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Welcome to Cozmo's Email

Cozmo's Email is made up of mostly, well, Cozmo's email. Coz is an active participant in several Low End Mac email lists; that's where a good portion of his material comes from. List members hold him in varying degrees of awe, apprehension, bemusement, and disdain. Most enjoy reading what Coz has to say. We hope you'll feel the same way.

Cozmo writes on a Quadra 660av with 40 MB of memory and Mac OS 8.1. This project was written, and carried out almost exclusively, in Outlook Express, with much support from Internet Explorer, Cozmo's personal library, and his wealth of Macintosh experience. You may notice that Cozmo has some odd notions; so have we, and while we cannot agree with all of them, we do find him a kindred spirit, and wonder what the heck he's going to say next.

Cozmo grew up all over the United States and on the Pacific island of Guam. After a somewhat adventurous youth, he decided to live in an attic, grow a beard, and paint on canvas with brush and acrylics. This went well until May of 1983, when he had a chance encounter in a K-Mart with a 2k RAM computer for $50. Having too much money in his pocket at the time, he bought it and took it home. The rest is history. He never picked up a brush again. He is largely self-educated and is fond of the Village of Chagrin Falls, but has not been there in years.

If you can't get enough of Cozmo here, look for his postings on some of our email lists.

Cozmo's Articles

Photo by L. Cross. Scan by Tangram Associates.

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  • Mac of the Day: Colby WalkMac, introduced 1989.06. A pair of portables based on the SE and SE/30.
  • List of the Day: Rocketeer is for those using or interested in the Radius Rocket.
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