macOS Big Sur 11.0

On November 12th 2020, Apple released macOS Big Sur for both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, after having been announced June 22nd the same year at WWDC 2020.. This version of macOS is named after the coastal region of Big Sur in the central Californian coast, continuing the theme of California named locations started way […]

macOS 12.0 Monterey

On October 25th 2021, Apple released macOS Monterey for both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, after having been announced June 7th the same year. This version of macOS is named after the Monterey Bay, continuing the theme of California named locations started way back in 2013 with Mavericks. This version drops support for many Macs, […]

macOS 13.0 Ventura

On October 24th 2022, Apple released macOS Ventura for both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, after having been announced June 6th the same year. This version of macOS is named after the city of Ventura in CA, continuing the theme of California named locations. Up close and thematically, this is very much the macOS we […]

macOS 14.0 Sonoma

On September 26th 2023, Apple released macOS Sonoma for both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, after having been announced June 5th the same year. This version of macOS is named after the wine region in California’s Sonoma County, continuing the theme of California named locations. Up close and thematically, this is very much the macOS […]

macOS 15.0 Sequoia

On September 16th 2024, Apple released macOS Sequoia for both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs, after having been announced June 10th the same year. This version of macOS is named after the national park in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, continuing the theme of California locations. Up close and thematically, this is very much the […]

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6 – 10.6.8 for PowerPC

The official “De Jure” Mac OS X Snow Leopard was announced at WWDC 2008, released August 28th 2009, and ultimately was never intended to run on PowerPC in the end. For a long time, it was known there were PowerPC-compatible beta builds of OS X Snow Leopard, however, these builds remained seemingly elusive until 2020. […]

macOS Sierra

For the first time since Apple released OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion in July 2012, Apple has dropped support for a number of older Macs that had supported OS X 10.8 through 10.11 El Capitan. No MacBook and iMac models prior to Late 2009 and no MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and Mac Pro […]

Parallels 11, Fusion 8 and VirtualBox 5 – Oh My!

Time for another look at virtualization software, letting Macintosh users run PC operating system such as Windows or Ubuntu on their Macs. There are three competitors in the Mac emulation market – Parallels Desktop (US$79 or as an annual $99 subscription Pro version), VMware Fusion (also US$79), and Oracle’s (free and open source) VirtualBox.

OS X 10.11 El Capitan

WARNING: If you have updated boot.efi on a MacPro1,1 or MacPro2,1 so you can run Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, DO NOT INSTALL SECURITY UPDATE 2018-001. According to Greg Hrutkay of Hrutkay Mods (see warning video), it breaks boot.efi on the 2006 and 2007 Mac Pros that have been thus updated. With OS X […]

OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Apple previewed OS X 10.10 Yosemite on June 2, 2014, at the Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC). In addition to a lot of new features and a whole new level of integration with iOS devices, Yosemite looks like the most beautiful version of the Mac OS to date.

Stainless Browser: Light and Efficient, But…

Since I have made the Dual 1.8 MHz Power Mac G5 my primary machine, I have been on the hunt looking for an alternative to Safari 5.0.6 . This has lead me to Stainless 0.8, a Chrome influenced browser that, while no longer in active development, is still available for download. (Source code is available […]

Virtually Yours: New Versions of Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion Open Windows for Mac Users

Imagine if you could seamlessly open any document and run any program on your computer. Wouldn’t that be great? Read and edit old word processor files – MacWord, anyone? WordStar? Run PC games on your Mac, Super Nintendo games on your Windows PC? Like the peaceful utopia in John Lennon’s Imagine, we’re not there yet. […]

OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Apple previewed OS X 10.9 Mavericks at the June 2013 Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC), and it appears to be a big step forward for OS X – perhaps the biggest since Apple made the transition from the “classic” Mac OS 9 to OS X 10.0 way back in March 2001.

World Book Encyclopedia 2012 DVD

In schools, libraries and homes across America, World Book Encyclopedia has always been considered the go-to reference for general knowledge in a clear, easy-to-understand format. World Book Encyclopedia has been in print since 1917, and within the last couple of decades it has expanded to digital formats such as CDs, DVDs, and the internet. The […]

Avoid Password Insanity with LastPass

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had lots of different email addresses over the years – and lots of different websites you log into. The Mac’s password manager does a good job if you have a single Mac, but things gets messy when you use multiple Macs (or multiple versions of OS X on the […]