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The Menagerie of Macs - Issue 5

The Menagerie of Macs

Issue #5

Editor's Note

This month I was planning on writing a nice little piece on the personal style of the Mac. A little article that talked about how cool they are with their aesthetics, design, and following. But that is no more. Due to some unaccounted for problems I will be writing about the possible advent of the end of the Menagerie of Macs.

Things are falling apart up here in the great white North. I was away during the better part of the March break and that made things a little confusing. In fact it made this issue almost two weeks late. Also, I've been let down by some people that promised me articles and didn't come through. Not to mention that fact that MacWorld seems to be inside my head(first they did the PowerBook issue a week after I thought of it and now an internet issue, I didn't bother writing my article when I saw it). This issue is a little skimpy compared to the previous four.

So I have two choices. Either I discontinue the Menagerie or I hand it over to someone else. It isn't the fact that I don't have time or resources, although both are slim, it's just that I'm fresh out of ideas. I leave it up to you, the readers, to either submit more articles and letters, or volunteer to take the reins.

If someone wishes to take over I'd be glad to provide them with all the information needed as well as previous issues, old e-mails, and any leadership I can give. Please e-mail me if you are interested.

To all the new subscribers(I've nearly doubled circulation) I would like to apologize. Not to take anything away from the writers who submitted but this issue doesn't have the same amount of content as past nor does it have anything from myself.

Lastly I would like to graciously thank Janko Luin for all the help he has given me in past months. He has written several articles for the Menagerie. The problem that I am currently facing would have shown itself much earlier if it wasn't for him. Also thank-you readers, this may be the last message you receive from me.

Brad Harrison

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