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Strata StudioPro™ Blitz is the first product available which
fully supports QuickDraw™3D. The new features of this product
will revolutionize the way you work in 3D. Have fun with real-time
textured model manipulation and editing!
In addition to the award-winning rendering and animation options
currently available in StudioPro, now you can also render scenes as
Apple™ QuickTime VR-ready files to create virtual reality worlds
and objects which you can view interactively. Or create 3D worlds for
the World Wide Web (WWW) through direct support for Virtual Reality
Modeling Language (VRML).
StudioPro Blitz is also one of the first products to fully support
multiprocessor technology - including the Genesis MP™ System from
Daystar. Take advantage of two or more 604 chips, and watch your
renderings really move. Blitz also supports hardware acceleration
In addition, the Raytracing renderer is now optimized for StudioPro
Blitz. With or without hardware acceleration, Raytracing is faster
Thank you for reading this file. Please read it carefully. It
contains information about successfully installing the software
package, and important operating information. You may wish to print
this document so you can have a hard copy to follow during the
installation process
Included in this Release:
The StudioPro Blitz application updater, a new StrataAppKernel, a
new Preferences file, and all new extensions.
In addition, a prerelease Boolean Modeler included with this
release allows you to test-drive some of the latest and greatest work
of Strata engineers. For more information, please refer to the Boolean
Prerelease ReadMe included in this release.
Remember, the Boolean is a prerelease product. It is faster and
more precise, but is not a full release, and you may experience minor
New features in Blitz 1.75+
Improved handling of Adobe Illustrator files - StudioPro Blitz will
now read all Illustrator files Version 3 and above.
Improved VRML - StudioPro Blitz now handles VRML files more
efficiently, and creates smaller files while doing so.
Improved memory use by the Raytracing renderer - The Raytracing
renderer is now more memory efficient, allowing you to render larger
Improved memory handling, new Preferences options: You now have the
option of modeling with or without QuickDraw 3D, depending on your
modeling needs. You also have new caching and display options in your
Preferences dialog. For more information, see Chapter 1 of the Addendum
which accompanies this release.
Improved handling of very large DXF files: A new option in the DXF
Import dialog allows you to have meshes extracted as polygons when
importing large files. See Chapter 9 of the Addendum for more
A Power Mac.
A hard-disk drive with a minimum of 20 Mb free.
16 Mb of RAM.
Apple System 7.1.2 or later. System 7.5.1 (or later) is
QuickDraw 3D - Version 1.0.3, included in this package, is not
required, but is recommended.
StudioPro Blitz is optimized for the 604 chip, but will run well on
the 601 and 603 as well.
DISABLE VIRUS PROTECTION: Strata Incorporated has stringent
antivirus procedures in place throughout its operation. Everything
possible is done to maintain the integrity of the StudioPro product up
to the point when you open the package. For peace of mind, you should
scan the StudioPro installation disks before beginning, then turn off
ALL virus protection during the actual installation process. After you
have completed the installation, you can turn your anti-viral cdevs and
extensions back on.
If you have the GateKeeper™ virus sentry, it absolutely MUST be
disabled before installation of StudioPro. GateKeeper is very
aggressive in its protection and has the potential to actually corrupt
the application as it is installed, making it unusable. Once the
StudioPro application folder is in place, GateKeeper can be used
without concern.
TO UPDATE the StudioPro Blitz application, double-click
"StudioPro™ Blitz v1.75 Update". It will ask you to locate the
old StudioPro Blitz application. Find either StudioPro™ Blitz
v1.75, StudioPro™ Blitz v1.75+ Beta, or StudioPro™ Blitz
v1.75+ Beta 2. Click "Update". After the application has been updated,
drag all the remaining files and folders into the Strata
StudioPro™ Blitz É. It will ask if you want to replace
existing files. Click yes.
Apple™'s QuickDraw 3D v1.0.3 can be found on Strata Inc.'s
home page at or from Apple's
home page at
It is not necessary to install QuickDraw 3D in order to run StudioPro
Blitz, but it is recommended. We also recommend that you upgrade from
QD3D 1.0.2 to 1.0.3. Once you have downloaded QD3D, double-click on the
icon to start the install process. Don't forget to restart after QD3D
is installed.
The Dicer and the Navigable Movie Player are available from Apple
Computer as part of the QuickTime VR Authoring Tools Suite. The Dicer
is needed to transform StudioPro's QTVR Panoramic rendering into a
walkthrough panorama that can be viewed interactively. The Navigable
Movie Player is needed to transform StudioPro's object rendering into a
QTVR Object movie. After these movies have been converted using Apple's
tools, they may be viewed with Apple's QTVR Player. To get the QTVR
Player, see Strata Inc.'s home page on the Internet at Once you have accessed Strata's home page, go
to the StudioPro 'Facts' section.
AFTER INSTALLATION: If you have System 7.1.2, a Thread
Manager will be installed in the Extension Folder in your active System
Folder. You will need to restart your machine before you run StudioPro.
The Thread Manager is not required with System 7.5 or later, and will
not be installed.
If you are using a Power Mac 9500, be sure you are running with
System Enabler v1.1 or higher. If not, you need to update your system
to this version.
PLEASE NOTE: On Power Macs be sure that the "Modern Memory
Manager" option is turned on in the Memory control panel in order to
render images in StudioPro. On true Power Macintosh machines, this will
need to be done only once. But on older Macintoshes with an upgrade
card installed, you will need to remember each time you switch from
680x0 operation to Power Mac mode.
PERSONALIZATION: Upon launching StudioPro for the first time,
you will be presented with a personalization dialog. In addition to
entering your name and organization, you are REQUIRED to enter a serial
number and a name (not a company name). If you don't, a message will
appear telling you that the serial number is invalid. StudioPro will
not run without the correct serial number. You are provided a unique
serial number in the product box, on your quick reference card. Enter
it EXACTLY as it is presented. This same serial number is also included
on the registration card you return to Strata Incorporated to become a
registered owner &emdash; entitling you to technical support access
and many other benefits. Please refer to the beginning of Chapter 1 in
the User Manual for further information about personalizing your copy
of StudioPro and entering the serial number.
VIRTUAL MEMORY: There is absolutely NO SUBSTITUTE for real
RAM. Using any form of disk space to simulate memory (such as Apple's
Virtual Memory) will slow all Blitz functions. If you have enough RAM,
you should disable Virtual Memory and the image spooling option within
StudioPro through the Preferences command. This will improve your
VIRTUAL IMAGE CACHE: If you run out of memory while
rendering, you may want to use StudioPro Blitz's virtual image cache.
You should have at least ten megabytes of free space on your hard disk
drive. Virtual image cache is used when the "Spooling for Rendering"
check box is turned on in the Preferences command's dialog box. If you
do not have enough RAM to render a particular image, you can use this
option. Even if you have enough RAM and even though this may result in
additional accessing of the hard disk, turning on the virtual image
cache can often improve performance. The size of this cache file on the
hard-disk drive varies with the number of objects and texture maps in
the 3-D model, the dimensions and resolution of a rendering, and the
type of rendering method used. Extremely large projects may require as
much as 50-60 megabytes of disk space.
If the message: "The Application StudioPro v1.75 could not be
opened because StrataAppKernal could not be found" appears, it is
because not enough RAM is available. To free up more RAM before
launching, reduce the partition size in the application's Get Info
window, or quit other applications that may be running.
Please note that our new features can be memory intensive due to
the numerous calculations performed, so be patient. This is especially
true with the Boolean modeler. Also be aware that performing Boolean
operations will produce polygonal surfaces for the resulting objects.
You may wish to smooth them, using the Smooth modeler, if they appear
When editing a skinned object in the 3d Sculpter, selected handles
will not automatically deselect when you click on another handle. To
deselect one or more handles on skinned objects, simply click away from
the object in the window.
Occasionally, when you import a model from a different file format,
it will appear very small - you will not be able to see the object at
all, just the selection handles. This is due to a difference in
coordinate systems, and is easily corrected. Make the object larger by
using the Transform command or the Resize tool. NOTE: The Raytracer and
Raydiosity™ renderers will not function properly with these very
small objects until they are resized.
On some models, lighting will not appear correctly in Smooth
Shading display. If the object doesn't render correctly, you may need
to flip the mesh faces. See the User Manual, page 3.116. You can also
switch to Quick Shaded, and the model should appear correctly.
Some 3DMF files containing objects with holes or NURBs will not
import properly in the current version of StudioPro. If the software
encounters a hole or a NURB it cannot handle, a warning dialog will
appear, giving you the option of stopping the operation or continuing.
If you choose to continue importing the 3DMF file, Blitz will ignore
the hole or NURB.
While using the Wireframe, Quick Shading and Smooth Shading
renderers, you will not be able to use the Render Later command.
If you have a QuickDraw 3D with a Version 1.0.3 or lower, it may
not release all of the memory used for a model until you quit the
program. Opening and closing large models can accelerate the resulting
memory problems. Turning off QuickDraw 3D in your preferences dialog
will allow you to avoid this situation. If you experience memory
problems, try quitting StudioPro Blitz, and any other program which
utilizes QuickDraw 3D.
Future releases of Apple's QuickDraw 3D should improve these memory
situations, as well as improving the speed of the wireframe renderer,
and eliminating the occasional inverse polygon you may experience (see
No. 5 of this section). New versions of QuickDraw 3D will be made
available to StudioPro Blitz users as soon as Apple releases them.
NOTE: If you are working on a model and decide to conserve
memory by turning off object caching and/or texture map display, the
memory QuickDraw has already used performing these functions in your
model will not be released until you quit the program and relaunch.
For further information about other Strata products including
libraries and accessories, contact your nearest Apple Macintosh
software dealer, or telephone Strata Inc. at 1-800-6STRATA. Technical
support for registered owners is available at (801) 628-9751. Please DO
NOT call the toll-free number for technical support. It is reserved for
sales purposes and you cannot be transferred to the technical services
group from that number.
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price quotes and advertising information, please
contactat BackBeat Media (646-546-5194). This number
is for advertising only.