through 2007.12.31.
- 12" iBook G3/700, 256/20/Combo, $469.99
- 15" PowerBook G4/400, 256/20/DVD, $549.99 less $25 =
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- 17" PowerBook G4/1.5 GHz, 512/80/SD, $1,149.99 less $25 =
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$25 = $1,824.99
- Lombard PowerBook G3/333, 128/4/CD, $219.99
- Lombard PowerBook G3/400, 128/4/CD, $299.99
- G4 processor upgrade special (valid only with machine purchase)
, $179.99 installed
- 15" PowerBook G4/800, 256/30/Combo, No Ethernet, $449
- 15" PowerBook G4/1.33 GHz, 512/60/Combo, $799
- refurb 15" PowerBook G4/1 GHz, 256/60/SD, APX, BT, $849
- 15" PowerBook G4/867, 512/60/SD, $675
- Add AirPort for $75
- 17" PowerBook G4/1.0 GHz, 512/60/SD, APX, $959
- refurb 15" PowerBook G4/1.5 GHz, 512/80/SD, APX, BT,
- 12" clamshell iBook G3/300, blueberry, 64/3/CD, $169.95
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- 12" clamshell iBook G3/366, Key lime, 128/10/CD, $289.95
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- 12" iBook G3/500, 128/40/CD-RW, $299.95
- 12" iBook G3/600, 128/20/CD, $249.95
- 14" Pismo PowerBook G3/400, 256/20/DVD, $379.95
- 12" iBook G4/1 GHz, 512/30/CD, AP, $479.95
- 12" iBook G4/1 GHz, 512/30/Combo, AP, $559.95
- 15" PowerBook G4/500, 256/20/DVD, $449.99
- 15" PowerBook G4/1.5 GHz, 512/80/SD, APX, BT, $1,099.95
- 12" iBook G3/500, 192/10/CD, $284.95
- 12" iBook G3/600, 128/20/CD, $324.95
- 12" iBook G3/700, 256/20/CD, $379.95
- 12" clamshell iBook G3/300, 64/3/CD, OS 9, $129.99
- 12" clamshell iBook G3/300, 256/3/CD, OS X 10.3, $189.99
- 12" iBook G3/500, 128/10/CD, OS X, $209
- 12" iBook G3/500, 128/30/CD, OS X, $279
- 12" iBook G3/600, 128/30/CD, OS X, $329
For deals on current and discontinued 'Books, see our 13" MacBook and MacBook Pro,
MacBook Air, 13" MacBook Pro, 15" MacBook Pro, 17" MacBook Pro, 12" PowerBook G4, 15" PowerBook G4, 17" PowerBook G4, titanium PowerBook G4,
iBook G4, PowerBook G3, and iBook G3 deals.
We also track iPad,
iPhone, iPod touch, iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod shuffle deals.