The Legendary DayStar Turbo 040 Hot Rods 68030 Macs

One of the most widely used and well known Macintosh upgrades of the 680×0 era is the venerable DayStar Digital Turbo 040. Later versions of this card have 128 KB onboard cache memory, while older ones have a socket to accept a cache upgrade. 25, 33, and 40 MHz versions were created, and the slower […]

Use Regular Mac OS X to Set Up a Low-end Server

Apple offers Mac OS X Server in both a $499 10-client edition and a $999 unlimited client version. While the unlimited version offers one of the best values in enterprise server software, it’s cheaper sibling is mighty expensive for an organization that only needs to serve ten users.

The Productive Mac

Thomas Ahart has lived in Kansas City all his life and has been using Macs since about 1996. He owned a Gateway PC before he got his first Mac, and it was so troublesome that he was fed up and wanted to try a new platform. He tried a Mac and loved it instantly.

Handiapped Website Strives to Empower the Handicapped

Frank Petrie is a reviewer and web designer with Multiple Sclerosis. He starts his welcome page at by saying, “This site is for those of us who have, or will have, bits dropping off.” One assumes that this is meant to be taken figuratively as well as literally.

Apple’s Copland Project

In 1995, Microsoft was busy promoting the latest release of Windows, Windows 95. Apple was confident that users would still be attracted to the Mac because of its interface – but also worried that Windows’ multitasking environment would put Mac OS 7.5 to shame.